
That number will increase at the beginning after all the useless government employees get fired whom Obama hired to skew his numbers. Then, it will come back down when Trump brings jobs back.

We'll hold you to it motherfucker, and when you fail to deliver, into the fire.
Are you drunk? Why are you so nasty and aggressive? Knock yourself out, I am not whining, I'd just like to know what motivates you for such an aggression.

I'm as nasty as the average nastiness given back to me here.
I don't see any nastiness against you in my post you reacted to so violently. It doesn't matter in the big scheme of things though.

You're here around your brothers and sisters of the retarded right. Just by being here, you are associating with them and their nastiness.

I'm sorry you got shot while you were standing in the front lines of a hostile army... but you shouldn't be standing there.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.
Are you serving food at $9.00/hour? Yea, Obama!
It was a lie Trumpster.
You're boring as shit. Your obsession with that I have to be a Republican for you to sleep at night is freakishly homosexual
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2

OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
I don't attack or defend any Party, I expose Right-wing liars and the techniques they use to deceive.

Right wingers like me who oppose morality laws and think the military is in too many wars and should be smaller?

Wait, you're a liar ...
When you lied about the increase in those workers not in the labor force being due to workers getting discouraged and quit looking, I called you on it and pointed out that the number not in the labor force will continue to rise every year of Tramp's Reign and challenged you to make a friendly wager on it and you refused, which says you know I am right.

I will say this, if Clinton had won the not in labor force would increase every year also. It increased every year of Bush's 2 terms. The lie is that it is due to workers getting discouraged and giving up looking, and that is what I nailed you on.
You're boring as shit. Your obsession with that I have to be a Republican for you to sleep at night is freakishly homosexual
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2

OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
I don't attack or defend any Party, I expose Right-wing liars and the techniques they use to deceive.

Right wingers like me who oppose morality laws and think the military is in too many wars and should be smaller?

Wait, you're a liar ...
When you lied about the increase in those workers not in the labor force being due to workers getting discouraged and quit looking, I called you on it and pointed out that the number not in the labor force will continue to rise every year of Tramp's Reign and challenged you to make a friendly wager on it and you refused, which says you know I am right.

I will say this, if Clinton had won the not in labor force would increase every year also. It increased every year of Bush's 2 terms. The lie is that it is due to workers getting discouraged and giving up looking, and that is what I nailed you on.

You also called me a Republican because you're a liar and I stopped reading after that.

You're also not very smart, you don't grasp the significance of size of the labor force and it being historically low
That number will increase at the beginning after all the useless government employees get fired whom Obama hired to skew his numbers. Then, it will come back down when Trump brings jobs back.

We'll hold you to it motherfucker, and when you fail to deliver, into the fire.
Are you drunk? Why are you so nasty and aggressive? Knock yourself out, I am not whining, I'd just like to know what motivates you for such an aggression.

"I'd just like to know what motivates you for such an aggression."

It's because the Leftists know they are nothing now, they have ZERO power, it's all been taken away from them and payback is going to be a brutal, brutal bitch and they know what's coming around the corner.
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2

OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
I don't attack or defend any Party, I expose Right-wing liars and the techniques they use to deceive.

Right wingers like me who oppose morality laws and think the military is in too many wars and should be smaller?

Wait, you're a liar ...
When you lied about the increase in those workers not in the labor force being due to workers getting discouraged and quit looking, I called you on it and pointed out that the number not in the labor force will continue to rise every year of Tramp's Reign and challenged you to make a friendly wager on it and you refused, which says you know I am right.

I will say this, if Clinton had won the not in labor force would increase every year also. It increased every year of Bush's 2 terms. The lie is that it is due to workers getting discouraged and giving up looking, and that is what I nailed you on.

You also called me a Republican because you're a liar and I stopped reading after that.

