3rd Quarter GDP: A Disastrous 2.0 Percent

Remember how Trump and the rube herd said Obama's less than 3 percent GDP was disastrous?

Yeah. Me, too.

The New York Fed Staff Nowcast stands at 2.0% for 2019:Q3 and 1.3% for 2019:Q4.

Dammit! Well, that does it!

They should have nominated that mushy socialist-lite GOP candidate, John Kasich.

You're right, g5000. Kasich would have be a much better candidate to give Killary the white house.

We wouldn’t have trillion dollar deficits with kasich. Trump sure spends like a socialist. He’s also managing our trade like a socialist.
Remember how Trump and the rube herd said Obama's less than 3 percent GDP was disastrous?

Yeah. Me, too.

The New York Fed Staff Nowcast stands at 2.0% for 2019:Q3 and 1.3% for 2019:Q4.

Dammit! Well, that does it!

They should have nominated that mushy socialist-lite GOP candidate, John Kasich.

You're right, g5000. Kasich would have be a much better candidate to give Killary the white house.

Kasich would be a far better president than either Trump or Clinton.

Kasich was a key figure in balancing the federal budget, and he took the state of Ohio from a debt to a surplus.

Socialist-lite? Trump is the one spending other people's money like there is no tomorrow. Trump is the one who has brought us back to trillion dollar deficits, and that is supposedly during a booming economy and not in the middle of a crash. Trump is the one who is spending a trillion dollars more a year than Obama's worst year of spending!

Socialist-lite? Trump is the one who started the far left trade war. Trump is the one using taxpayer dollars to bail out farmers.
Remember how Trump and the rube herd said Obama's less than 3 percent GDP was disastrous?

Yeah. Me, too.

The New York Fed Staff Nowcast stands at 2.0% for 2019:Q3 and 1.3% for 2019:Q4.


All that is true and it's amazing to see how hypocritical the Trump herd has been on talking about economic indicators before and after Republican got into the White House.

Having said that, if you review New York Fed record there does seem to be quite a bit of variance compared to official BEA readings, Q1 and Q2 were at only 1.45% compared to 2.5% by BEA.

It's better than nothing and you can be pretty sure it's within about 1%, but not difinitive numbers.
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Remember how Trump and the rube herd said Obama's less than 3 percent GDP was disastrous?

Yeah. Me, too.

The New York Fed Staff Nowcast stands at 2.0% for 2019:Q3 and 1.3% for 2019:Q4.

Dammit! Well, that does it!

They should have nominated that mushy socialist-lite GOP candidate, John Kasich.

You're right, g5000. Kasich would have be a much better candidate to give Killary the white house.

Kasich would be a far better president than either Trump or Clinton.

Kasich was a key figure in balancing the federal budget, and he took the state of Ohio from a debt to a surplus.

Socialist-lite? Trump is the one spending other people's money like there is no tomorrow. Trump is the one who has brought us back to trillion dollar deficits, and that is supposedly during a booming economy and not in the middle of a crash. Trump is the one who is spending a trillion dollars more a year than Obama's worst year of spending!
He was also the first one to slash entitlements....that was what got Newt in trouble...congress going after entitlements before fixing fraud and congressional theft....so knock yourself out and vote for him and see your SNAP program cut in half.....
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
2% is a Wet Dream for Growth in Obama Bin Lying Marxist Anti-Capitalist Commie Land.

In the last nine quarters of the Obama administration, real GDP growth was 2.0% per year. So that was being hit.

However, it has been 2.7% in the first nine quarters of the Trump administration.

Real Gross Domestic Product
U.S. budget deficit passes $1 trillion mark for fiscal 2019

All that money, and what do we have to show for it? A weak-ass 2.0 percent GDP growth.


Full employment too.

Finally standing up to the ChiComs
Employment numbers are a trailing indicator. PMI is a leading indicator, and it does not look good for Trump.

Full employment, eh? How does that fit in your schizophrenic mind that Mexicans are stealing our jobs?

If you looked at the PMIs in 2017, the first year after Trump was elected, they were sky-high, and the hard data never really followed.

