35 soul-crushing facts about American income inequality

Only to the clueless and the Causeless.

Government is socialism. The law is socialism, not capitalism. How is socialism in our mixed market economy not relevant?

because it isnt socialism; in the same sentence you're reminding of our mixed-market economy, we dont have true socialism.
mixed is mixed dullard, you're saying it yourself
you keep trying to have it both ways
like the immature child you are

oh an intellectually dishonest coward
Only the clueless and Causeless say that.

I never said we have true socialism, just like i never said we have true capitalism.

you're implying it]

try again
Your post is utter bullshit.

The most successful countries have a mix of capitalism and socialism

Yeah China and Cuba have to beat back all of the illegals that want sanctuary in their "Great Society"...

Thanks for making my point...

Do you have a valid point or do you just beat your head against the wall?

Again with the bullshit. Neither China nor Cuba are mixed countries. Both are totalitarian dictatorships.

Try Canada, the Scandanavian countries, Europe, and Japan.

Canada? Really? You obviously don't care that forcing membership in labor unions is okay...

Waiting list for the critically ill? Yeah it works real well, they stay on the list so long they either die or are removed because their illness has done so much damage it's too late to treat them...

The best and brightest do not flock to Canada, guess why? Income tax rates, check it out. Your wealthy at $140K...

I could go on and on and on...

What you refuse to admit or understand is Capitalism offers the best opportunity for ALL...

Lets move on to the Scandinavian mix as you call it...

They have high taxes and broad welfare systems, but their business climate is pretty capitalistic. There is no real "protectionism", limited regulations comparatively speaking and ranks higher than the US in almost all financial freedoms. You might want to rethink that for a minute...

Europe is a disaster as a whole, you have one shinning star in Germany and it certainly is a leader in Capitalism anything beyond that is a lie...

Japan, wow you're just stupid using this as a example...
Yes, Capitalism "died" in the US in 1929; why do you believe we have more socialism; because Socialism had to bailout Capitalism, like usual.

Earth to dumb dumb, it's 2015 and this country still thrives due to Capitalism!!

The Social Programs from the Great Depression have and are failing if you haven't noticed...
Yes, Capitalism "died" in the US in 1929; why do you believe we have more socialism; because Socialism had to bailout Capitalism, like usual.

Earth to dumb dumb, it's 2015 and this country still thrives due to Capitalism!!

The Social Programs from the Great Depression have and are failing if you haven't noticed...
Memo to the clueless and the Causeless:

No, I haven't. Those programs are with us in one shape or another and it is why we even had to bailout the wealthiest; to avoid getting Hoover-villed.
This is really not true. Socialism begins with an attempt to give power to everyone so they are not ruled over by others.

Yep, and in order to do this, a ruler must have absolute power, otherwise they can't give power to everyone and ensure they are not ruled over.

It is also a system that is based on everyone needing to take responsibility for their own lives.

Once the Commissar decides what your life is..

Your understanding of socialism seems to come from modern politics more than a real understanding of it as a political philosophy.

So, Socialism is grand, as long as you ignore reality and focus only on absurd fairy tales? :thup:

Socialism can be implemented in many different ways and there can be many different versions of it. Socialism can also adapt over time.

That it never has is just a quirk, the first 500 times it was tried were just a fluke...

A socialist form of government may lead to someone coming to power that simply wants to rule over others but that is also true of Democracy.


Socialism is an economic system which most often claims to have democracy as the underlying political system.
Your post is utter bullshit.

The most successful countries have a mix of capitalism and socialism. It's a balancing act - rewarding the best and the brightest, encouraging entrepreneurs, but at the same time protecting lower income workers from exploitation and the inevitable downturns that occur in capitalistic economies.

In order for an economy to be successful, you need a thriving and upwardly mobile middle class. The US had all of this going for itself, until Reagan was elected in 1980. Reagan's changes to the tax code disrupted that balance, and the result has steadily eroded the middle class. People were encouraged to borrow rather than save, and now the middle and working class are completely tapped out. Most of the country's wealth has been transferred to the top 1% or the largest corporations. Upward mobility has been stifled, and a post-secondary education can saddle you with life-long debt. This is not a sustainable model.

