

Not 120 Million full time workers. 120 million full time jobs. Many families' bread winners work two full time jobs. And that includes the military and the GOV BTW in the count..
What is your source for that? BLS has 124,428,000 full time workers counting government but not counting military and 282,000 of them work 2 full time jobs and 4,204,000 work one full time and one part time job.
Table A-9. Selected employment indicators
A-39. Multiple jobholders by selected demographic and economic characteristics
Wow, you guarantee it. That would mean something to me if say I fell off a two story building hitting my head on the concrete and became a mental deficient ... you know ... like you are
Care to bet your continued presence on this board?
No, I don't make stupid bets and I don't make bets with the stupid. My passing on your bet is a twofer
You say it is a stupid bet because you know you will lose.
You won't bet because you know without a doubt that I am right.
You fool no one but yourself, CHICKEN!

1) I don't make that bet with anyone on any subject. It's a stupid bet. I make bets for things like sigs. Read Bodecea's sig right now

2) I would never make any bet with you on any subject because you're a liar and you would never deliver when you lose

Also you're stupid. My point wasn't that Trump will or won't succeed, it was about how every statement from you is that Republicans are evil and Democrat farts don't stink. You're a deluded sycophant of one party which is virtually identical to the one you think is evil
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, you call me a liar and then LIE about what your point was that I challenged. I am reposting it below to refresh your lying memory.
It would be hard for Trump to match the hopelessness at finding a job that Obama managed to create to get enough people to give up and quit looking for a job that the libtard Obama accompolished
I pointed out that Lying Scum Tramp will surpass Obama with that same stat each and every year of his reign of terror.

Those points don't contradict each other, Holmes
Care to bet your continued presence on this board?
No, I don't make stupid bets and I don't make bets with the stupid. My passing on your bet is a twofer
You say it is a stupid bet because you know you will lose.
You won't bet because you know without a doubt that I am right.
You fool no one but yourself, CHICKEN!

1) I don't make that bet with anyone on any subject. It's a stupid bet. I make bets for things like sigs. Read Bodecea's sig right now

2) I would never make any bet with you on any subject because you're a liar and you would never deliver when you lose

Also you're stupid. My point wasn't that Trump will or won't succeed, it was about how every statement from you is that Republicans are evil and Democrat farts don't stink. You're a deluded sycophant of one party which is virtually identical to the one you think is evil
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, you call me a liar and then LIE about what your point was that I challenged. I am reposting it below to refresh your lying memory.
It would be hard for Trump to match the hopelessness at finding a job that Obama managed to create to get enough people to give up and quit looking for a job that the libtard Obama accompolished
I pointed out that Lying Scum Tramp will surpass Obama with that same stat each and every year of his reign of terror.
Those points don't contradict each other, Holmes
But there is nothing there about Republicans being evil or Democrats' farts not stinking!
You said Tramp would be hard pressed to get people to give up looking for a job, and I said the number of people not in the labor force will increase every year of the Tramp Regime. You know I am absolutely correct which is why you will not bet me.
No, I don't make stupid bets and I don't make bets with the stupid. My passing on your bet is a twofer
You say it is a stupid bet because you know you will lose.
You won't bet because you know without a doubt that I am right.
You fool no one but yourself, CHICKEN!

1) I don't make that bet with anyone on any subject. It's a stupid bet. I make bets for things like sigs. Read Bodecea's sig right now

2) I would never make any bet with you on any subject because you're a liar and you would never deliver when you lose

Also you're stupid. My point wasn't that Trump will or won't succeed, it was about how every statement from you is that Republicans are evil and Democrat farts don't stink. You're a deluded sycophant of one party which is virtually identical to the one you think is evil
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, you call me a liar and then LIE about what your point was that I challenged. I am reposting it below to refresh your lying memory.
It would be hard for Trump to match the hopelessness at finding a job that Obama managed to create to get enough people to give up and quit looking for a job that the libtard Obama accompolished
I pointed out that Lying Scum Tramp will surpass Obama with that same stat each and every year of his reign of terror.
Those points don't contradict each other, Holmes
But there is nothing there about Republicans being evil or Democrats' farts not stinking!
You said Tramp would be hard pressed to get people to give up looking for a job, and I said the number of people not in the labor force will increase every year of the Tramp Regime. You know I am absolutely correct which is why you will not bet me.


It was a metaphor, Einstein
You say it is a stupid bet because you know you will lose.
You won't bet because you know without a doubt that I am right.
You fool no one but yourself, CHICKEN!

