34 J6 Prisoners in DC, Some on Misdemeanor Charges, Pen Letter Asking to Go to Gitmo to Escape Beatings, Conditions

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As soon as you present credible proof that anything on that silly Gatewaypundit list is tue, something will be done about it. Perhaps you can name a specific person and any abuses you think he has suffered.
I can tell you watched the lying pee tape on a loop over and over again. Did it get you hot and bothered? Bet you read The Lying Dirty Dossier like it was a soft porn romance novel.

You have zero credibility.

None of you that pushed the lies of The DemNazi Party in their attempts to overthrow our Democracy and overturn our Election through a Bureacratic COUP codenamed Operation Russian Collusion Cross Fire Hurricane SHOULD EVER BE BELIEVED AGAIN!

You are branded forever as a LIAR. All of you. At least wear your scarlet letter with some DIGNITY and be proud that you are Filth.
The only thing I would respect more is if you actually came out and apologized for lying about Russian Collusion and repented of your crimes against God and humanity.

But you are too proud, too calloused, too recalcitrant, and too delusional to ever do that. The flames of Hell await thee, and no one will lament your loss.
I can tell you watched the lying pee tape on a loop over and over again. Did it get you hot and bothered? Bet you read The Lying Dirty Dossier like it was a soft porn romance novel.

You have zero credibility.

None of you that pushed the lies of The DemNazi Party in their attempts to overthrow our Democracy and overturn our Election through a Bureacratic COUP codenamed Operation Russian Collusion Cross Fire Hurricane SHOULD EVER BE BELIEVED AGAIN!

You are branded forever as a LIAR. All of you. At least wear your scarlet letter with some DIGNITY and be proud that you are Filth.
The only thing I would respect more is if you actually came out and apologized for lying about Russian Collusion and repented of your crimes against God and humanity.

But you are too proud, too calloused, too recalcitrant, and too delusional to ever do that. The flames of Hell await thee, and no one will lament your loss.
That's interesting and all, but not really on subject. What about this subject? Any proof any of those silly GP claims are true?
Lucas Denny who was named on the FBIs most wanted list, and was wanted before the insurrection? The self professed leader of The Patriot Boys of North Texas, who pled guilty? This guy calling for a military coup? How were his rights denied?

Like I already said, in the post you replied to, he was held without charges. To the point that the feds had to admit they had violated the law.

Oh, wait, you weren't actually asking a real question were you? You just wanted to spam negative shit about him to JUSTIFY the violation of his rights.

Whoa. So, another supposed "liberal" that is against human rights. Got it. Thanks.

If you want to refute what I said, start talking shit about the feds that did that, like you have been about your political enemies.
That's interesting and all, but not really on subject. What about this subject? Any proof any of those silly GP claims are true?
Funny how you were NEVER skeptical about the lies you pushed here about Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane. Even when you were shown they were lies, you kept pushing the lies, because you knew they were lies from DAY 1. Fermenting Sedition and Rebellion especially unjustly and trying to overthrow our Democracy and Overturn our Election through lies and propaganda is actually a crime.

100 years ago, you and your friends would be rounded up and tried for TREASON.


I see no point in debating with a Child of Hell bound for The Eternal Lake of Fire with a serpent's tongue, and a heart filled with Evil. You are delusional, yet that will not be permitted as an excuse the day you face The Flames of Hell.


2nd Thessalonians 2:10-12

10 and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. 11 For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12 in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.
Those assholes attacked the damn Capitol and tried to subvert an election.

Fuck em.

Jail sucks? No kidding .

Being beaten or starved is not "jail sucks" but a violation of their human rights.

That you support this, is liberals revealing that they are anti-human rights.

As we on the Right have known for a long time now. BUt now, you are being increasingly open about your anti-American and communists beliefs.

You are a tyrant.
Being beaten or starved is not "jail sucks" but a violation of their human rights.
Newsflash sweetums...that's how jail is...for everyone but the rich

Maybe you ought to put your energy into prison reform
They fucked around and found out.

And ya know what they found out?

Jail sucks

Only the rich go to country club prisons
It's all on them. Their actions. Their behaviors. Justice will be served.
You pussy cosplayers keep trying to tough talk each other into growing some balls but we know all boys are fantasy players already. Go throw lightening bolts at each other in park because goading one another to commit suicide by cop isn't effective strategy. 😂

You have no idea of what some of the "pussy cosplayers" here have done that would cause you to freak out.
The words and concept are honorable. America has always been Great, even though we have done some less than great things. The problem is the less than honorable group who have adopted that phrase, much like when the KKK adopted " For God. and country" as a country. The words alone are laudable, Too bad the sentimant that is currently associated with them is so dishonorable. When the major characteristic of your party leader is how much he lies and cheats, and your only goal in the upcoming election is to get revenge on your political enemies, the use of a flowery sounding motto isn't going to impart integrity to your cult.
Not so, BULLDOG The worm has turned and it's time to pay the piper.
Newsflash sweetums...that's how jail is...for everyone but the rich

Maybe you ought to put your energy into prison reform

I kind of doubt that. Too many lib lawyers. Random beatings, starvation... nope, not buying it.
Your ignorance is your problem

Yeah, I have contacts in LE and related. Your claims to not match with what I have heard.

This sounds like politically motivated oppression and a violation of their rights. Anyone that supports it, has no right to ever whine like a faggot about any civil rights again.
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