34 J6 Prisoners in DC, Some on Misdemeanor Charges, Pen Letter Asking to Go to Gitmo to Escape Beatings, Conditions

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Did you send money to bail out your fascist BLM buddies in 2020? Fuck no you didn't. You're an idiot that couldn't hang in a logical discussion.
You're the one trying to change the subject in this discussion. I didn't go on a discussion board in 2020 whining because nobody was doing what was my responsibility.
Fucking anti American assholes deserve it.
If all this is true, a study of the officials and jail guards would provide the information about their home addresses so that a contingent of patriotic Americans could go burn their homes down with their families inside. Next on the list would be the members of the Jan 6 Committee. Fuckum all. And if you want to report me so be it.
If all this is true, a study of the officials and jail guards would provide the information about their home addresses so that a contingent of patriotic Americans could go burn their homes down with their families inside. Next on the list would be the members of the Jan 6 Committee. Fuckum all. And if you want to report me so be it.
You are what MAGA has done to the once honorable GOP.
You are what MAGA has done to the once honorable GOP.
You are one sick A-hole. Since when has Make America Great Again been dishonorable? We've been kowtowing to the soon to be walking dead far too long. It's getting time to break out the long rifles.
That's just silly. Like the term TEABAGGER, you freely and proudly chose that name, but now you whine when you are called by it. You should be more caregul when making up names for yourself MAGA/Teabagger.
Sorry, snowflake, I have taken on no such labels. These derogatory labels, btw, were made up.by partisan idiots like you.

'Ultra MAGA' - created by Biden and Democrays.

I personally reject labels and those who create / use them.

Democrats, for example, have so overused the term 'racist' in an attempt to use it as both sword and shield to attack, intimidate, and silence the opposition that hardly anyone bats an eye at the use of the term - it's become a joke.

When someone uses a term.like 'teabagfer' or 'Ultra MAGA' it is a sign that they are threatened by those they are attacking and calling names.

It is not a reflection of / on those being insulted / called names but instead of / on the pathetic snowflakes doing the childish name-calling and insulting.

When idiots like you attempt to call me names, brand me with some label, and claim I somehow took on the name you are trying to call me myself - as if you somehow knew anything about me, I just laugh at you...like I'm doing now.
Im not sure what a negro-lover is supposed to be, but anyone who takes that term as a personal insult is a racist. Don't worry. I'm aware you certainly intended it to be an insult, but that's just because you are racist. If you support and vote for MAGA/republican/ crazy right wing politicians, you are a MAGA/republican/crazy right winger. The only difference is some are embarrassed to admit it.
Oy. (Slaps forehead).

Look, get this through your dimwitted leftard head. I don't care what you call me. I respond to most things. "Hey asshole" usually gets my attention.

What I can tell you for 100% certain for sure, is Stalinism won't be allowed in this country.

I'll vote, sure. I'll vote for the dogcatcher over one of you retarded leftholes. Probably 3/4 of America will at this point.

I'm helping the righties because you dimwitted leftards gotta go.

(That's redundant, but you gotta go anyway).
Democrats have gone 'scored earth' in an attempt to reverse course and undo everything Trump accomplished...
What is the LEGAL basis for this, and isn't doing so actually doing the very thing they are trying to accuse MAGA and Trump Supporters of doing? Isn't what they do TREASON by any common use of the word?

Democrats, Biden, and snowflakes have and are desperately attempting to make the term 'MAGA' - like 'Racist' - a derogatory term while attempting to.brand parents opposed to their policies / agendas 'Domestic Terrorists' and label all Conservatives 'threats to the nation
An old Soviet KGB/Allinsky ploy. Funny how often the democrat party has more in common with the likes of the Red Chinese, Soviet Communists, ISIS and the like than they do Main Street America.
You are one sick A-hole. Since when has Make America Great Again been dishonorable? We've been kowtowing to the soon to be walking dead far too long. It's getting time to break out the long rifles.
You pussy cosplayers keep trying to tough talk each other into growing some balls but we know all boys are fantasy players already. Go throw lightening bolts at each other in park because goading one another to commit suicide by cop isn't effective strategy. 😂

Does this country have a conscience anymore? This is PRE-TRIAL. Not convicted.

"Thirty-four US political prisoners of the Biden regime penned a very sad letter this week requesting a transfer to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba facility where they would receive meals, sunlight, freedom of religion, exercise, entertainment, and be treated like human beings.

These thirty-four January 6 political prisoners have been held for over a year and a half without trial for misdemeanors and trumped-up felony charges."