1) I don't make that bet with anyone on any subject. It's a stupid bet. I make bets for things like sigs. Read Bodecea's sig right now

2) I would never make any bet with you on any subject because you're a liar and you would never deliver when you lose

Also you're stupid. My point wasn't that Trump will or won't succeed, it was about how every statement from you is that Republicans are evil and Democrat farts don't stink. You're a deluded sycophant of one party which is virtually identical to the one you think is evil
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, you call me a liar and then LIE about what your point was that I challenged. I am reposting it below to refresh your lying memory.
It would be hard for Trump to match the hopelessness at finding a job that Obama managed to create to get enough people to give up and quit looking for a job that the libtard Obama accompolished
I pointed out that Lying Scum Tramp will surpass Obama with that same stat each and every year of his reign of terror.
Those points don't contradict each other, Holmes
But there is nothing there about Republicans being evil or Democrats' farts not stinking!
You said Tramp would be hard pressed to get people to give up looking for a job, and I said the number of people not in the labor force will increase every year of the Tramp Regime. You know I am absolutely correct which is why you will not bet me.


It was a metaphor, Einstein
It was a lie Trumpster.
Although much of the major media are reporting the national unemployment rate for October as4.9%, the "real unemployment rate," as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and which includes part-time workers and those marginally attached to the work force, is 9.5%.

Probably already been said but don't forget the millions who exhausted their maximum unemployment benefits and still were unable to find work
1) I don't make that bet with anyone on any subject. It's a stupid bet. I make bets for things like sigs. Read Bodecea's sig right now

2) I would never make any bet with you on any subject because you're a liar and you would never deliver when you lose

Also you're stupid. My point wasn't that Trump will or won't succeed, it was about how every statement from you is that Republicans are evil and Democrat farts don't stink. You're a deluded sycophant of one party which is virtually identical to the one you think is evil
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, you call me a liar and then LIE about what your point was that I challenged. I am reposting it below to refresh your lying memory.
It would be hard for Trump to match the hopelessness at finding a job that Obama managed to create to get enough people to give up and quit looking for a job that the libtard Obama accompolished
I pointed out that Lying Scum Tramp will surpass Obama with that same stat each and every year of his reign of terror.
Those points don't contradict each other, Holmes
But there is nothing there about Republicans being evil or Democrats' farts not stinking!
You said Tramp would be hard pressed to get people to give up looking for a job, and I said the number of people not in the labor force will increase every year of the Tramp Regime. You know I am absolutely correct which is why you will not bet me.


It was a metaphor, Einstein
It was a lie Trumpster.

You're boring as shit. Your obsession with that I have to be a Republican for you to sleep at night is freakishly homosexual
So typical of the worthless lying scum Right, you call me a liar and then LIE about what your point was that I challenged. I am reposting it below to refresh your lying memory.
I pointed out that Lying Scum Tramp will surpass Obama with that same stat each and every year of his reign of terror.
Those points don't contradict each other, Holmes
But there is nothing there about Republicans being evil or Democrats' farts not stinking!
You said Tramp would be hard pressed to get people to give up looking for a job, and I said the number of people not in the labor force will increase every year of the Tramp Regime. You know I am absolutely correct which is why you will not bet me.


It was a metaphor, Einstein
It was a lie Trumpster.
You're boring as shit. Your obsession with that I have to be a Republican for you to sleep at night is freakishly homosexual
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2
Those points don't contradict each other, Holmes
But there is nothing there about Republicans being evil or Democrats' farts not stinking!
You said Tramp would be hard pressed to get people to give up looking for a job, and I said the number of people not in the labor force will increase every year of the Tramp Regime. You know I am absolutely correct which is why you will not bet me.


It was a metaphor, Einstein
It was a lie Trumpster.
You're boring as shit. Your obsession with that I have to be a Republican for you to sleep at night is freakishly homosexual
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2

OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
Although much of the major media are reporting the national unemployment rate for October as4.9%, the "real unemployment rate," as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and which includes part-time workers and those marginally attached to the work force, is 9.5%.
No one at BLS calls the U-6 the "real unemployment rate." They don't even call it "an" unemployment rate, but rather a "measure of labor underutilization."

What kind of moron would think people who have jobs are unemployed?

The word is "underemployed".

I once worked for $9.00 an hour when I had been making $50K a year.

Was I unemployed? No.

Was I underemployed? Damn straight!
It is hard to get the unemployment rate lower than around 4.1%

Trump can not go down much farther. Any recessionary activity will shoot that rate up
Clinton had one month at 3.8% and 4 consecutive months at 3.9% and an average of 4.0% for a whole year, 2000.
The senate and house were under Republican control.
The Senate and House were under Republican control until 2007 and once Bush replaced Clinton they never got the same numbers, so it obviously was Clinton and not the GOP congress.
You never get anything right.

Congress Profiles | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
105th Congress (1997–1999)
Congressional Profile
Total Membership:
  • 435 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner
Party Divisions:*
  • 207 Democrats
  • 226 Republicans
  • 2 Independent
How does that refute the fact that the GOP held control of both houses of congress for the most part until 2007????