You're also not very smart, you don't grasp the significance of size of the labor force and it being historically low
Stop kazzing. The size of the labor force is not historically low.
It is hard to get the unemployment rate lower than around 4.1%

Trump can not go down much farther. Any recessionary activity will shoot that rate up
Then why was the economy such a big issue in this election? I mean after all... 4.7% that's amazing, right? The people should be happy, right?
It is hard to get the unemployment rate lower than around 4.1%

Trump can not go down much farther. Any recessionary activity will shoot that rate up
Then why was the economy such a big issue in this election? I mean after all... 4.7% that's amazing, right? The people should be happy, right?
It is hard to get the unemployment rate lower than around 4.1%

Trump can not go down much farther. Any recessionary activity will shoot that rate up
Then why was the economy such a big issue in this election? I mean after all... 4.7% that's amazing, right? The people should be happy, right?
I just changed my mind. Maybe I was too hasty. I need to study that video some more.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Median income dropped under Obama in eight years. That is utterly pathetic. Take your phony narrative and shove it up your ass.
And that's not even using the real inflation numbers. It's even worse then. There has been no real growth in wages since 2000, not so for every other cost of living. That's been rising.
Last edited:
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2

OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
I don't attack or defend any Party, I expose Right-wing liars and the techniques they use to deceive.

Right wingers like me who oppose morality laws and think the military is in too many wars and should be smaller?

Wait, you're a liar ...
When you lied about the increase in those workers not in the labor force being due to workers getting discouraged and quit looking, I called you on it and pointed out that the number not in the labor force will continue to rise every year of Tramp's Reign and challenged you to make a friendly wager on it and you refused, which says you know I am right.

I will say this, if Clinton had won the not in labor force would increase every year also. It increased every year of Bush's 2 terms. The lie is that it is due to workers getting discouraged and giving up looking, and that is what I nailed you on.

You also called me a Republican because you're a liar and I stopped reading after that.

You're also not very smart, you don't grasp the significance of size of the labor force and it being historically low
Repeating your lie that I called you a Republican does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar. Since I already corrected you on this earlier in this thread, it also makes you a premeditated liar.

The labor force is the largest it has ever been in the history of this great country.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Median income dropped under Obama in eight years. That is utterly pathetic. Take your phony narrative and shove it up your ass.
And that's not even using the real inflation numbers. It's even worse then. There has been no real growth in wages since 2000, not so for every other cost of living. That's been rising.
Have someone explain to you what the real median household income figures in that chart means. :rolleyes:
OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
I don't attack or defend any Party, I expose Right-wing liars and the techniques they use to deceive.

Right wingers like me who oppose morality laws and think the military is in too many wars and should be smaller?

Wait, you're a liar ...
When you lied about the increase in those workers not in the labor force being due to workers getting discouraged and quit looking, I called you on it and pointed out that the number not in the labor force will continue to rise every year of Tramp's Reign and challenged you to make a friendly wager on it and you refused, which says you know I am right.

I will say this, if Clinton had won the not in labor force would increase every year also. It increased every year of Bush's 2 terms. The lie is that it is due to workers getting discouraged and giving up looking, and that is what I nailed you on.

You also called me a Republican because you're a liar and I stopped reading after that.

You're also not very smart, you don't grasp the significance of size of the labor force and it being historically low
Repeating your lie that I called you a Republican does not make it any less of a lie, it only makes you a serial liar. Since I already corrected you on this earlier in this thread, it also makes you a premeditated liar.

The labor force is the largest it has ever been in the history of this great country.

You keep saying I'm a Trump supporter, I'm not, a right winger, I'm not, and the implication is clearly that I am a Republican, I'm not.

You're a little liar and your pants are on fire and all you're doing it stoking the fire repeating the lies. I will give Trump a chance, I've said that clearly. But Google "Trump" in the name of threads I started before the election and see the dozen or so anti-Trump threads I started.

You just lie, lie and lie again.

Then you attack W and want me to defend it. I never voted for the guy and I oppose him, he's Obama's clone, they both sucked
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Median income dropped under Obama in eight years. That is utterly pathetic. Take your phony narrative and shove it up your ass.
And that's not even using the real inflation numbers. It's even worse then. There has been no real growth in wages since 2000, not so for every other cost of living. That's been rising.
Have someone explain to you what the real median household income figures in that chart means. :rolleyes:
lol, you are the one who needs the explanation. It is adjusted for inflation or at least what inflation they will admit to. Apparently you didn't even realize what you posted. Too funny.

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