JUST IN: House Republicans Vote Unanimously to Repeal Funding For Army of 87,000 IRS Agents (VIDEO)

Isn't it sad that things that make sense are considered a joke and a stunt. Back to 6000 page bills nobody knows anything about. Yay.

Did he GOP Led House Really Vote to Strip IRS Funds Intended to Catch Tax Cheats?​

Oh my!

THE CLAIMS: Budd says in the ad from his campaign that President Joe Biden “spent recklessly” and “now he wants 87,000 more IRS agents to cover his tab,” saying they would “harass small businesses and working people.”

Similarly, the narrator in the ad from the Senate Leadership Fund says Beasley “wants an army of IRS agents auditing the middle class.”

THE FACTS: Neither the IRS nor any other federal agency has said anything about hiring that many agents or unleashing audits on everyday Americans.

“Speaking from a rational point of view, there’s not 87,000 people sitting around and waiting for the IRS to hire them,” said Nathan Goldman, an assistant professor at the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University and an expert on taxation.

It was a hypothetical number that came from a Treasury Department report in May 2021 that included a proposal of what the IRS could do with another $80 billion in funding.

The GOP is certainly looking out for tax cheats. This bill will increase the deficit by over $100 billion dollars.

That's less than what Josef Stolen sends to his eastern european money laundering center on a sleepy Tuesday, you silly fuck.

Those 6 multi-million-dollar, opulent mansions didn't buy themselves.... hmm?

Are you worried about the top secret, classified documents the stuttering fuck has been hiding? Just askin'.....
Thank the Lord! This is a great start of good things to come.

Extra Extra Read All About It!

"They're not going to balance the budget. They're not going to get dramatic spending cuts. Might they get bits and pieces as part of a negotiation with the Democrats? Yes, and that's the way it should work," Mick Mulvaney told FOX Business host Neil Cavuto. "But I think anybody who thinks that this is going to be a life-changing experience or transformational, just doesn't understand Washington."


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