3rd Quarter GDP: A Disastrous 2.0 Percent

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From what I can gather it was better than experts predicted. When you take the do-nothing political coup congress into consideration it's amazing that anything happened.
Data produced by Trump haters is not data its BULLSHIT.
The data wasn't produced by trump haters, ya freak.
The Deep state is still hanging on in the Trump administration freak...slow learner?...

Wow what a crazy ass moron.

I've noticed pretty much all of Trump's strong supporters nowadays embracing vast conspiracies to carry water for our swamper President..
Gulty...the dems are guilty...you finding that out is just a matter of time....here comes Durham and Barr....
Data produced by Trump haters is not data its BULLSHIT.
The data wasn't produced by trump haters, ya freak.
The Deep state is still hanging on in the Trump administration freak...slow learner?...

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the UE rate...so those must all be lies as well.

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the salary increase rate...so those must all be lies as well.

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the manufacturing jobs added...so those must all be lies as well.

Every fucking thing Trump brags about comes from these people
It ain't bragging if you are having results...

but according to you all those numbers are bullshit...so it is bragging because the results are not there...they are just lies from the Deeeeep State
Why do people think artificially low interest rates (aka a distorted market) are a good thing?

May as well sit on Pinocchio's face and say 'lie to my baby, it feels great.'

We're in the biggest bubble the world has ever seen, that thing's leaking all over the place and they have no idea where it's all going. And, on top of that, the Fed is clearly demonstrating that it's losing the ability to control the cost of money. To contend the economy is all well and good is just plain dumb. And to premise the debate on whose President is better than the other guys is ignoring and distracting discussion on the topic from the actual problem. They're all Keynesians. Obama, Trump, Bush, Clinton and every President who ever came before them since 1913. They're all driving or have continued driving the value of the dollar into the ground. It's worth like four cents now. The dollar, since 1971 when they finally completely separated the dollar from any sound backing and decided to back it by nothing but a Federal Reserve IOU, is no longer a store of value. Americans have almost no purchasing power. There's maybe like three or four people in federal office who actually acknowledge that we need to get back to free-markets and sound money rather than the central economic planning by a central bank, inflationism and deficit financing we have now.

The rest of the world is starting to pile up on gold for a reason.

They also legalized lying about the effect of inflation on the standard of living in the GOP tax bill. Now they're using chained CPI to measure it. This, of course, purposefully understates the effect of inflationism on the standard of living. The use of chained CPI also gradually bumps people into higher tax brackets.
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