Economies which are tilted more toward the socialist model don't have the extremes of wealth and poverty, either in their corporations or the citizens, that is currently seen in the US. And contrary to your assertions, a socialist economy doesn't promise or even try to achieve fiscal parity amongst its citizens, but rather a distribution of assets across the economy which reduces the levels of poverty and need among the working class, while rewarding the entrepreneurs, business owners and professional classes according to their ability and the ambition.

When lower income families has sufficient income to sustain themselves, to enjoy some savings, and some comfort, it raises the levels of security and happiness throughout the nation. When you have financial stability and security, it enables you to take some risks, and to be less fearful for your future. It gives them a stake in the success or failure of their nation.

Yeah, people look back at the Carter years and think of nothing but growth and prosperity.... :uhh::uhoh3:

And you wonder why no one takes you dumb fucking Communists seriously..

Look, you're a leftist - you have no integrity or system of ethics, I get it. BUT if you must lie, try not to make it so absurdly stupid that people just gasp at your retardation. Claims that the British bombed Pearl Harbor might be popular in a Howard Zinn history book, but to anyone sane it just reveals you as a fool.
This is really not true. Socialism begins with an attempt to give power to everyone so they are not ruled over by others.

Yep, and in order to do this, a ruler must have absolute power, otherwise they can't give power to everyone and ensure they are not ruled over.

It is also a system that is based on everyone needing to take responsibility for their own lives.

Once the Commissar decides what your life is..

Your understanding of socialism seems to come from modern politics more than a real understanding of it as a political philosophy.

So, Socialism is grand, as long as you ignore reality and focus only on absurd fairy tales? :thup:

Socialism can be implemented in many different ways and there can be many different versions of it. Socialism can also adapt over time.

That it never has is just a quirk, the first 500 times it was tried were just a fluke...

A socialist form of government may lead to someone coming to power that simply wants to rule over others but that is also true of Democracy.


Socialism is an economic system which most often claims to have democracy as the underlying political system.

At this point it is really clear that you don't know what socialism is. You can complain about whatever you are complaining about but the problem is when you try and relate modern political movements back to your broken definition of socialism.

This lack of logical consistency of meaning will mean that most if not all your arguments are fundamentally broken.

Socialist policies have been implemented successfully in every modern industrialized nation including the US. They have helped increase investment into the workforce greatly increasing prosperity for entire nations. They have helped increase the health of people by providing health services and reducing the environmental damage private enterprises would engage in. They have helped establish economic stability to help foster sustainable paths to growth.

The problem with your arguments is that you want to call everything socialism but also want to act like all those things you want to call socialism are equal to communism or the worst version of socialism you can imagine. It is intellectually dishonest and you are so consistent in this dishonesty it seems you actually believe it. Which is just sad.
I didn't read the article but have this to say...
anyone... ANYONE can be rich in America.
what separates the rich from the poor isn't opportunity, but drive and determination.

don't bother to reply to my post because whatever whining or excuses you have to say is just BS.

You can get lucky and get rich, no doubt.
But, even the Unlucky can get rich if you don't quit, give up and work your ass off......

The End.
At this point it is really clear that you don't know what socialism is.

What is clear is that to you, Socialism is a magic fairy princess that can be anything you want at any given second.

Socialism is the ownership or control of the means of production by the state.

The one who runs from the meaning and reality of Socialism is you, for the obvious reason that it is a failed system which cannon survive the cold analysis of reality.

You can complain about whatever you are complaining about but the problem is when you try and relate modern political movements back to your broken definition of socialism.

This lack of logical consistency of meaning will mean that most if not all your arguments are fundamentally broken.

Socialist policies have been implemented successfully in every modern industrialized nation including the US. They have helped increase investment into the workforce greatly increasing prosperity for entire nations. They have helped increase the health of people by providing health services and reducing the environmental damage private enterprises would engage in. They have helped establish economic stability to help foster sustainable paths to growth.

The problem with your arguments is that you want to call everything socialism but also want to act like all those things you want to call socialism are equal to communism or the worst version of socialism you can imagine. It is intellectually dishonest and you are so consistent in this dishonesty it seems you actually believe it. Which is just sad.