Now that the PMIs are weak and in some cases showing recession, I'm wondering if the hard data will not be as weak as sentiment. The economy is slowing, but there doesn't seem to be much evidence that the entire economy is going into recession.
U.S. budget deficit passes $1 trillion mark for fiscal 2019

All that money, and what do we have to show for it? A weak-ass 2.0 percent GDP growth.


Full employment too.

Finally standing up to the ChiComs
Employment numbers are a trailing indicator. PMI is a leading indicator, and it does not look good for Trump.

Full employment, eh? How does that fit in your schizophrenic mind that Mexicans are stealing our jobs?

We're at Full Employment, Nut Burger. Sucks to be a democrat Socialist trying to sell "Death to America!" today
You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
2% is a Wet Dream for Growth in Obama Bin Lying Marxist Anti-Capitalist Commie Land.

In the last nine quarters of the Obama administration, real GDP growth was 2.0% per year. So that was being hit.

However, it has been 2.7% in the first nine quarters of the Trump administration.

Real Gross Domestic Product

Even after 7 rate increases from the Fed
That part was not too bad, his decision to invade the wrong country two years later will go down as one of the worst decisions in history.

Removing Saddam was the right move. The occupation was handled horribly and that's where we incurred the great cost in terms of blood and treasure.
But that was the problem. Removing Saddam left a power vacuum that resulted in a war that has last decades.

The reality is that Saddam tried to assassinate George HW Bush, and W invaded Iraq to get revenge. W has some good qualities, but that was not one of them.

You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
2% is a Wet Dream for Growth in Obama Bin Lying Marxist Anti-Capitalist Commie Land.

In the last nine quarters of the Obama administration, real GDP growth was 2.0% per year. So that was being hit.

However, it has been 2.7% in the first nine quarters of the Trump administration.

Real Gross Domestic Product

Even after 7 rate increases from the Fed

and we still have historically low rates and your god is begging and threatening for them to be even lower.
Remember how Trump and the rube herd said Obama's less than 3 percent GDP was disastrous?

Yeah. Me, too.

The New York Fed Staff Nowcast stands at 2.0% for 2019:Q3 and 1.3% for 2019:Q4.

Dammit! Well, that does it!

They should have nominated that mushy socialist-lite GOP candidate, John Kasich.

You're right, g5000. Kasich would have be a much better candidate to give Killary the white house.

Kasich would be a far better president than either Trump or Clinton.

Kasich was a key figure in balancing the federal budget, and he took the state of Ohio from a debt to a surplus.

Socialist-lite? Trump is the one spending other people's money like there is no tomorrow. Trump is the one who has brought us back to trillion dollar deficits, and that is supposedly during a booming economy and not in the middle of a crash. Trump is the one who is spending a trillion dollars more a year than Obama's worst year of spending!

Socialist-lite? Trump is the one who started the far left trade war. Trump is the one using taxpayer dollars to bail out farmers.
If you want to call Trump wasteful, you will get no argument from me. If you want to call Trump an idiot spendthrift, you'll get no argument for me. He had lots of help from the dog-shit GOP.

Big spending is not socialism, though socialism does require big spending. I don't subscribe to the stupid, bullshit definition of socialism that includes simple government overreach. Socialism has a specific definition, to which I believe Kasich subscribes. I can be persuaded otherwise, but that's what I see for now.

By the way, what was Kasich's position on The right to keep and bear arms? Yours? All other rights are protected by the right of self-defense. Where did he stand? You? Socialists must remove our ability to resist their tyranny.

I'll help you out on Kasich's position on TRTKABA.

"John Kasich has spoken out on the need for reasonable reforms to prevent future massacres--including the potential of expanding background checks on gun sales and limiting the ability to sell weapons that have often been used in mass killings."

John Kasich on Gun Control

So, he either wants to severely limit the availability of handguns (those most commonly used in mass shootings) or he is likely to vote for or approve a bullshit assault weapons ban. He's a fucking Democrat gun grabber.

Gun grabber and socialist usually go hand-in-hand.

In my opinion, a guy like that has no business in any public office and should probably be hanged for human rights violation (which gun-grabbing is).

