4.6% unemployment rate

Okay okay, I give up...the Obama economy and agenda is a success, and that's why people didn't vote for the candidate obama literally begged Americans to vote for.

"Please vote for Hillary....my legacy...my shitty legacy"

Most people don't know much of anything and with so much partisan bullshit out there an informed political position is a big rarity.

Most function on little bits and pieces "people say" and anecdotes patched over prior bias.

Hillary policy-wise would be pretty much Obama III, yet Obama would easily win third term if he could run and Hillary lost.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

Those out of the workforce is at a history high.

Record 95,055,000 Americans Out Of The Labor Force
I see with the good news today of the unemployment rate hitting its lowest mark under Obama, rightwingnuts are being sent out with marching orders about the labor force.

Here's the part your rightwing echo sites leave out....

Of the 95 million not in the labor force, only 5.9 million want a job.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Another 7.4 million are in the labor force but unemployed.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

That brings the grand total of folks not working but who want to work at: 13.3 million

When Obama became president, that figure was 23.5 million.
Good to see the rate continue to drop

Employers added solid 178,000 jobs in Nov.

The labor market perked up modestly in November as employers added 178,000 jobs and the unemployment rate fell to a nine-year low, providing more evidence of a solid economy in the final payroll report before an expected Federal Reserve interest rate hike.

The unemployment rate, which is calculated from a different survey than the payroll total, fell from 4.9% to 4.6%, lowest since August 2007

More liberal bullshit concocted numbers, just like the made up polls that showed Clinton 332 vs Trump 216, on Nov. 7.

They're on a mission to made Obama look good. Keep putting lipstick on that pig, guys. Does it reflect the millions out of work and stopped looking? No. Does it reflect the record number of food stamps? no. Does it reflect the hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost? No. Does it reflect record black unemployment? No. The list goes on and on. This is all leftist mumbo jumbo and a failed effort to save the first black president's disastrous legacy.

Think the BLS numbers are "made up"?

Ready to claim they are fake when they report on the Trump economy?

Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's which means you can flush those numbers down the toilet. More people are out of work and stopped looking in 50 years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

Like I said, concocted numbers to make the disastrous Obama presidency look good. This is the narrarative CNN has decided it's going to push. Stupid delusional leftist idiots, if the economy was that good then why didn't Hiilary become president.


LFPR decline was well predicted and it will continue due to basic demographics and education standards.


It will be flat during cycle growth years (like it has been 2014-now) and it will drop in slower years through 2030s...unless there is a drastic change in immigration policy.

If you think Trump will change this you may as well start slow cooking that shoe now - it is only a matter of time before you'll have to eat it.
Far more concerned about the record number of people out of the labor force, a problem that skyrocketed under Obama.
Why? It's a meaningless figure in terms of the health of the job market as it reflects demographics.

It was lower than it is now in the early 60's. It went up then because the baby boomer generation began turning 18 and entering the labor force. Now they're turning 62 and leaving the labor force.

Tell that to the tens of millions unable to find steady work who now live on the dole.
You're fucking deranged. There's only 7.4 million people out of work now who are looking for a job. WTF do you get "tens of millions from?"
Far more concerned about the record number of people out of the labor force, a problem that skyrocketed under Obama.
Why? It's a meaningless figure in terms of the health of the job market as it reflects demographics.

It was lower than it is now in the early 60's. It went up then because the baby boomer generation began turning 18 and entering the labor force. Now they're turning 62 and leaving the labor force.

