4.6% unemployment rate

Tramp scum can rationalize any lie they tell is justified.
Yes, we have your fake news....:lol:
Try an on-line degree child and MAGA......
Let's recap, a Trumpist asks a question, I post the correct answer but it is not the answer he wanted, so he simply lies and asserts the answer he wanted. When the lie of his assertion is exposed he deflects. When the deflection fails, the worthless lying scum lies some more, condescends and mindlessly parrots the meaningless drivel of his puppet master.
Thank you.
Yes, let's recap....

You deflect...

Then recap that you didn't....

I call you an uneducated dolt....

And you confirm that....

Lying is so much a part of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism that you just can't stop yourself from lying no matter how foolish you look.

The fact remains, you asked if a person has 2 PT jobs, is that counted as 1 or 2 jobs when calculating the U-3 rate. I quoted the BLS saying it is counted as 1 (ONE) job whichever job they worked the most hours and you simply lied and said:
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
Yes, your Trumpian lying is easily seen.
Thank you.
Yes, we have your fake news....:lol:
Try an on-line degree child and MAGA......
Let's recap, a Trumpist asks a question, I post the correct answer but it is not the answer he wanted, so he simply lies and asserts the answer he wanted. When the lie of his assertion is exposed he deflects. When the deflection fails, the worthless lying scum lies some more, condescends and mindlessly parrots the meaningless drivel of his puppet master.
Thank you.
Yes, let's recap....

You deflect...

Then recap that you didn't....

I call you an uneducated dolt....

And you confirm that....

Lying is so much a part of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism that you just can't stop yourself from lying no matter how foolish you look.

The fact remains, you asked if a person has 2 PT jobs, is that counted as 1 or 2 jobs when calculating the U-3 rate. I quoted the BLS saying it is counted as 1 (ONE) job whichever job they worked the most hours and you simply lied and said:
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
Yes, your Trumpian lying is easily seen.
Thank you.
And another deflection.....your are past the capabilities of your GED....
Let's recap, a Trumpist asks a question, I post the correct answer but it is not the answer he wanted, so he simply lies and asserts the answer he wanted. When the lie of his assertion is exposed he deflects. When the deflection fails, the worthless lying scum lies some more, condescends and mindlessly parrots the meaningless drivel of his puppet master.
Thank you.
Yes, let's recap....

You deflect...

Then recap that you didn't....

I call you an uneducated dolt....

And you confirm that....

Lying is so much a part of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism that you just can't stop yourself from lying no matter how foolish you look.

The fact remains, you asked if a person has 2 PT jobs, is that counted as 1 or 2 jobs when calculating the U-3 rate. I quoted the BLS saying it is counted as 1 (ONE) job whichever job they worked the most hours and you simply lied and said:
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
Yes, your Trumpian lying is easily seen.
Thank you.
And another deflection.....your are past the capabilities of your GED....
And yet with my limited "capabilities" I am having no trouble exposing your lies and making you look like a fool.
What does that say about your glorious "capabilities?"
Yes, let's recap....

You deflect...

Then recap that you didn't....

I call you an uneducated dolt....

And you confirm that....

Lying is so much a part of the hate religion of CON$ervoFascism that you just can't stop yourself from lying no matter how foolish you look.

The fact remains, you asked if a person has 2 PT jobs, is that counted as 1 or 2 jobs when calculating the U-3 rate. I quoted the BLS saying it is counted as 1 (ONE) job whichever job they worked the most hours and you simply lied and said:
So, it is two jobs.....fascinating....
Yes, your Trumpian lying is easily seen.
Thank you.
And another deflection.....your are past the capabilities of your GED....
And yet with my limited "capabilities" I am having no trouble exposing your lies and making you look like a fool.
What does that say about your glorious "capabilities?"
Do let us know when you do....thanks...
Far more concerned about the record number of people out of the labor force, a problem that skyrocketed under Obama.
Why? It's a meaningless figure in terms of the health of the job market as it reflects demographics.

It was lower than it is now in the early 60's. It went up then because the baby boomer generation began turning 18 and entering the labor force. Now they're turning 62 and leaving the labor force.

Tell that to the tens of millions unable to find steady work who now live on the dole.
You're fucking deranged. There's only 7.4 million people out of work now who are looking for a job. WTF do you get "tens of millions from?"

No, you're confused. The labor participation rate includes those that have given up looking or taken part time jobs that don't count as full employment.