Trump was the only candidate willing to take a hard stand and protect the right. Even Ted Cruz was a little shaky.

You libtards had better find a new angle....the economy is on fire...doing great...to attempt to talk it down is un American....and a waste of your time...:3:
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
2% is a Wet Dream for Growth in Obama Bin Lying Marxist Anti-Capitalist Commie Land.

In the last nine quarters of the Obama administration, real GDP growth was 2.0% per year. So that was being hit.

However, it has been 2.7% in the first nine quarters of the Trump administration.

Real Gross Domestic Product

Even after 7 rate increases from the Fed

and we still have historically low rates and your god is begging and threatening for them to be even lower.

You know that raised is the OPPOSITE of lowering, which they did to prop up the Obama economy, right?
2.0 percent = sluggish.

Far from on fire, fool.
2% is a Wet Dream for Growth in Obama Bin Lying Marxist Anti-Capitalist Commie Land.

In the last nine quarters of the Obama administration, real GDP growth was 2.0% per year. So that was being hit.

However, it has been 2.7% in the first nine quarters of the Trump administration.

Real Gross Domestic Product

Even after 7 rate increases from the Fed

and we still have historically low rates and your god is begging and threatening for them to be even lower.

You know that raised is the OPPOSITE of lowering, which they did to prop up the Obama economy, right?

and you know even with the raises, before the last drop, they were still at historically low levels, right?
2% is a Wet Dream for Growth in Obama Bin Lying Marxist Anti-Capitalist Commie Land.

In the last nine quarters of the Obama administration, real GDP growth was 2.0% per year. So that was being hit.

However, it has been 2.7% in the first nine quarters of the Trump administration.

Real Gross Domestic Product

Even after 7 rate increases from the Fed

and we still have historically low rates and your god is begging and threatening for them to be even lower.

You know that raised is the OPPOSITE of lowering, which they did to prop up the Obama economy, right?

and you know even with the raises, before the last drop, they were still at historically low levels, right?

Um, no because the historic low rates were under Obama
In the last nine quarters of the Obama administration, real GDP growth was 2.0% per year. So that was being hit.

However, it has been 2.7% in the first nine quarters of the Trump administration.

Real Gross Domestic Product

Even after 7 rate increases from the Fed

and we still have historically low rates and your god is begging and threatening for them to be even lower.

You know that raised is the OPPOSITE of lowering, which they did to prop up the Obama economy, right?

and you know even with the raises, before the last drop, they were still at historically low levels, right?

Um, no because the historic low rates were under Obama

and they continued with Trump despite the tiny raises from the Fed.

Even after 7 rate increases from the Fed

and we still have historically low rates and your god is begging and threatening for them to be even lower.

You know that raised is the OPPOSITE of lowering, which they did to prop up the Obama economy, right?

and you know even with the raises, before the last drop, they were still at historically low levels, right?

Um, no because the historic low rates were under Obama

and they continued with Trump despite the tiny raises from the Fed.

View attachment 283710

You see the flat line almost at 0% during the Obama years, right? They were a few basis points! Highest ever was probably 40bps! As soon as Trump was sworn in they started raising rates up to 2.25% That's a HUGE Increase! Costing us tens of billions annually, that's the whole HUD budget!
and we still have historically low rates and your god is begging and threatening for them to be even lower.

You know that raised is the OPPOSITE of lowering, which they did to prop up the Obama economy, right?

and you know even with the raises, before the last drop, they were still at historically low levels, right?

Um, no because the historic low rates were under Obama

and they continued with Trump despite the tiny raises from the Fed.

View attachment 283710

You see the flat line almost at 0% during the Obama years, right? They were a few basis points! Highest ever was probably 40bps! As soon as Trump was sworn in they started raising rates up to 2.25% That's a HUGE Increase! Costing us tens of billions annually, that's the whole HUD budget!

They started raising it in 2016, not after Trump won. Also, again looking back at history the rose it pretty slowly compared to the past. If we really had the "best economy ever" as we are told almost daily by your god in the White House those raises would not have been a problem. But they were, because Trump's economy is only slightly better than the Obama economy that he inherited.

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