Fact is that in order for this distribution of all assets to the people, there must be a manager to divvy up the spoils - let's call him "the dictator." The problem that you who promote socialism have is that reality exists. IF the fantasy you dream of were all there were, then you would succeed, but sooner or later the harsh reality sets in, as the fools who followed Chavez are learning first hand.
I didn't read the article but have this to say...
anyone... ANYONE can be rich in America.
what separates the rich from the poor isn't opportunity, but drive and determination.

don't bother to reply to my post because whatever whining or excuses you have to say is just BS.

You can get lucky and get rich, no doubt.
But, even the Unlucky can get rich if you don't quit, give up and work your ass off......

The End.

The issue isn't just about income mobility which is what you just talked about. Income inequality leads to less income mobility but that really isn't the focus of the discussion.

Your post is also based on viewing this nation wide issue like it is about individuals. It isn't.

It is also not just about the rich and the poor but all incomes along the spectrum and how they are impacted by trends.

If you actually want to think about this issue more now that you know a little bit more about it let me know.
I didn't read the article but have this to say...
anyone... ANYONE can be rich in America.
what separates the rich from the poor isn't opportunity, but drive and determination.

don't bother to reply to my post because whatever whining or excuses you have to say is just BS.

You can get lucky and get rich, no doubt.
But, even the Unlucky can get rich if you don't quit, give up and work your ass off......

The End.

The issue isn't just about income mobility which is what you just talked about. Income inequality leads to less income mobility but that really isn't the focus of the discussion.

Your post is also based on viewing this nation wide issue like it is about individuals. It isn't.

It is also not just about the rich and the poor but all incomes along the spectrum and how they are impacted by trends.

If you actually want to think about this issue more now that you know a little bit more about it let me know.

It's all crap.
Word hard. If you are not able, you can suck the life out of the Government.
The issue isn't just about income mobility which is what you just talked about. Income inequality leads to less income mobility but that really isn't the focus of the discussion.

Your post is also based on viewing this nation wide issue like it is about individuals. It isn't.

It is also not just about the rich and the poor but all incomes along the spectrum and how they are impacted by trends.

If you actually want to think about this issue more now that you know a little bit more about it let me know.

I'll bite - point to what you consider to be a socialist nation with GREATER income mobility that the USA?

Sweden? Norway? Greenland? Venezuela? Cuba? Cambodia?
At this point it is really clear that you don't know what socialism is.

What is clear is that to you, Socialism is a magic fairy princess that can be anything you want at any given second.

Socialism is the ownership or control of the means of production by the state.

The one who runs from the meaning and reality of Socialism is you, for the obvious reason that it is a failed system which cannon survive the cold analysis of reality.

You can complain about whatever you are complaining about but the problem is when you try and relate modern political movements back to your broken definition of socialism.

This lack of logical consistency of meaning will mean that most if not all your arguments are fundamentally broken.

Socialist policies have been implemented successfully in every modern industrialized nation including the US. They have helped increase investment into the workforce greatly increasing prosperity for entire nations. They have helped increase the health of people by providing health services and reducing the environmental damage private enterprises would engage in. They have helped establish economic stability to help foster sustainable paths to growth.

The problem with your arguments is that you want to call everything socialism but also want to act like all those things you want to call socialism are equal to communism or the worst version of socialism you can imagine. It is intellectually dishonest and you are so consistent in this dishonesty it seems you actually believe it. Which is just sad.

Fact is that in order for this distribution of all assets to the people, there must be a manager to divvy up the spoils - let's call him "the dictator." The problem that you who promote socialism have is that reality exists. IF the fantasy you dream of were all there were, then you would succeed, but sooner or later the harsh reality sets in, as the fools who followed Chavez are learning first hand.

Socialism isn't a magical fairy princess. Now that we have that straw man out of the way....

If you only want to describe socialism as a dictatorship then there is zero reason to talk about it because no one is suggesting we have that. So once again you are making a rather blatant straw man.

The major problem now is that we all know you want to call anything you want socialism and therefor a dictatorship. Including something as benign as a city park.

If you ever want to make a logical argument and be intellectually honest I am all for it but until then I really have no interest in taking your arguments that seriously.
I didn't read the article but have this to say...
anyone... ANYONE can be rich in America.
what separates the rich from the poor isn't opportunity, but drive and determination.

don't bother to reply to my post because whatever whining or excuses you have to say is just BS.

