3yo fatally shoots self

It is not for fun, ever. Nor are they toys, nor are they used as toys.

So when you go out and use guns to kill stuff -- why do you do that?
Because it is suffering or dying, usually. Or because it is killing, rarely.

OK.. What ever paints your house... So what does this child abuse have to do with gun laws?

The kid is just as dead if the mom leaves the door to basement stairs open..

Shouldn't there be a law holding the gun owner responsible for it's safety, security and use? Isn't this negligent gun ownership as well as parenting?

Hard to apply that law.. If the gun is stolen by a stranger or misused by a family member that breaks the "security" rules for that family. It is NOT acceptable for the Govt to DEFINE the security rules for the availability of that weapon. That leads eventually to laws like Britain had where YOUR gun could only reside at a "gun club".

I am however fine with charging criminal negligience of some sort RIGHT NOW -- for cases like this. Like I said -- clearly child endangerment or worse. Or as someone pointed out -- it's possible that the child didn't shoot itself. And that investigation might uncover a different story..

Nonsense. The law can easily define negligence. The mother of the psycho who shot up 1st graders in Newtown knew very well her son was dangerous yet allowed him access to her guns. That is clearly negligence. If that mother or any gun owner knew they would be held criminally liable for how their weapons were used, they would most certainly take more care.
Reality - What's a bow and arrow for, protection or killing game and men?


What's a brain for?

Oh wait, you have no way of knowing....
Nope. See, this is why you can't deal with reality. I ask you what a bow and arrow were created for and you are so childishly addicted to your goddamned guns that you can't even answer honestly.


Remember, boys, don't "protect" yourself until you see the whites of their eyes.
So when you go out and use guns to kill stuff -- why do you do that?
Because it is suffering or dying, usually. Or because it is killing, rarely.

OK.. What ever paints your house... So what does this child abuse have to do with gun laws?

The kid is just as dead if the mom leaves the door to basement stairs open..

Shouldn't there be a law holding the gun owner responsible for it's safety, security and use? Isn't this negligent gun ownership as well as parenting?

Hard to apply that law.. If the gun is stolen by a stranger or misused by a family member that breaks the "security" rules for that family. It is NOT acceptable for the Govt to DEFINE the security rules for the availability of that weapon. That leads eventually to laws like Britain had where YOUR gun could only reside at a "gun club".

I am however fine with charging criminal negligience of some sort RIGHT NOW -- for cases like this. Like I said -- clearly child endangerment or worse. Or as someone pointed out -- it's possible that the child didn't shoot itself. And that investigation might uncover a different story..

Nonsense. The law can easily define negligence. The mother of the psycho who shot up 1st graders in Newtown knew very well her son was dangerous yet allowed him access to her guns. That is clearly negligence. If that mother or any gun owner knew they would be held criminally liable for how their weapons were used, they would most certainly take more care.

Then in that case -- you get a D.A. and charge her as an accessory of some type. I'm sure there's a bunch of choices there. You don't know what that mother was TOLD by any shrinks. And whether the kid was actually diagnosed with anything that would have precluded his access to a firearm..

I don't trust diagnoses from the psych meisters anyway. They are inconsistent and not determined in any real scientific fashion. And I wouldn't want "negligence" to be arbitrarily redefined every time they update their DSR manual.

Bottom line is.. Gun owners shouldn't be required to fumble with combo locks or keys when the need arises. SOME will elect to lock them up voluntarily. Largely because of the value of their guns. Others will store them above the reach of 3 yr olds. Any of my kids would respect the use and safety of any guns in the home. Or they would be locked up until they do..

In my childhood home. The gun cabinet was a glass front with a simple slide lock.. And the keys were right on top of the cabinet. Was THAT negligent??
Where are all your posts about kids who drown, die in accidental falls, or ingest poison?

FYI singularly all of those accidents kill more kids than accidental gun discharges

AT least put your "concern" over the welfare of children in the order of the danger rather than political ideology

Again with the " You can't prevent all deaths, so why do anything that we know will prevent some" What an idiot.

