4.6% unemployment rate

The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Service jobs either part-time or full-time Are not real jobs...
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Does one person now needing to work 2 28 hours jobs, equating to a new 58 hour work week, account for 1 or 2 jobs? :lol:
Barry refuses to count millions unemployed, unemployed only because they have given up searching for work they can't find.
If by "MILLIONS" You mean LESS than ONE million, then you wouldn't be lying again.

Employment Situation Summary

there were 591,000 discouraged workers in November, little
different from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged
workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are
available for them.
Barry refuses to count millions unemployed, unemployed only because they have given up searching for work they can't find.
If by "MILLIONS" You mean LESS than ONE million, then you wouldn't be lying again.

Employment Situation Summary

there were 591,000 discouraged workers in November, little
different from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged
workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are
available for them.
You mean 95,000,000 not in the labor force because they gave up looking.....
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Service jobs either part-time or full-time Are not real jobs...
You lied about MOST jobs being PT service jobs, so why shouldn't I believe you are also lying about service jobs suddenly being FT jobs???
Barry refuses to count millions unemployed, unemployed only because they have given up searching for work they can't find.
If by "MILLIONS" You mean LESS than ONE million, then you wouldn't be lying again.

Employment Situation Summary

there were 591,000 discouraged workers in November, little
different from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged
workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are
available for them.
You mean 95,000,000 not in the labor force because they gave up looking.....
No the BLS reports 591,000 are not in the labor force because they gave up looking.
Trumpists need to learn how to read English!
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Service jobs either part-time or full-time Are not real jobs...
You lied about MOST jobs being PT service jobs, so why shouldn't I believe you are also lying about service jobs suddenly being FT jobs???
A beginners job like a service job is not a career, The fact remains economy sucks ass… Thankfully the lame-duck is on his way out we have bigger and better things to look forward to… lol
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Does one person now needing to work 2 28 hours jobs, equating to a new 58 hour work week, account for 1 or 2 jobs? :lol:
In the household survey, employed persons who hold more than one job are counted only once, at the job at which they worked the greatest number of hours during the reference week.
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Service jobs either part-time or full-time Are not real jobs...
You lied about MOST jobs being PT service jobs, so why shouldn't I believe you are also lying about service jobs suddenly being FT jobs???
A beginners job like a service job is not a career, The fact remains economy sucks ass… Thankfully the lame-duck is on his way out we have bigger and better things to look forward to… lol
No, the fact remains you got caught lying and like a typical Trumpist you are not man enough to admit it!
the real unemployment has been about 25% since 2009. its never gone down.
The numbers do not lie, most of the so called job creation over the last eight years have been part time service jobs replacing great paying jobs like mining jobs.
But you DO lie!

Over the last 8 years FT jobs increased by 8.4 million and PT jobs increased by 1.5 million. According to you, 1.5 million PT jobs is most of 9.9 million total jobs. :cuckoo:
Service jobs either part-time or full-time Are not real jobs...
You lied about MOST jobs being PT service jobs, so why shouldn't I believe you are also lying about service jobs suddenly being FT jobs???
A beginners job like a service job is not a career, The fact remains economy sucks ass… Thankfully the lame-duck is on his way out we have bigger and better things to look forward to… lol
No, the fact remains you got caught lying and like a typical Trumpist you are not man enough to admit it!
Na, The fact remains that economy is in the shit can and America spoke… Trump is president of the United States.
Think the BLS numbers are "made up"?

Ready to claim they are fake when they report on the Trump economy?

Lowest labor participation rate since the 70's which means you can flush those numbers down the toilet. More people are out of work and stopped looking in 50 years.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Lowest in 38 Years

Like I said, concocted numbers to make the disastrous Obama presidency look good. This is the narrarative CNN has decided it's going to push. Stupid delusional leftist idiots, if the economy was that good then why didn't Hiilary become president.
Roudy is not telling you that more Americans are employed that ever in our history. 4.6% UE rate is fantastic.

Beginning in 2017, every month the national Labor Force participation rate is going to go down as Trump's policies fail. Check #377 link to it.

Every single month Trump will fail, and we have Roudy to thank for pointing it out.
The truth is, this is the economy Obama has left us with, and why Trump became president.

U.S. has 3rd-lowest labor-force participation for men among developed countries

Obama's gift to Trump: A 'pretty solid' economy
A solid economy where a record number of 95 million are out of work and stopped looking? Ha ha ha ha ha.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Too stupid for words.

89 million of those 95 million don't want to work.

There were more people out of work who wanted a job while Bush was president. Where was your outrage then?
how can obama/dems gloat about the 8 or so million jobs they created when we have always had about 80/90 Million people out there looking for work or gave up?
Let's see

Obama has 4.6% unemployment. $2 gas. Rising housing market. Low interest rates. Low inflation. Strong dollar.

Trump has nowhere to go but down

10 years - the longest post-war recession-to-recession span and we are approaching 8, Trump needs to stretch it to 13 to get re-elected. His persona is married to economy, if he isn't a businessman that delivers, then he is just a hard blowing clown.

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