
When Trump leaves office LFPR will be further declined, nothing he can do about it. People aren't geoing to be younger or spending less time in school.

your graph shows loft projection, but a nosedive in the actual participation rates - which is accurate

it's why Trump has been given an opportunity to make things better
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.

Fake news.

What are the odds that the unemployment rate will be calculated the same exact way for Trump that is was calculated for Obummer?
Keep telling myself what? That Trump won the election because Republicans are more dispersed? It's true. Hillary got more votes. But since states elect the president and not a nationwide popular vote and because Republicans are more dispersed, Trump won.

And you seem to be oblivious to the reality that politics in the U.S. is like a pendulum. While it's swinging to the right now, it will next swing back to the left.

Clinton was playing checkers while Trump played chess

he ignored California & New York (2 states that account for the PV margin)

yes, the pendulum has swung, but only because the economy has deteriorated under democrat stewardship

Clint ignored Wiscy & Michigan - felt she had those states in the bag

and everyone missed just how deep seeded the angst in Penn was (is)

if the economy were strong (as you seem convinced that it is) - Hillary would have won handily

it's not & she didn't

it's going to be really fun for the next 8 years with President Trump!
many are not able to get the hours they want and need at the jobs they do have (these are counted as "employed" & many are in that spot because companies are incentivized to keep hours under 30 because of ACA guidelines)
repeating that lie does not make it any less a lie, it only makes you a serial liar.
When Trump leaves office LFPR will be further declined, nothing he can do about it. People aren't geoing to be younger or spending less time in school.

your graph shows loft projection, but a nosedive in the actual participation rates - which is accurate

it's why Trump has been given an opportunity to make things better
So what? What do you think the labor force participation rate indicates in terms of the health of the job market? Keep in mind, we're currently in an unprecedented streak of 75 consecutive months of job growth.
people who are part time (many are in this position because of ACA rules)
That is a lie!
The number working PT who want FT jobs has DECLINED since the ACA was passed.

There are only 120 Million documented full time jobs right now in a nation of 319 Million. And yes Virginia, some people work two full time jobs.
So only 37% of our total population is employed in Full Time Employment if you simply say 1 person working 1 job, or about a 1/3rd of the country, regardless if you are working age or not, are employed full time.
Keep telling myself what? That Trump won the election because Republicans are more dispersed? It's true. Hillary got more votes. But since states elect the president and not a nationwide popular vote and because Republicans are more dispersed, Trump won.

And you seem to be oblivious to the reality that politics in the U.S. is like a pendulum. While it's swinging to the right now, it will next swing back to the left.

Clinton was playing checkers while Trump played chess

he ignored California & New York (2 states that account for the PV margin)

yes, the pendulum has swung, but only because the economy has deteriorated under democrat stewardship

Clint ignored Wiscy & Michigan - felt she had those states in the bag

and everyone missed just how deep seeded the angst in Penn was (is)

if the economy were strong (as you seem convinced that it is) - Hillary would have won handily

it's not & she didn't

it's going to be really fun for the next 8 years with President Trump!

You just echoed what I said ... Trump won because Republicans are more dispersed throughout the nation. A plurality of voters voted for Hillary.
Keep telling myself what? That Trump won the election because Republicans are more dispersed? It's true. Hillary got more votes. But since states elect the president and not a nationwide popular vote and because Republicans are more dispersed, Trump won.

And you seem to be oblivious to the reality that politics in the U.S. is like a pendulum. While it's swinging to the right now, it will next swing back to the left.

Clinton was playing checkers while Trump played chess

he ignored California & New York (2 states that account for the PV margin)

yes, the pendulum has swung, but only because the economy has deteriorated under democrat stewardship

Clint ignored Wiscy & Michigan - felt she had those states in the bag

and everyone missed just how deep seeded the angst in Penn was (is)

if the economy were strong (as you seem convinced that it is) - Hillary would have won handily

it's not & she didn't

it's going to be really fun for the next 8 years with President Trump!