Not really

I'm saying to concentrate on the dangers that kill more kids than guns first

You morons are so fixated on guns that you don't give a shit about the rest of the preventable accidents that kill far more kids than guns ever did or ever will

Which of those things has not been the subject of other potential causes of death?

Its stupid to say we should not take any action to mitigate harm to kids BECAUSE other things also harm kids.

Its also a really lame excuse.
Then why are kids killed by accidental gunshots the only thing posted here concerning accidental deaths of children?

Be honest you people don't give a shit if a kid drowns or dies in a fall because there is no political agenda for you to push

Because the thread is about a 3 year old shooting himself idiot
I'm not just talking about this thread but the entirety of all threads

Again with the " You can't prevent all deaths, so why do anything that we know will prevent some" What an idiot.

Not really

I'm saying to concentrate on the dangers that kill more kids than guns first

You morons are so fixated on guns that you don't give a shit about the rest of the preventable accidents that kill far more kids than guns ever did or ever will

Which of those things has not been the subject of other potential causes of death?

Its stupid to say we should not take any action to mitigate harm to kids BECAUSE other things also harm kids.

Its also a really lame excuse.
Then why are kids killed by accidental gunshots the only thing posted here concerning accidental deaths of children?

Be honest you people don't give a shit if a kid drowns or dies in a fall because there is no political agenda for you to push

Because the thread is about a 3 year old shooting himself idiot
I'm not just talking about this thread but the entirety of all threads


I guess it's too hard for you to stay on one subject. ADD will do that..
Because it is suffering or dying, usually. Or because it is killing, rarely.

OK.. What ever paints your house... So what does this child abuse have to do with gun laws?

The kid is just as dead if the mom leaves the door to basement stairs open..

Shouldn't there be a law holding the gun owner responsible for it's safety, security and use? Isn't this negligent gun ownership as well as parenting?

Hard to apply that law.. If the gun is stolen by a stranger or misused by a family member that breaks the "security" rules for that family. It is NOT acceptable for the Govt to DEFINE the security rules for the availability of that weapon. That leads eventually to laws like Britain had where YOUR gun could only reside at a "gun club".

I am however fine with charging criminal negligience of some sort RIGHT NOW -- for cases like this. Like I said -- clearly child endangerment or worse. Or as someone pointed out -- it's possible that the child didn't shoot itself. And that investigation might uncover a different story..

Nonsense. The law can easily define negligence. The mother of the psycho who shot up 1st graders in Newtown knew very well her son was dangerous yet allowed him access to her guns. That is clearly negligence. If that mother or any gun owner knew they would be held criminally liable for how their weapons were used, they would most certainly take more care.

Then in that case -- you get a D.A. and charge her as an accessory of some type. I'm sure there's a bunch of choices there. You don't know what that mother was TOLD by any shrinks. And whether the kid was actually diagnosed with anything that would have precluded his access to a firearm..

I don't trust diagnoses from the psych meisters anyway. They are inconsistent and not determined in any real scientific fashion. And I wouldn't want "negligence" to be arbitrarily redefined every time they update their DSR manual.

Bottom line is.. Gun owners shouldn't be required to fumble with combo locks or keys when the need arises. SOME will elect to lock them up voluntarily. Largely because of the value of their guns. Others will store them above the reach of 3 yr olds. Any of my kids would respect the use and safety of any guns in the home. Or they would be locked up until they do..

In my childhood home. The gun cabinet was a glass front with a simple slide lock.. And the keys were right on top of the cabinet. Was THAT negligent??

Yes. If you allow for unauthorized access and the weapons under your charge are misused, then you are liable. Why not just leave dynamite and matches out for your kids to play with? Who should be held responsible, the child?
OK.. What ever paints your house... So what does this child abuse have to do with gun laws?

The kid is just as dead if the mom leaves the door to basement stairs open..

Shouldn't there be a law holding the gun owner responsible for it's safety, security and use? Isn't this negligent gun ownership as well as parenting?

Hard to apply that law.. If the gun is stolen by a stranger or misused by a family member that breaks the "security" rules for that family. It is NOT acceptable for the Govt to DEFINE the security rules for the availability of that weapon. That leads eventually to laws like Britain had where YOUR gun could only reside at a "gun club".

