32%: Joe Biden is now officially the least liked president in American history

I recall that Nixon was in the 20s when he resigned, but ol Joe has only been in office 18 months.
wow... thanks so much for this interesting info!

one very interesting fact is how the very young are more against him than those a little older..

This after all the indoctrination from schools and everywhere else.. fake media... etc

People are waking up.. :)

I thought it was interesting to see the massive hits Biden's approval rating took after he let 13 American soldiers die in his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, and again after he invited Putin to invade Ukraine.

Of course, the real issue most Americans will be thinking about when they vote in November is how Biden trashed our economy, and laughed about it.
I thought it was interesting to see the massive hits Biden's approval rating took after he let 13 American soldiers die in his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, and again after he invited Putin to invade Ukraine.

Of course, the real issue most Americans will be thinking about when they vote in November is how Biden trashed our economy, and laughed about it.
yes, I htink that is what will be uppermost in Americans' minds... the BAD economy... but they (we) should never forget the border disaster... letting all those unknown people into our country to do God knows what to us, We the Poor People (poor because we are hated by that... that fake pres)..

then there's the fact he wants to kill most unborn children (perception)

I LOL at this

State that most dislikes Bydim is WY where that *&^%$#@ Liz Cheney is up for re-election after doing a benedict arnold on Trump

State that dislikes him the most... maybe I should move to a place like that... kind of cold in the winter but hey...
I guess 51% of blacks aint black according to Joe Biden.

Only 49% of blacks approve of Biden’s performance.

Look for Biden to NOT RUN IN 2024.


24% of Hispanics and 49% of Blacks approve of Biden?


51% aint Black

Good... Blacks used to vote for dims something like 95% of the time...

:) :)

quite odd that more young people are against byedim than the oldest group... but you know how it goes... with age comes dementia and other such problems
Who are the 32% who APPROVE?

I am the 32%, ask me any follow up question you want.

Biden is doing and saying mostly the right things, but only so much a president can do.

Trying to hang difficulties with inflation, or Russian invasion on him is about as stupid as blaming Trump for Covid recession that came before the follow up distortions.
Let me repeat.

24% of Hispanics and 49% of Blacks approve of Biden’s performance.

Who do Dems reply on for winning elections? (besides ballot harvesting mules)


The cult is proper fucked.
My question is this...what the heck are the 32% who approve of his job performance smoking? How can you approve of someone when EVERYTHING they touch turns to shit? It baffles me.

I can understand why people hated Trump's personality...but at least he did the job! Biden is an embarrassment.
couldn't have said it better...

I guess now we know something we didn't really know (consciously?) until now:

32% of Americans are dumb as a - box o'rocks

(well, maybe not that dumb... My Christian faith informs me they are also, just like us, created in God's image... wish they'd act like it...)

I am the 32%, ask me any follow up question you want.

Biden is doing and saying mostly the right things, but only so much a president can do.

Trying to hang difficulties with inflation, or Russian invasion on him is about as stupid as blaming Trump for Covid recession that came before the follow up distortions.

Your little hate cult is shrinking every day. After November, you'll be completely insignificant.
Let me repeat.

24% of Hispanics and 49% of Blacks approve of Biden’s performance.

Who do Dems reply on for winning elections? (besides ballot harvesting mules)


The cult is proper fucked.
This time it will have to a million mules...

1. Don't be a hater.

2. Democrats are not going anywhere, no matter how many day dreams you have.

You're just going to be totally insignificant, not gone. Hillary Clinton wanted to murder all of Trump's supporters. We don't want Biden supporters murdered, just irrelevant, which is looking very likely.

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