33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978. The number of Americans aged 16 and older not participating in the labor force hit 92,898,000 in February, tying December's record, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).Mar 7, 2015
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978 - RT.com
33% of Americans out of workforce, highest rate since 1978
Nat runs eflatminor along like a sheep dog does the flock. 4.6% UE is outstanding. We have the highest number of Americans working in our history.

The labor participation rate under Trump will fail every single month as more and more people swell those who are not working.
one of the great job creators president obama who was handed a bs economy and turned it around ,,,so sorry obama haters

Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:

Obungles is the best thing to have happened for the republican party, he'll leave with the dems in shambles and the repubs in full control

Trump won because racist dog shit like you.

Calm yourself, you can try again in 4 to 8 years who knows maybe you will have better luck.

Let's face some brutal facts, the dems haven't fared so well in recent elections. There is a reason for that...they should be wondering why. The democrat party is decimated, no leadership, a failed agenda and they have little power.
But they gained seats in the House & Senate.
Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:

Obungles is the best thing to have happened for the republican party, he'll leave with the dems in shambles and the repubs in full control

Trump won because racist dog shit like you.

Calm yourself, you can try again in 4 to 8 years who knows maybe you will have better luck.

Let's face some brutal facts, the dems haven't fared so well in recent elections. There is a reason for that...they should be wondering why. The democrat party is decimated, no leadership, a failed agenda and they have little power.
But they gained seats in the House & Senate.

Well that was weak....LOL Who's in control?
Riiiiiight Obama is so great he lost the House, Senate, White House, and SCOTUS during his 2 terms. /SARCASM :lmao:

Obungles is the best thing to have happened for the republican party, he'll leave with the dems in shambles and the repubs in full control

Trump won because racist dog shit like you.

Calm yourself, you can try again in 4 to 8 years who knows maybe you will have better luck.

Let's face some brutal facts, the dems haven't fared so well in recent elections. There is a reason for that...they should be wondering why. The democrat party is decimated, no leadership, a failed agenda and they have little power.
But they gained seats in the House & Senate.
Only because more Republican seats were up for election than Democrat seats. If you really had something to brag about, the Democrats would have won the Senate.
Obungles is the best thing to have happened for the republican party, he'll leave with the dems in shambles and the repubs in full control

Trump won because racist dog shit like you.

Calm yourself, you can try again in 4 to 8 years who knows maybe you will have better luck.

Let's face some brutal facts, the dems haven't fared so well in recent elections. There is a reason for that...they should be wondering why. The democrat party is decimated, no leadership, a failed agenda and they have little power.
But they gained seats in the House & Senate.
Only because more Republican seats were up for election than Democrat seats. If you really had something to brag about, the Democrats would have won the Senate.

Even Evan Bayh, a Dem golden boy got shellacked
Obungles is the best thing to have happened for the republican party, he'll leave with the dems in shambles and the repubs in full control

Trump won because racist dog shit like you.

Calm yourself, you can try again in 4 to 8 years who knows maybe you will have better luck.

Let's face some brutal facts, the dems haven't fared so well in recent elections. There is a reason for that...they should be wondering why. The democrat party is decimated, no leadership, a failed agenda and they have little power.
But they gained seats in the House & Senate.
Only because more Republican seats were up for election than Democrat seats. If you really had something to brag about, the Democrats would have won the Senate.
So, you are saying the Republicans were too weak to save those seats?
4.6 percent. ...Damn impressive

I remember 2009 when the rate broke 10 percent. Even though the market was recovering, GDP was positive, hiring was up

Republicans insisted......The unemployment rate is the most important economic factor
how come Obama never mentioned how many Americans have been out of work since 2009? and how many Americans have been filing for unemployment since 2009? nothing has changed,,we still have well over 50/60 million people out of the work force.
Not to worry.

Beginning in February next year and every month thereafter this argument will be used to discredit Trump's economic efforts as well as the economy.
So basically you're saying is you're full of shit?
I am basically saying you are full of shit and those who have been doing this for years.

Trump is going to get what he gives and so are his supporters.

Rexx, we are going to point that out every month beginning February next year and every month thereafter as long as Trump is President. Count on it.

The Trumpkins will be screaming from the butt hurt by next May.
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4.6 percent. ...Damn impressive

I remember 2009 when the rate broke 10 percent. Even though the market was recovering, GDP was positive, hiring was up

Republicans insisted......The unemployment rate is the most important economic factor

there are 90 million americans who are not in the work force. Most of them are not counted in the unemployment stats.

But continue your Obama worship, you can only do it for a few more weeks. Then, the end of an error and a new beginning under intelligent patriotic leadership.

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