I am however fine with charging criminal negligience of some sort RIGHT NOW -- for cases like this. Like I said -- clearly child endangerment or worse. Or as someone pointed out -- it's possible that the child didn't shoot itself. And that investigation might uncover a different story..

Nonsense. The law can easily define negligence. The mother of the psycho who shot up 1st graders in Newtown knew very well her son was dangerous yet allowed him access to her guns. That is clearly negligence. If that mother or any gun owner knew they would be held criminally liable for how their weapons were used, they would most certainly take more care.

Then in that case -- you get a D.A. and charge her as an accessory of some type. I'm sure there's a bunch of choices there. You don't know what that mother was TOLD by any shrinks. And whether the kid was actually diagnosed with anything that would have precluded his access to a firearm..

I don't trust diagnoses from the psych meisters anyway. They are inconsistent and not determined in any real scientific fashion. And I wouldn't want "negligence" to be arbitrarily redefined every time they update their DSR manual.

Bottom line is.. Gun owners shouldn't be required to fumble with combo locks or keys when the need arises. SOME will elect to lock them up voluntarily. Largely because of the value of their guns. Others will store them above the reach of 3 yr olds. Any of my kids would respect the use and safety of any guns in the home. Or they would be locked up until they do..

In my childhood home. The gun cabinet was a glass front with a simple slide lock.. And the keys were right on top of the cabinet. Was THAT negligent??

Yes. If you allow for unauthorized access and the weapons under your charge are misused, then you are liable. Why not just leave dynamite and matches out for your kids to play with? Who should be held responsible, the child?

Why not leave the BOOZE unlocked?? And some matches. How ridiculous do you wanna get??? This leftist concept of a risk-free, idiot-proof life guaranteed by legislating every decision makes everybody an idiot eventually. Because there will be no judgement muscles left to exercise.

"unauthorized access"?? See that's why we're not playin this game. Because SOON -- AUTHORIZED STORAGE will be in a locker room across town..

That glass gun case in my childhood home was PERFECTLY protected from misuse. Even IF a pool cue or a step ladder could have gotten you access to the guns..
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Where are all your posts about kids who drown, die in accidental falls, or ingest poison?

FYI singularly all of those accidents kill more kids than accidental gun discharges

AT least put your "concern" over the welfare of children in the order of the danger rather than political ideology

Again with the " You can't prevent all deaths, so why do anything that we know will prevent some" What an idiot.

Not really

I'm saying to concentrate on the dangers that kill more kids than guns first

You morons are so fixated on guns that you don't give a shit about the rest of the preventable accidents that kill far more kids than guns ever did or ever will

Which of those things has not been the subject of other potential causes of death?

Its stupid to say we should not take any action to mitigate harm to kids BECAUSE other things also harm kids.

Its also a really lame excuse.
Then why are kids killed by accidental gunshots the only thing posted here concerning accidental deaths of children?

Be honest you people don't give a shit if a kid drowns or dies in a fall because there is no political agenda for you to push

Because the thread is about a 3 year old shooting himself idiot

Notice that some RWs have actually celebrated the death of a 3yo but not one has expressed even the tiniest bit of concern.

And you can bet they all call themselves "christians"
Again with the " You can't prevent all deaths, so why do anything that we know will prevent some" What an idiot.

Not really

I'm saying to concentrate on the dangers that kill more kids than guns first

You morons are so fixated on guns that you don't give a shit about the rest of the preventable accidents that kill far more kids than guns ever did or ever will

Which of those things has not been the subject of other potential causes of death?

Its stupid to say we should not take any action to mitigate harm to kids BECAUSE other things also harm kids.

Its also a really lame excuse.
Then why are kids killed by accidental gunshots the only thing posted here concerning accidental deaths of children?

Be honest you people don't give a shit if a kid drowns or dies in a fall because there is no political agenda for you to push

Because the thread is about a 3 year old shooting himself idiot

Notice that some RWs have actually celebrated the death of a 3yo but not one has expressed even the tiniest bit of concern.