That was not your claim. Memory problems? Better get that Alzheimer's screening scheduled.
That number will increase at the beginning after all the useless government employees get fired whom Obama hired to skew his numbers. Then, it will come back down when Trump brings jobs back.

We'll hold you to it motherfucker, and when you fail to deliver, into the fire.
That number will increase at the beginning after all the useless government employees get fired whom Obama hired to skew his numbers. Then, it will come back down when Trump brings jobs back.

We'll hold you to it motherfucker, and when you fail to deliver, into the fire.
Are you drunk? Why are you so nasty and aggressive? Knock yourself out, I am not whining, I'd just like to know what motivates you for such an aggression.
Although much of the major media are reporting the national unemployment rate for October as4.9%, the "real unemployment rate," as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and which includes part-time workers and those marginally attached to the work force, is 9.5%.
No one at BLS calls the U-6 the "real unemployment rate." They don't even call it "an" unemployment rate, but rather a "measure of labor underutilization."

What kind of moron would think people who have jobs are unemployed?

The word is "underemployed".

I once worked for $9.00 an hour when I had been making $50K a year.

Was I unemployed? No.

Was I underemployed? Damn straight!
But that wouldn't put you in the U-6. Underemployment like you're talking about is just too subjective to measure. I also took a similar huge pay cut, at one time, but I was not underemployed, it was entirely by choice as I was back in school as a full time student. Classification isn't a moral judgement, it's a tool to measure the labor market.. A drop in pay or working outside your field can happen for so many individual reasons, it's not useful.
That number will increase at the beginning after all the useless government employees get fired whom Obama hired to skew his numbers. Then, it will come back down when Trump brings jobs back.

We'll hold you to it motherfucker, and when you fail to deliver, into the fire.
Are you drunk? Why are you so nasty and aggressive? Knock yourself out, I am not whining, I'd just like to know what motivates you for such an aggression.

I'm as nasty as the average nastiness given back to me here.
Although much of the major media are reporting the national unemployment rate for October as4.9%, the "real unemployment rate," as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and which includes part-time workers and those marginally attached to the work force, is 9.5%.

Probably already been said but don't forget the millions who exhausted their maximum unemployment benefits and still were unable to find work
What about them? As far as the unemployment rate goes, it doesn't matter if you have ever been eligible for or received unemployment benefits. If you're not working, you can start work, and you're looking for work, then you're unemployed.
That number will increase at the beginning after all the useless government employees get fired whom Obama hired to skew his numbers. Then, it will come back down when Trump brings jobs back.

We'll hold you to it motherfucker, and when you fail to deliver, into the fire.
Are you drunk? Why are you so nasty and aggressive? Knock yourself out, I am not whining, I'd just like to know what motivates you for such an aggression.

I'm as nasty as the average nastiness given back to me here.
I don't see any nastiness against you in my post you reacted to so violently. It doesn't matter in the big scheme of things though.
But there is nothing there about Republicans being evil or Democrats' farts not stinking!
You said Tramp would be hard pressed to get people to give up looking for a job, and I said the number of people not in the labor force will increase every year of the Tramp Regime. You know I am absolutely correct which is why you will not bet me.


It was a metaphor, Einstein
It was a lie Trumpster.
You're boring as shit. Your obsession with that I have to be a Republican for you to sleep at night is freakishly homosexual
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2

OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
I don't attack or defend any Party, I expose Right-wing liars and the techniques they use to deceive.
Clinton had one month at 3.8% and 4 consecutive months at 3.9% and an average of 4.0% for a whole year, 2000.
The senate and house were under Republican control.
The Senate and House were under Republican control until 2007 and once Bush replaced Clinton they never got the same numbers, so it obviously was Clinton and not the GOP congress.
You never get anything right.

Congress Profiles | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives
105th Congress (1997–1999)
Congressional Profile
Total Membership:
  • 435 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner
Party Divisions:*
  • 207 Democrats
  • 226 Republicans
  • 2 Independent
How does that refute the fact that the GOP held control of both houses of congress for the most part until 2007????

That was not your claim. Memory problems? Better get that Alzheimer's screening scheduled.

It was a metaphor, Einstein
It was a lie Trumpster.
You're boring as shit. Your obsession with that I have to be a Republican for you to sleep at night is freakishly homosexual
And the lies continue. I labeled you as the Right or a Trumpist, but never a Republican. As to your continued protestations about not being a Republican:
Hamlet: Madam, how like you this play?
Queen: The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hamlet Act 3, scene 2

OK, so then let's apply your standard to you. I'll make anti-Republican talking points and you defend the Republicans. The Republicans suck, it's a lot easier for me. Agreed?
I don't attack or defend any Party, I expose Right-wing liars and the techniques they use to deceive.

Right wingers like me who oppose morality laws and think the military is in too many wars and should be smaller?

Wait, you're a liar ...

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