You can get lucky and get rich, no doubt.
But, even the Unlucky can get rich if you don't quit, give up and work your ass off......

The End.

The issue isn't just about income mobility which is what you just talked about. Income inequality leads to less income mobility but that really isn't the focus of the discussion.

Your post is also based on viewing this nation wide issue like it is about individuals. It isn't.

It is also not just about the rich and the poor but all incomes along the spectrum and how they are impacted by trends.

If you actually want to think about this issue more now that you know a little bit more about it let me know.

It's all crap.
Word hard. If you are not able, you can suck the life out of the Government.

The issue exists even between groups that work hard. For example income inequality is growing even within the 1%.

The reasons why income inequality grows like this have little to nothing to do with how hard people are working. It has far more to do with market economics and macro-economic trends.

Your understanding of the issue is woefully incomplete. If you want to learn more about the issue I am still willing to educate you.
I didn't read the article but have this to say...
anyone... ANYONE can be rich in America.
what separates the rich from the poor isn't opportunity, but drive and determination.

don't bother to reply to my post because whatever whining or excuses you have to say is just BS.

You can get lucky and get rich, no doubt.
But, even the Unlucky can get rich if you don't quit, give up and work your ass off......

The End.

The issue isn't just about income mobility which is what you just talked about. Income inequality leads to less income mobility but that really isn't the focus of the discussion.

Your post is also based on viewing this nation wide issue like it is about individuals. It isn't.

It is also not just about the rich and the poor but all incomes along the spectrum and how they are impacted by trends.

If you actually want to think about this issue more now that you know a little bit more about it let me know.

It's all crap.
Word hard. If you are not able, you can suck the life out of the Government.

The issue exists even between groups that work hard. For example income inequality is growing even within the 1%.

The reasons why income inequality grows like this have little to nothing to do with how hard people are working. It has far more to do with market economics and macro-economic trends.

Your understanding of the issue is woefully incomplete. If you want to learn more about the issue I am still willing to educate you.

No education needed - if you are reading this post and feel you have no chance. go apply for jobs, work your ass have a plan and go for it......

This other stuff is garbage.... if there is not a demand, create one.
The issue isn't just about income mobility which is what you just talked about. Income inequality leads to less income mobility but that really isn't the focus of the discussion.

Your post is also based on viewing this nation wide issue like it is about individuals. It isn't.

It is also not just about the rich and the poor but all incomes along the spectrum and how they are impacted by trends.

If you actually want to think about this issue more now that you know a little bit more about it let me know.

I'll bite - point to what you consider to be a socialist nation with GREATER income mobility that the USA?

Sweden? Norway? Greenland? Venezuela? Cuba? Cambodia?

Every modern industrialized nation has more income mobility due to public education.

BTW I have seen research that suggests that Canada, Norway, and Finland all have more income mobility than the US.
I didn't read the article but have this to say...
anyone... ANYONE can be rich in America.
what separates the rich from the poor isn't opportunity, but drive and determination.

don't bother to reply to my post because whatever whining or excuses you have to say is just BS.

You can get lucky and get rich, no doubt.
But, even the Unlucky can get rich if you don't quit, give up and work your ass off......

The End.

The issue isn't just about income mobility which is what you just talked about. Income inequality leads to less income mobility but that really isn't the focus of the discussion.

Your post is also based on viewing this nation wide issue like it is about individuals. It isn't.

It is also not just about the rich and the poor but all incomes along the spectrum and how they are impacted by trends.

If you actually want to think about this issue more now that you know a little bit more about it let me know.

It's all crap.
Word hard. If you are not able, you can suck the life out of the Government.

The issue exists even between groups that work hard. For example income inequality is growing even within the 1%.

The reasons why income inequality grows like this have little to nothing to do with how hard people are working. It has far more to do with market economics and macro-economic trends.

Your understanding of the issue is woefully incomplete. If you want to learn more about the issue I am still willing to educate you.

No education needed - if you are reading this post and feel you have no chance. go apply for jobs, work your ass have a plan and go for it......

This other stuff is garbage.... if there is not a demand, create one.

Making macro-economic trends about the individual is a very common mistake. No matter how many times you make this mistake it is still a mistake.

Sorry but your world view is just ignorant. If you work really hard you can fix it but if you are not willing to work hard then nothing will change for you.

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