#37: House GOP To Hold Yet Another Obamacare Repeal Vote


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Two days after President Obama’s commanding reelection victory, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) solemnly declared Obamacare the “law of the land” — apparently signaling that it was time to move beyond the GOP’s now-hopeless quest for repeal.

The conservative pushback was swift and brutal. Immediately, Boehner’s office was forced to clarify that he remained committed to repealing the law.

And so House Republicans will vote on Thursday — yet again — to wipe out the Affordable Care Act. By their own count, it’ll mark the 37th time they’ve voted to fully repeal or partially dismantle the President’s signature achievement.

“Albert Einstein defined insanity as, ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ If that’s true, the House Republicans have truly lost their minds,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said Wednesday, calling the Obamacare repeal vote “political kabuki” and highlight the cost of the GOP’s dead-end effort.

More: House GOP Set For 37th Vote To Repeal Obamacare | TPMDC/SAHIL KAPUR

Holy shit, this is unbelievable! This charade isn't cheap to taxpayers who pay their salaries.
The train wreck should be repealed, then they can start over and come up with something that actually works without intruding into our private lives in such a major way.

Revenue raising bills are supposed to originate in the House and this one didn't, so it's illegal anyway as far as some of us are concerned. The Dems were so hellbent on passing this, which is nothing more than a power grab, that they didn't care about little things like the constitution.
The only thing that will work is abolishing and prohibiting the existence of health insurance companies in the United States.

Then doctors would have to massively reduce their costs and charges so average people could walk in and afford care.

Perhaps you could set up a very strict single payer insurance plan to supplement serious and/or expensive medical procedures, such as surgery. That would be it.
Liberals like to talk about what "the majority of people want", but when it comes to getting rid of Obamacare, then they throw that argument out the window.
Liberals like to talk about what "the majority of people want", but when it comes to getting rid of Obamacare, then they throw that argument out the window.

Not true. Most people actually wanted a Public Option. If Republicans had tried to help rather than obstruct - Americans could have had a much better health law. Now, all Republicans want to do is criticize and repeal. Americans see it...
The American people need to know exactly how many times the House has wasted dollars bringing this repeal up. It's got to be adding up by now.
The American people need to know exactly how many times the House has wasted dollars bringing this repeal up. It's got to be adding up by now.

36 --- were you not paying attention?

If it takes 100 to repeal ZEROcare, it's money well spent. Money well spent --- I know it's not a liberal concept --- but try to keep up!!
David Letterman has a segment on his show every night called Stooge of the Night. He shows Republicans who voted no on background checks and leaves their picture on the screen for about a minute, one by one.

People need to get involved in getting some of this out. These inside the beltway stories just never see the light of day and that in and of itself is the problem. Republican representatives know they will never suffer any consequences because voters simply don't know the extent of House majority incompetence.
Liberals like to talk about what "the majority of people want", but when it comes to getting rid of Obamacare, then they throw that argument out the window.

Not true. Most people actually wanted a Public Option. If Republicans had tried to help rather than obstruct - Americans could have had a much better health law. Now, all Republicans want to do is criticize and repeal. Americans see it...

Obamacare passed with zero Republican votes. Republicans couldn't obstruct shit. If Democrats wanted a public option, they could have written in a public option. Instead, they chose not to.

Anyway, since the majority of Americans say repeal it, it should be repealed. Right?
Two days after President Obama’s commanding reelection victory, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) solemnly declared Obamacare the “law of the land” — apparently signaling that it was time to move beyond the GOP’s now-hopeless quest for repeal.

The conservative pushback was swift and brutal. Immediately, Boehner’s office was forced to clarify that he remained committed to repealing the law.

And so House Republicans will vote on Thursday — yet again — to wipe out the Affordable Care Act. By their own count, it’ll mark the 37th time they’ve voted to fully repeal or partially dismantle the President’s signature achievement.

“Albert Einstein defined insanity as, ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ If that’s true, the House Republicans have truly lost their minds,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said Wednesday, calling the Obamacare repeal vote “political kabuki” and highlight the cost of the GOP’s dead-end effort.

More: House GOP Set For 37th Vote To Repeal Obamacare | TPMDC/SAHIL KAPUR

Holy shit, this is unbelievable! This charade isn't cheap to taxpayers who pay their salaries.

#37: House GOP To Hold Yet Another Obamacare Repeal Vote

I hope that come mid-terms, they use all of this against them and get rid of these Tea party assholes.

Either get some moderate Republicans in their place or turn the red states blue. It's time to remind the Limbaughnese and the Beckians that they need to get back to the fringe where they belong.
I hope that come mid-terms, they use all of this against them and get rid of these Tea party assholes.

Either get some moderate Republicans in their place or turn the red states blue. It's time to remind the Limbaughnese and the Beckians that they need to get back to the fringe where they belong.

moderate republicans are liberals...

Not likely to slip of few of those through as long as the conservatives have momentum... and the hapless ZERO admin. keeps pushing mo to the right!

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