Ryan Samsel
View attachment 704708

  • Begging for Help / Water / Medical Aid / Mercy through a 4 inch by 10 inch window of cold metal doors
  • No Visitations
  • No Religious Services
  • No Attorney Access
  • Mail delayed 3-4 months prior to delivery
  • Laundry returning with brown stains, pubic hair, and or reeking of ripe urine
  • Worms found in salad of “Meals”
  • Inadequate calorie count of “Meals”
  • Complete lack of nourishment in “Meals”
  • Loss of Head Hair due to malnourishment of “Meals”
  • Loss of EyeSight due to malnourishment of “Meals”
  • Suffering from Scurvy due to malnourishment of “Meals”
  • Blatant extortion via commissary in order to maintain health and or body weight
  • Rust in the Water
  • Rust in jagged metal desks in Cells
  • Rust on metal cages near face on small windows of Cells
  • Black Mold on walls of Cells
  • Black Mold on floors of Cells
  • Black Mold in vents of Cells
  • Broken Sinks in Cells
  • Broken toilets that either wont flush or repeatedly explode in Cells
  • Cockroaches in Cell / Cell Block
  • Mice in Cell / Cell Block
  • Black Mold on floors and walls of showers in Cell Block
  • Black Sewer Flies in the Shower
  • Denial of basic cleaning equipment to sanitize Living Space
  • Denial of personal grooming allowed, forced to use Nair on head and face that leaves chemical burns on skin
  • Stuck in Cells for 9 days without shower
  • Improper Medical Care
  • Medical Care arriving months later, or none at all!
  • Lead Paint inside Cell / Cell Block
  • No Access to Discovery
  • No Legal Support such as laptops, printers, copiers
  • Denial of Legal Mentors
  • Vaccine Requirements for Visitations
  • Vaccine Requirements for Visitors
  • Vaccine Requirements for Haircuts
  • Vaccine Requirements for Religious Services
  • Vaccine Requirements for speaking with Lawyers in person
  • R.T. Propaganda on Tablets
  • Re-Education Propaganda on Tablets
  • Lack of Legal Documentation on Tablets
  • Racially Biased information on Tablets
  • Removal of Internet Access / Booster for Educational Tablets
  • Solitary Confinement for 25 ½ hours or more at a time
  • Outdoor Rec denied arbitrarily
  • Entry to Congressmen & Women who came to check on us Denied
  • Repeatedly Mocked and or Insulted for our skin color or “Religious” documentation
  • Compared to “Beasts”, “Dogs” and “Hogs” by “The Final Call” Magazine
  • Politically mocked by staff with Democrat, Black Lives Matter, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden related attire
  • Sent to “The Hole” if we express any political views whatsoever
  • Racially Profiled by Guards
  • Sleeping on the job by Guards
  • Denial of hot water by Guards
  • Prevented from attending court dates by Guards
  • Homosexual and or Verbal Assaults by Guards
  • Maced by Guards
  • Physically Harassed by Guards
  • Assaulted by Guards
  • Cell Invasions in the middle of the night by Guards
  • Grievous Beatings by Guards
  • Threatened with and or Nearly Stabbed with “12 Inch Knives”
  • Trials Postponed for at least 6 Months or almost a Year
  • Bond / Bail continually Denied
  • Removal of Internet Access of Clear Tablets
  • Removal of Access to Attorney
  • Removal of Access to Law Library
  • Removal of Access to Worship Services
  • Removal of Access to Grievance Forms on Tablets

🤣😂🤣😂🤣 It's all Gateway Pundit.
You are one sick A-hole. Since when has Make America Great Again been dishonorable? We've been kowtowing to the soon to be walking dead far too long. It's getting time to break out the long rifles.
The words and concept are honorable. America has always been Great, even though we have done some less than great things. The problem is the less than honorable group who have adopted that phrase, much like when the KKK adopted " For God. and country" as a country. The words alone are laudable, Too bad the sentimant that is currently associated with them is so dishonorable. When the major characteristic of your party leader is how much he lies and cheats, and your only goal in the upcoming election is to get revenge on your political enemies, the use of a flowery sounding motto isn't going to impart integrity to your cult.
Sorry, snowflake, I have taken on no such labels. These derogatory labels, btw, were made up.by partisan idiots like you.

'Ultra MAGA' - created by Biden and Democrays.

I personally reject labels and those who create / use them.

Democrats, for example, have so overused the term 'racist' in an attempt to use it as both sword and shield to attack, intimidate, and silence the opposition that hardly anyone bats an eye at the use of the term - it's become a joke.

When someone uses a term.like 'teabagfer' or 'Ultra MAGA' it is a sign that they are threatened by those they are attacking and calling names.

It is not a reflection of / on those being insulted / called names but instead of / on the pathetic snowflakes doing the childish name-calling and insulting.

When idiots like you attempt to call me names, brand me with some label, and claim I somehow took on the name you are trying to call me myself - as if you somehow knew anything about me, I just laugh at you...like I'm doing now.
I know the hateful crap you post. and that is what I respond to. You are a MAGA because you defined that term and embraced it. Your group are teabaggers because you chose that term and embraced it. Now you are whining because we recognized and agreed with your self-identification.
I know the hateful crap you post.
Awwww, the truth bruises your easily offended, fragile emotions.


One does not have to be 'MAGA' to see and point out Democrat / snowflake lies, propaganda, hypocricies, corruption, crimes, treason, violations of both Constitution and Law, and failed policies and agendas.

That is why the majority of DEMOCRATS don't want Joe to run again.

Your desperate need to try to.lump everyone who opposes these things together in order to attack half the population of the US - like Biden has done - demonstrates both your hatred and weak desperation.

I love the sight / sound / smell of snowflake weeping and whining in the morning - it smells like VICTORY.

Oy. (Slaps forehead).

Look, get this through your dimwitted leftard head. I don't care what you call me. I respond to most things. "Hey asshole" usually gets my attention.

What I can tell you for 100% certain for sure, is Stalinism won't be allowed in this country.

I'll vote, sure. I'll vote for the dogcatcher over one of you retarded leftholes. Probably 3/4 of America will at this point.

I'm helping the righties because you dimwitted leftards gotta go.

(That's redundant, but you gotta go anyway).
Stalinism? I don't know of anyone running on that ticket. Your party has discarded integrity and honesty in favor of carefully worded catch phrases, and wild accusations. You are on the verge of becoming known as the revenge only party. Calling your politial opponents satan worshiping pedophiles who drink children's blood is a little beyond the pale. You should be careful because that's how you became known as MAGAs, crazies, and teabaggers.
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