I couldn't agree more.

Hillary believed the media, the pollster and her own DNC. She believed she was going to be next POTUS. After all they all consider Trump and his candidacy a joke. How wrong they were.

She got lazy and didn't think she had to appear in those States she thought she had locked up.

She ran one lazy campaign while Trump ran a great campaign and he hit those States he needed to. He got his message out there and he won.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.
I think he can do it if he fudges the numbers as well as Obama did. What really needs fixed is the wages, that is where the working man is getting shafted.
Keep telling myself what? That Trump won the election because Republicans are more dispersed? It's true. Hillary got more votes. But since states elect the president and not a nationwide popular vote and because Republicans are more dispersed, Trump won.

And you seem to be oblivious to the reality that politics in the U.S. is like a pendulum. While it's swinging to the right now, it will next swing back to the left.

Clinton was playing checkers while Trump played chess

he ignored California & New York (2 states that account for the PV margin)

yes, the pendulum has swung, but only because the economy has deteriorated under democrat stewardship

Clint ignored Wiscy & Michigan - felt she had those states in the bag

and everyone missed just how deep seeded the angst in Penn was (is)

if the economy were strong (as you seem convinced that it is) - Hillary would have won handily

it's not & she didn't

it's going to be really fun for the next 8 years with President Trump!

You just echoed what I said ... Trump won because Republicans are more dispersed throughout the nation. A plurality of voters voted for Hillary.
The majority of voters wanted someone other then Hillary, and that is what they got, seems fair.
people who are part time (many are in this position because of ACA rules)
That is a lie!
The number working PT who want FT jobs has DECLINED since the ACA was passed.

There are only 120 Million documented full time jobs right now in a nation of 319 Million. And yes Virginia, some people work two full time jobs.
So only 37% of our total population is employed in Full Time Employment if you simply say 1 person working 1 job, or about a 1/3rd of the country, regardless if you are working age or not, are employed full time.
Wait, weren't you saying Unemployment was 37%?
But Ok, 124 million full time workers, not counting the military, out of 319 million. Is that good or bad? How many of the total population cannot work? How many want to work part time? The broad numbers like that tell us nothing.

Oh and only 282,000 people working 2 full-time jobs.
Keep telling myself what? That Trump won the election because Republicans are more dispersed? It's true. Hillary got more votes. But since states elect the president and not a nationwide popular vote and because Republicans are more dispersed, Trump won.

And you seem to be oblivious to the reality that politics in the U.S. is like a pendulum. While it's swinging to the right now, it will next swing back to the left.

Clinton was playing checkers while Trump played chess

he ignored California & New York (2 states that account for the PV margin)

yes, the pendulum has swung, but only because the economy has deteriorated under democrat stewardship

Clint ignored Wiscy & Michigan - felt she had those states in the bag

and everyone missed just how deep seeded the angst in Penn was (is)

if the economy were strong (as you seem convinced that it is) - Hillary would have won handily

it's not & she didn't

it's going to be really fun for the next 8 years with President Trump!

You just echoed what I said ... Trump won because Republicans are more dispersed throughout the nation. A plurality of voters voted for Hillary.
The majority of voters wanted someone other then Hillary, and that is what they got, seems fair.
Even more voters didn't want Trump.
When Trump leaves office LFPR will be further declined, nothing he can do about it. People aren't geoing to be younger or spending less time in school.

your graph shows loft projection, but a nosedive in the actual participation rates - which is accurate

it's why Trump has been given an opportunity to make things better
So what? What do you think the labor force participation rate indicates in terms of the health of the job market? Keep in mind, we're currently in an unprecedented streak of 75 consecutive months of job growth.

As I told you: Nobody buys those numbers. We had an average GDP of just 1-2% over the past 8 years. But keep drinking the Koolaide while other nations take our jobs and have 6-8% GDP growth every year.

