3rd Quarter GDP: A Disastrous 2.0 Percent

You know that raised is the OPPOSITE of lowering, which they did to prop up the Obama economy, right?

and you know even with the raises, before the last drop, they were still at historically low levels, right?

Um, no because the historic low rates were under Obama

and they continued with Trump despite the tiny raises from the Fed.

View attachment 283710

You see the flat line almost at 0% during the Obama years, right? They were a few basis points! Highest ever was probably 40bps! As soon as Trump was sworn in they started raising rates up to 2.25% That's a HUGE Increase! Costing us tens of billions annually, that's the whole HUD budget!

They started raising it in 2016, not after Trump won. Also, again looking back at history the rose it pretty slowly compared to the past. If we really had the "best economy ever" as we are told almost daily by your god in the White House those raises would not have been a problem. But they were, because Trump's economy is only slightly better than the Obama economy that he inherited.

Now we have Trump begging for negative interest rates...how do you feel about that?
I'll help you out on Kasich's position on TRTKABA.

"John Kasich has spoken out on the need for reasonable reforms to prevent future massacres--including the potential of expanding background checks on gun sales and limiting the ability to sell weapons that have often been used in mass killings."

John Kasich on Gun Control

So, he either wants to severely limit the availability of handguns (those most commonly used in mass shootings) or he is likely to vote for or approve a bullshit assault weapons ban. He's a fucking Democrat gun grabber.

Gun grabber and socialist usually go hand-in-hand.

In my opinion, a guy like that has no business in any public office and should probably be hanged for human rights violation (which gun-grabbing is).

Trump was the only candidate willing to take a hard stand and protect the right. Even Ted Cruz was a little shaky.

Most people in Ohio hate Kasich. I have no clue how this loser got elected except that he ran as a Fake Republican.
Meet the Trump Economy, Same as the Obama Economy

If the U.S. economy ever enjoyed a “Trump bump,” then it has been replaced by a “Trump slump.”
This year's tracking to to 2.33 percent.

That beat's Obama 5 out of 8 times.

Trump’s Economy Is Working for Minorities.

“Despite his reputation for being racially divisive, President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have drifted upward among nonwhites in the last two years. While it’s impossible to say exactly why, one reasonable explanation is that the U.S.’s long economic expansion has been particularly beneficial for minority workers.”​

The best is yet to come’ pledges Donald Trump at ‘Blacks for Trump’ event as he says African-Americans have the ‘worst schools than anybody’ and Democrats care more about illegal aliens than them.

Well, he’s not wrong!
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
Look around globally....that 1.9% is a viable number to be investing, g.
Boy the TDS'ers are really looking for anything to wet their panties over.

.that 1.9% is a viable number to be investing,
Not necessarily, and I hope you are not a financial planner.
Earnings are doing well and unless there is a war or something, investing in the market will
serve you well in the coming year. Might be a slow down, but sadly for you TDS'ers there is no
recession being seen on the horizon. Trump 2020
He has near 90% approval among Republicans. I agree. His approval will never be as low as Kasich or Obama’s
Most people in Ohio hate Kasich
48% approval in ohio. Your orange god will never sniff 48% approval.
As long as he doesn't sell us out, there is nothing the Left and the Fake News Media (but I repeat myself) can do to separate Trump from his support, only Trump could do that, and he's not going to.

Polls consistently under report Trump's strength. He took 30 states with a favorability rating in low 30's.

Clearly the Left prefers poll results to election results.
Data produced by Trump haters is not data its BULLSHIT.
The data wasn't produced by trump haters, ya freak.
The Deep state is still hanging on in the Trump administration freak...slow learner?...

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the UE rate...so those must all be lies as well.

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the salary increase rate...so those must all be lies as well.

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the manufacturing jobs added...so those must all be lies as well.

Every fucking thing Trump brags about comes from these people
Data produced by Trump haters is not data its BULLSHIT.
The data wasn't produced by trump haters, ya freak.
The Deep state is still hanging on in the Trump administration freak...slow learner?...

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the UE rate...so those must all be lies as well.

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the salary increase rate...so those must all be lies as well.

The same people that give us the GDP growth also give us the manufacturing jobs added...so those must all be lies as well.

Every fucking thing Trump brags about comes from these people
It ain't bragging if you are having results...

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