And you can bet they all call themselves "christians"

Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, as long as they are right wingers. Everybody else can go screw themselves.
Again with the " You can't prevent all deaths, so why do anything that we know will prevent some" What an idiot.

Not really

I'm saying to concentrate on the dangers that kill more kids than guns first

You morons are so fixated on guns that you don't give a shit about the rest of the preventable accidents that kill far more kids than guns ever did or ever will

Which of those things has not been the subject of other potential causes of death?

Its stupid to say we should not take any action to mitigate harm to kids BECAUSE other things also harm kids.

Its also a really lame excuse.
Then why are kids killed by accidental gunshots the only thing posted here concerning accidental deaths of children?

Be honest you people don't give a shit if a kid drowns or dies in a fall because there is no political agenda for you to push

Because the thread is about a 3 year old shooting himself idiot

Notice that some RWs have actually celebrated the death of a 3yo but not one has expressed even the tiniest bit of concern.

And you can bet they all call themselves "christians"
South Carolina Boy, 3, Fatally Shoots Himself in Mother's Bedroom

...when he fired the semi-automatic handgun at himself...
Barrow's mother, who was not identified, told police that she was in the bedroom watching television when she heard the gunshot.
"She turned around, and there he was on the bed with the gun," Bollinger said.

I own guns. I have always owned guns and will always own guns but -

There is nothing on this planet that is more valuable to me than my children and grand children.

We have read here - nutters who actually brag about have loaded guns where small children can get them.

People who do that are guilty of killing their child.

Usually, way over 90% of the time, mothers who claim that their 3 year old child shot themselves are lying psychotic murderers.

Any experienced homicide detective or psychiatrist will confirm that.
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Not really

I'm saying to concentrate on the dangers that kill more kids than guns first

You morons are so fixated on guns that you don't give a shit about the rest of the preventable accidents that kill far more kids than guns ever did or ever will

Which of those things has not been the subject of other potential causes of death?

Its stupid to say we should not take any action to mitigate harm to kids BECAUSE other things also harm kids.

Its also a really lame excuse.
Then why are kids killed by accidental gunshots the only thing posted here concerning accidental deaths of children?

Be honest you people don't give a shit if a kid drowns or dies in a fall because there is no political agenda for you to push

Because the thread is about a 3 year old shooting himself idiot

Notice that some RWs have actually celebrated the death of a 3yo but not one has expressed even the tiniest bit of concern.

And you can bet they all call themselves "christians"
South Carolina Boy, 3, Fatally Shoots Himself in Mother's Bedroom

...when he fired the semi-automatic handgun at himself...
Barrow's mother, who was not identified, told police that she was in the bedroom watching television when she heard the gunshot.
"She turned around, and there he was on the bed with the gun," Bollinger said.

I own guns. I have always owned guns and will always own guns but -

There is nothing on this planet that is more valuable to me than my children and grand children.

We have read here - nutters who actually brag about have loaded guns where small children can get them.

People who do that are guilty of killing their child.

Usually, mothers who claim that their 3 year old child shot themselves are are lying psychotic murderers.

Any experienced homicide detective or psychiatrist will confirm that.

You are neither, and I doubt you have ever met either of those professions. A bloodthirsty right winger is not capable of judging such things
Not really

I'm saying to concentrate on the dangers that kill more kids than guns first

You morons are so fixated on guns that you don't give a shit about the rest of the preventable accidents that kill far more kids than guns ever did or ever will

Which of those things has not been the subject of other potential causes of death?

Its stupid to say we should not take any action to mitigate harm to kids BECAUSE other things also harm kids.

Its also a really lame excuse.
Then why are kids killed by accidental gunshots the only thing posted here concerning accidental deaths of children?

Be honest you people don't give a shit if a kid drowns or dies in a fall because there is no political agenda for you to push

Because the thread is about a 3 year old shooting himself idiot
I'm not just talking about this thread but the entirety of all threads


I guess it's too hard for you to stay on one subject. ADD will do that..
I guess you're too dim witted to see patterns across multiple threads never mind understand them

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