3rd Quarter GDP: A Disastrous 2.0 Percent

Trump thinks like the Democrat that he is. Deficit Donald believes massive government overspending is good for the economy.

I don't think it's fair to say that what republicans do is being a democrat. Especially when it comes to economic policy.

Reagan started with 79 billion dollar deficit. When he was finished that deficit was 155.2 billion dollars.

The first bush took it up to 290.4 billion dollars in just 4 years.

Clinton took that deficit and eliminated it to a surplus by the time he left office. That surplus was 127.3 billion dollars.

The bush boy took that surplus and turned it into a deficit in his first year. By the time he was finished the deficit was a new republican historic 1.4 trillion.

Obama took that 1.4 trillion in deficit and slashed it by nearly 1 trillion dollars down to 585 billion.

trump took that 585 billion and exploded it to, as of 2018, 779 billion. He is set to take it up to a trillion by the end of this year.

The truth is that trump is a typical republican and has nothing in common with democratic economic policy. Democrats decrease the deficit by the time they leave office. Republicans increase it and by a lot.
The US GDP has been averaging about 2% a year. That's fine. Slow and steady wins the race. The "Boom-Bust" cycles are garbage.
No one wants a "bubble economy" with gimmicks that always fail. The unemployment rate has been steadily decreasing, now we're at full employment. The $22T Debt, Medicare going bankrupt, and Social Security going bankrupt are bigger unsolved problems.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
View attachment 283586

2% a year was not fine during the election or during the time when Trump was not the president.

Trump attacked Obama's GDP numbers at every rally and during the debates.

Now because Trump is in the White House instead of Obama 2% is just fine.

How do you people look yourself in the mirror? I just do not get it

How do you? You defend a worthless POS like obummer, yet vilify trump who has a mob incessantly attacking him....and he still has better numbers than obummer did and obummer had nothing but dick sucker's, like you in the media.
The market was sure better under Obama....

It was? So you favor helping the 1% screw over the middle class.

Good to know.
It sure was. Most of us have our retirement dependent on the market, not just the 1% stooge.
The truth is that trump is a typical republican and has nothing in common with democratic economic policy. Democrats decrease the deficit by the time they leave office. Republicans increase it and by a lot.

If Trump wanted to cut spending, the Democrats would shut down the federal government.
Your post does nothing of the sort. You claim that trump's economic policies suck, and ignore the mountain of assholes doing everything in their power to make trump fail.

And he is still doing better than your hero, the obummer

as I said, I think Obama is the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Do try and keep up.

and facts are facts, Trump's economy is only marginally better than what he was handed, if better at all.
Trump was handed declining deficits. I can't rank the Trump economy better with trillion dollar deficits and a stagnant market. It has good unemployment numbers, but not much else.
Your post does nothing of the sort. You claim that trump's economic policies suck, and ignore the mountain of assholes doing everything in their power to make trump fail.

And he is still doing better than your hero, the obummer

as I said, I think Obama is the 2nd worst POTUS ever. Do try and keep up.

and facts are facts, Trump's economy is only marginally better than what he was handed, if better at all.
While I'm no big fan of Obama, there is no question the country was better off when he left than when he took over. Can't say that for Bush and Carter. He could have been better but don't think he should make any worst lists.
While I'm no big fan of Obama, there is no question the country was better off when he left than when he took over. Can't say that for Bush and Carter. He could have been better but don't think he should make any worst lists.

It's not Bush's fault that the federal government's mortgage business went down the shitter and crashed the economy.
While I'm no big fan of Obama, there is no question the country was better off when he left than when he took over. Can't say that for Bush and Carter. He could have been better but don't think he should make any worst lists.

It's not Bush's fault that the federal government's mortgage business went down the shitter and crashed the economy.
The wars were certainly his fault. He also ruined a balanced budget. Bush created a huge mess.
We might very well be in a recession when it comes voting time. There isn't much good one can say about this economy right now.

We can certainly hope so. Elizabeth Warren would be tremendous for economic growth and improving the standard of living of average Americans.
That part was not too bad, his decision to invade the wrong country two years later will go down as one of the worst decisions in history.

Removing Saddam was the right move. The occupation was handled horribly and that's where we incurred the great cost in terms of blood and treasure.

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