3rd Quarter GDP: A Disastrous 2.0 Percent

You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
Trump is fighting the Democrats, China, Iran and NK all at once. Can't figure out how Democrats see that as good for our country. Democrats are trying to undermine our economy and our workers-taxpayers to make Trump look bad. That's bush league.
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
Actually far from the Obama 1.2%....fool....
That's next quarter. The projection is 1.3 percent. But I'm sure you'll still be chugging piss then, too.

The Dow has been flat since January 2018. You have a funny definition of "on fire".

A dumpster fire, yes.
Here we go again another vain weak ass attempt to tell us all we are not better off with Trump's economy...they use to say this was Obama's economy..what Happened to that lie?....
Trump was elected on third base, and he is trying to steal second.
Less illegals less GDP, but more GDP for Americans.

Considering the Ponzi economy, Trump train is going strong.
Deficit Donald has massively increased spending to all time records.

Government spending is a big chunk of national GDP. Trump has been trying to juice the GDP numbers by spending more than anyone in the history of the universe.

And despite all that, despite spending more of other people's money than anyone in history, Limpdick Donald has not been able to get it up.
Trump thinks like the Democrat that he is. Deficit Donald believes massive government overspending is good for the economy.
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:

As long as your master tells you the economy is "on fire", that's good enough for you. F*ck what the data says.
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:

Your god sitting in the white house said that 2% GDP growth was terrible prior to him telling you that 2% GDP growth is the best growth every.
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:

As long as your master tells you the economy is "on fire", that's good enough for you. F*ck what the data says.
I see homes selling....businesses expanding....car sales up....vacation resorts filled....a far cry from the Obummer daze.....
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:

Your god sitting in the white house said that 2% GDP growth was terrible prior to him telling you that 2% GDP growth is the best growth every.
Ummmmm not after months or years of above 4% moron.....LMAO....
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:

Your god sitting in the white house said that 2% GDP growth was terrible prior to him telling you that 2% GDP growth is the best growth every.
Ummmmm not after months or years of above 4% moron.....LMAO....

Trump has not even smelled 4% for a single quarter, let alone years. Are you really this stupid or do you just pretend?
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:

Your god sitting in the white house said that 2% GDP growth was terrible prior to him telling you that 2% GDP growth is the best growth every.
Ummmmm not after months or years of above 4% moron.....LMAO....

Trump has not even smelled 4% for a single quarter, let alone years. Are you really this stupid or do you just pretend?
It was in the 3% plus range...that's close enough for me....
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:

Your god sitting in the white house said that 2% GDP growth was terrible prior to him telling you that 2% GDP growth is the best growth every.
Ummmmm not after months or years of above 4% moron.....LMAO....

Trump has not even smelled 4% for a single quarter, let alone years. Are you really this stupid or do you just pretend?
It was in the 3% plus range...that's close enough for me....

That is because your god told you it was good enough. Prior to him sitting in the White House is was terrible.

you sheep are so fucking transparent.

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