4 1/2 Years of Stimulus has not created jobs

For 4 1/2 years the Obama Administration has attempted to use the keynesian economic theory to solve our limping economy. It has failed!

Has Keynesian Economics ever worked?

The American Spectator : Fatal Flaws of Keynesian Economics

Forbes Search

Where in the world is Keynesian economics working? ? Ted Biondo - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Is it rational to do something that always fails over and over again and expect a different outcome?

I took the time to follow all three links. The Forbes link provides an index of articles bashing Keynesianism. If you have actually read any of the articles there, tell me which ones and what you think they "prove"; otherwise I won't waste the time reading your padding.

As for the "Rock River Valley's Leading Information Source", the article is an incomprehensible hash of an AP story.

The American Spectator article is a piece of fluff, giving no evidence and simplistically (by that I mean "See Spot run." level) defining two concepts of the "Chicago School" which have no apparent relationship to the article's title. As an example of how bad the article is, the author proudly proclaims the famous "Chicago School" economist Robert Lucas Jr,. winner of the 1995 Nobel. While true that Lucas received his PhD from the University of Chicago and teaches there, Lucas is not a Chicago School economist. In fact he is a founder of the New Keynesian movement!

So all of your links amount to zip and I wasted a half hour which I am sure you regard as a win. I sincerely doubt that you actually read ANY of your cited sources, they have all the earmarks of being the results of a google search thrown together without reading.

Why don't you try something novel, like picking an idea, stating it in your own words, providing the logic that supports it and the evidence that supports the logic? Might be fun, huh?
Yup, picking something would have been good. Hell, even if he chose to just pick his nose, it would have been more useful than that post.
For 4 1/2 years the Obama Administration has attempted to use the keynesian economic theory to solve our limping economy. It has failed!

Has Keynesian Economics ever worked?

The American Spectator : Fatal Flaws of Keynesian Economics

Forbes Search

Where in the world is Keynesian economics working? ? Ted Biondo - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Is it rational to do something that always fails over and over again and expect a different outcome?
Wow. That post is about the most incorrect ever. Full of untruths.
So, stinger, you use a bunch of very, very right wing web sites to prove what you want to prove. Problem is, they are totally partial. And totally wrong.

Now, I could bring you the estimates by moveon.org. But then, I have integrity. You should look the term up. Because you could use some.

Stimulus does indeed work. But perhaps you can show us where lowering taxes has EVER worked.

Then, you say the obama stimulus crated no jobs. So we could believe your far right wing nut case sources, or we could go to moveon.org. OR (and here is a thought you probably have not entertained) we could use a non-partial source. One believed by repubs and dems alike. And known to be impartial. Like, say, the cbo.

And here is the problem for your hypotheses, stinger. They say you are TOTALLY WRONG. They say, as a matter of fact, that the stimulus created a whole lot of jobs. Maybe as many as 3.3 million jobs.

Now, do you see the difference between none and 3.3 million???

Bull shit! Tell me where Keynesian Economics has worked.

Outside of your delusional world, reality exists.

The jobs created and saved by the economic stimulus law that President Barack Obama signed on Feb. 17,*2009 cost at a minimum an average of*$228,055 each, according to data released yesterday by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).In a report released Wednesday—”Estimated Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Employment and Economic Output from October Through December 2010″—the CBO said it now estimates the stimulus law cost a total of $821 billion, up from CBO’s original estimate that the stimulus would cost $787 billion.
2009 Stimulus Bill Cost $228,055 Per Job ?Saved Or Created? or-created/

Do you understand the term cost benefit analysis?

You are living proof of the long term effects of ritalin
4.5 years of stimulus has given Wall Street two record years in all of it's history.
It has also given the wealthiest 7% a 28% hike in their earnings.
Many, many, many conservatives including myself predicted this from day one - that a massive infusion of cash into the financial system would create a fantastic bubble that would super enrich investment banks and finance firms. It did. And that is pretty much all it did.
Meanwhile corporations are also having solid earnings despite a bad economy. So if you are a corporate officer, or in the finance industry - the stimulus is a great and lucrative way to extract money from Americans without any cost.
For 4 1/2 years the Obama Administration has attempted to use the keynesian economic theory to solve our limping economy. It has failed!

Has Keynesian Economics ever worked?

The American Spectator : Fatal Flaws of Keynesian Economics

Forbes Search

Where in the world is Keynesian economics working? ? Ted Biondo - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Is it rational to do something that always fails over and over again and expect a different outcome?

JM Keynes vs right wind funded American Spectator is what this is. No surprise.
The economy was close to a meltdown four and a half years ago. It's not now. We really have no way of knowing if a McCain presidency would have done better. It was like no other emergency in the past since the depression of the thirties. Maybe the stimulus wasn't big enough? Also don't forget republicans declared war on obama and vowed to block anything he would try to improve things. This hasn't helped. Keynesianism vs Austerity is a subject going on in these economic forums. How many countries have pulled out of slumps using austerity?

How many countries have used Keynesian Economics to create an economic upturn?
Western European Economies certainly have not been helped by it. Can you spell Greece?
After Europe, does Keynesian economics make sense? - Jun. 10, 2010
All this flawed theory has done is to increase the National Debt.
Socialist IDEOLOGUES and Keynesian Economics go hand and hand. Excuses are the reasons POTUS,s economic policy has failed.

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