$370M + $83M....Does Donny have that much in cash?

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Who endorsed Biden, you fucking retard.
That was just a strategic move on Putin's part. You have a choice between one man who will defend NATO to the very end, or someone who 'encouraged' Russia to do whatever they wanted to a NATO nation?

I know what Putin said. I also know he was lying. But hey, you Russian acolytes sure do love it!
Might as fuckin' well join the pig pile.....

Well, I think I read somewhere that he's taken $50M out of his PACS in order to pay his legal fees.

Of Course.
Then they can nail him again.
what's funny, no matter the amount, he will never pay out.
Fuck the grifter.
He can then spend time in jail until he pays.
It will get appealed to a real court.
Fuck trump. Biggest Con Man the US has ever known.
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