Tell that to the tens of millions unable to find steady work who now live on the dole.
You're fucking deranged. There's only 7.4 million people out of work now who are looking for a job. WTF do you get "tens of millions from?"
They get that from the republican handbook of bullshit
how can obama/dems gloat about the 8 or so million jobs they created when we have always had about 80/90 Million people out there looking for work or gave up?
Post as link saying there are 80/90 million people looking for work or who gave up looking....
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Does one person now needing to work 2 28 hours jobs, equating to a new 58 hour work week, account for 1 or 2 jobs? :lol:
In the household survey, employed persons who hold more than one job are counted only once, at the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours during the reference week.
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Does one person now needing to work 2 28 hours jobs, equating to a new 58 hour work week, account for 1 or 2 jobs? :lol:
In the household survey, employed persons who hold more than one job are counted only once, at the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours during the reference week.
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
And that is the kind of worthless lying scum that is required to be a Trumpist!!!!!!!
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Does one person now needing to work 2 28 hours jobs, equating to a new 58 hour work week, account for 1 or 2 jobs? :lol:
In the household survey, employed persons who hold more than one job are counted only once, at the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours during the reference week.
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
And that is the kind of worthless lying scum that is required to be a Trumpist!!!!!!!
Says the Hillary voter....:lol:
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Does one person now needing to work 2 28 hours jobs, equating to a new 58 hour work week, account for 1 or 2 jobs? :lol:
In the household survey, employed persons who hold more than one job are counted only once, at the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours during the reference week.
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
And that is the kind of worthless lying scum that is required to be a Trumpist!!!!!!!
Says the Hillary voter....:lol:
Tramp scum can rationalize any lie they tell is justified.
Does one person now needing to work 2 28 hours jobs, equating to a new 58 hour work week, account for 1 or 2 jobs? :lol:
In the household survey, employed persons who hold more than one job are counted only once, at the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours during the reference week.
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
And that is the kind of worthless lying scum that is required to be a Trumpist!!!!!!!
Says the Hillary voter....:lol:
Tramp scum can rationalize any lie they tell is justified.
Yes, we have your fake news....:lol:

Try an on-line degree child and MAGA......
In the household survey, employed persons who hold more than one job are counted only once, at the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours during the reference week.
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
And that is the kind of worthless lying scum that is required to be a Trumpist!!!!!!!
Says the Hillary voter....:lol:
Tramp scum can rationalize any lie they tell is justified.
Yes, we have your fake news....:lol:
Try an on-line degree child and MAGA......
Let's recap, a Trumpist asks a question, I post the correct answer but it is not the answer he wanted, so he simply lies and asserts the answer he wanted. When the lie of his assertion is exposed he deflects. When the deflection fails, the worthless lying scum lies some more, condescends and mindlessly parrots the meaningless drivel of his puppet master.
Thank you.
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
And that is the kind of worthless lying scum that is required to be a Trumpist!!!!!!!
Says the Hillary voter....:lol:
Tramp scum can rationalize any lie they tell is justified.
Yes, we have your fake news....:lol:
Try an on-line degree child and MAGA......
Let's recap, a Trumpist asks a question, I post the correct answer but it is not the answer he wanted, so he simply lies and asserts the answer he wanted. When the lie of his assertion is exposed he deflects. When the deflection fails, the worthless lying scum lies some more, condescends and mindlessly parrots the meaningless drivel of his puppet master.
Thank you.
Yes, let's recap....

You deflect...

Then recap that you didn't....

I call you an uneducated dolt....

And you confirm that....

And that is the kind of worthless lying scum that is required to be a Trumpist!!!!!!!
Says the Hillary voter....:lol:
Tramp scum can rationalize any lie they tell is justified.
Yes, we have your fake news....:lol:
Try an on-line degree child and MAGA......
Let's recap, a Trumpist asks a question, I post the correct answer but it is not the answer he wanted, so he simply lies and asserts the answer he wanted. When the lie of his assertion is exposed he deflects. When the deflection fails, the worthless lying scum lies some more, condescends and mindlessly parrots the meaningless drivel of his puppet master.
Thank you.
Yes, let's recap....

You deflect...

Then recap that you didn't....

I call you an uneducated dolt....

And you confirm that....

Lying is so much a part of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism that you just can't stop yourself from lying no matter how foolish you look.

The fact remains, you asked if a person has 2 PT jobs, is that counted as 1 or 2 jobs when calculating the U-3 rate. I quoted the BLS saying it is counted as 1 (ONE) job whichever job they worked the most hours and you simply lied and said:
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
Says the Hillary voter....:lol:
Tramp scum can rationalize any lie they tell is justified.
Yes, we have your fake news....:lol:
Try an on-line degree child and MAGA......
Let's recap, a Trumpist asks a question, I post the correct answer but it is not the answer he wanted, so he simply lies and asserts the answer he wanted. When the lie of his assertion is exposed he deflects. When the deflection fails, the worthless lying scum lies some more, condescends and mindlessly parrots the meaningless drivel of his puppet master.
Thank you.
Yes, let's recap....

You deflect...

Then recap that you didn't....

I call you an uneducated dolt....

And you confirm that....

Lying is so much a part of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism that you just can't stop yourself from lying no matter how foolish you look.

The fact remains, you asked if a person has 2 PT jobs, is that counted as 1 or 2 jobs when calculating the U-3 rate. I quoted the BLS saying it is counted as 1 (ONE) job whichever job they worked the most hours and you simply lied and said:
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....

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