You just echoed what I said ... Trump won because Republicans are more dispersed throughout the nation. A plurality of voters voted for Hillary.

just because I agree about "swing pendulums" and understand the EC does not mean I "echoed" your statement

I understand that you and most on the left & in the mia think my points are "utter nonsense"

and I also understand why you and most on the left and in the media still can;t understand how & why Hillary lost

enjoy the next 8 years baw; we're making America great again for you too :)
people who are part time (many are in this position because of ACA rules)
That is a lie!
The number working PT who want FT jobs has DECLINED since the ACA was passed.

There are only 120 Million documented full time jobs right now in a nation of 319 Million. And yes Virginia, some people work two full time jobs.
So only 37% of our total population is employed in Full Time Employment if you simply say 1 person working 1 job, or about a 1/3rd of the country, regardless if you are working age or not, are employed full time.
Wait, weren't you saying Unemployment was 37%?
But Ok, 124 million full time workers, not counting the military, out of 319 million. Is that good or bad? How many of the total population cannot work? How many want to work part time? The broad numbers like that tell us nothing.

Oh and only 282,000 people working 2 full-time jobs.

Not 120 Million full time workers. 120 million full time jobs. Many families' bread winners work two full time jobs. And that includes the military and the GOV BTW in the count.
But liberals are dummies, that is why they don't understand The Electoral College or the fact that 84% of Geographical America rejected Obama and Clinton and their policies.
The Dems lost 1,000 seats and numerous state legislatures, and Governorships during Obama's terms.

But you keep telling America that they are happy with The Dem party, while they keep giving you the middle finger at the polls. LMFAO.
4.7%. Remember that number folks. That is the unemployment rate on Obama's last day in office.

Anybody think it will be that low on Trump's last day?

Want to bet?

With all the billionaire business criminals and Nazi dingbats he appointed to his cabinet, I'm sure the economy is going to be a shambles by the time he's through.

These corporate leaders all say regulations are "job killers." How come after 8 years of Obama's regulations the unemployment rate is only 4.7%? I don't think it has ever been that low in my lifetime.

The real reason they oppose regulations is because protecting workers, consumers, and the environment takes money out of their greedy hands.

Ironically, the working class white chumps who most strongly supported Trump will be the ones hurting the most in a few years.
4.6% the last day in 2006 when the democrats took over the house and Senate in 2007.

What did the unemployment rate do after the republicans took over the house in 2010 and then the House and Senate in 2014?

That is what we thought.
When Trump leaves office LFPR will be further declined, nothing he can do about it. People aren't geoing to be younger or spending less time in school.

your graph shows loft projection, but a nosedive in the actual participation rates - which is accurate

it's why Trump has been given an opportunity to make things better
So what? What do you think the labor force participation rate indicates in terms of the health of the job market? Keep in mind, we're currently in an unprecedented streak of 75 consecutive months of job growth.

As I told you. Nobody buys those numbers. We had an average GDP of just 1-2% over the past 8 years. But keep drinking the Koolaide while other nations take our jobs and have 6-8% GDP growth every year.
I note you failed to answer the question and instead pivot to GDP. Typical for people who can't win a debate.
What did the unemployment rate do after the republicans took over the house in 2010 and then the House and Senate in 2014?
Like I predicted, you know the employment situation is improving when the Right tries to take credit for it.

You just echoed what I said ... Trump won because Republicans are more dispersed throughout the nation. A plurality of voters voted for Hillary.

just because I agree about "swing pendulums" and understand the EC does not mean I "echoed" your statement

I understand that you and most on the left & in the mia think my points are "utter nonsense"

and I also understand why you and most on the left and in the media still can;t understand how & why Hillary lost

enjoy the next 8 years baw; we're making America great again for you too :)
We have 4.6% unemployment, a near record high stock market, and the president who presided over that with a 60% job approval record and you think America isn't already great. <smh>

Compare that to 8 years ago when we had a 7.8% unemployment rate with 1 million jobs lost in January of that year, a stock market that crashed and ultimately lost half of its valuation, and the president presiding over that had a job approval between 22% and 34% depending on the pollster.

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