4 black youths ride around hunting a white victim; Find one; Shoot him dead.

LMAO...He thinks that his lies are Ok because he thinks someone else is lying somewhere so he's off the hook :thewave:

I didn't LIE. I assumed they targeted the white guy due to the race difference.

SAME WAY you all lied....err...I mean...assumed those white cops sought out black people to shoot.

See??? It can work both ways.

Until proven otherwise....they were hunting crackerz.

So you are using the same tactics as those you claim to disagree with. No wonder you were fired from the force.

Yes. See....that's called pointing out hypocrisy and it's hard to do without an example.

This was a perfect example. Took some baiting....and it worked perfectly.

The usual predictable cast came roaring out to say race was NOT a factor because...well....because no blatant evidence exists that race mattered.

THE SAME crowd who play the race card in white on black shootings....cop ones particularly....despite no evidence showing race was a factor.

Bookmark this thread for future white cop vs black criminal shootings that they call racist...when no evidence shows race mattered.

Its the famous Pux 2 step. The "I was pointing our hypocrisy" followed by the "I didn't really mean it"

It's not even worth debating someone who is on every side of every issue.
Every Pux thread goes the same:

He lies
Someone calls him on it
He blames the left and says his tactics are dem tactics
He blames dems for their hypocrisy but him doing the same is something different
He says he was just joking / setting a trap and didn't mean it.

End thread
Every Pux thread goes the same:

He lies
Someone calls him on it
He blames the left and says his tactics are dem tactics
He blames dems for their hypocrisy but him doing the same is something different
He says he was just joking / setting a trap and didn't mean it.

End thread

What did I "lie" about? To say I lied...you must prove what I said is NOT true.
Every Pux thread goes the same:

He lies
Someone calls him on it
He blames the left and says his tactics are dem tactics
He blames dems for their hypocrisy but him doing the same is something different
He says he was just joking / setting a trap and didn't mean it.

End thread

What did I "lie" about? To say I lied...you must prove what I said is NOT true.

No where in your article does it say they were targeting whites. Yet you said that was the case. You lied. Save your explanations.
Every Pux thread goes the same:

He lies
Someone calls him on it
He blames the left and says his tactics are dem tactics
He blames dems for their hypocrisy but him doing the same is something different
He says he was just joking / setting a trap and didn't mean it.

End thread

What did I "lie" about? To say I lied...you must prove what I said is NOT true.

No where in your article does it say they were targeting whites. Yet you said that was the case. You lied. Save your explanations.
They never say it but some things are just too obvious to ignore.
Every Pux thread goes the same:

He lies
Someone calls him on it
He blames the left and says his tactics are dem tactics
He blames dems for their hypocrisy but him doing the same is something different
He says he was just joking / setting a trap and didn't mean it.

End thread

What did I "lie" about? To say I lied...you must prove what I said is NOT true.

No where in your article does it say they were targeting whites. Yet you said that was the case. You lied. Save your explanations.
They never say it but some things are just too obvious to ignore.

That's a cool ass excuse for lying
Every Pux thread goes the same:

He lies
Someone calls him on it
He blames the left and says his tactics are dem tactics
He blames dems for their hypocrisy but him doing the same is something different
He says he was just joking / setting a trap and didn't mean it.

End thread

What did I "lie" about? To say I lied...you must prove what I said is NOT true.

No where in your article does it say they were targeting whites. Yet you said that was the case. You lied. Save your explanations.

Buuuut......no where has it been proven that any of the white cops like Slager or Darren targeted blacks. But you morons claimed it. Hmmmm.
Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Robbing some indigent black guy is kinda pointless dont you think?
Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.

It doesnt say what you claim. You know that and decided to lie about to stroke your own dick to it.

since when does that matter? You all get to make up your stories based on color.

Thanks. That's the short version of my point.

Notice how quickly they say race isn't a factor because the article doesn't provide proof it was a factor.

BUT when a white cop (or any white person) is in a conflict with a black criminal....they ALWAYS claim race is a factor despite no evidence that race mattered.
You have a point. However, we've read enough of your posts to know that your agenda isn't actually about being fair to cops.
Cops are underpaid, disrespected and put up with all sorts of shit from the public, from the powers that be and from drunk obnoxious assholes who puke in the back seat of the cruiser while they're being driven to jail to sleep it off. Cops save lives all the time; no one pays attention. Then they sometimes get attacked with knives and guns by jacked up, out of their minds druggies and are automatically suspected of wrong doing if they defend themselves with deadly force. Now, I believe there is systemic racism in this country, but I also can see that this issue is not being discussed fairly by either side. Crime walks hand in hand with poverty. Poverty rates are much higher in inner city black communities, not to mention that organized gangs are one of the biggest employers. So yes, blacks probably do commit more crimes than whites in some places. Why they are arrested and put in jail in such higher numbers doesn't track, though. That's the systemic bias part of the equation. Both sides are right to a point, and then extreme haters on both sides of the spectrum start screaming and no one can hear any sense.
Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.

It doesnt say what you claim. You know that and decided to lie about to stroke your own dick to it.

since when does that matter? You all get to make up your stories based on color.

Thanks. That's the short version of my point.

Notice how quickly they say race isn't a factor because the article doesn't provide proof it was a factor.

BUT when a white cop (or any white person) is in a conflict with a black criminal....they ALWAYS claim race is a factor despite no evidence that race mattered.
You have a point. However, we've read enough of your posts to know that your agenda isn't actually about being fair to cops.
Cops are underpaid, disrespected and put up with all sorts of shit from the public, from the powers that be and from drunk obnoxious assholes who puke in the back seat of the cruiser while they're being driven to jail to sleep it off. Cops save lives all the time; no one pays attention. Then they sometimes get attacked with knives and guns by jacked up, out of their minds druggies and are automatically suspected of wrong doing if they defend themselves with deadly force. Now, I believe there is systemic racism in this country, but I also can see that this issue is not being discussed fairly by either side. Crime walks hand in hand with poverty. Poverty rates are much higher in inner city black communities, not to mention that organized gangs are one of the biggest employers. So yes, blacks probably do commit more crimes than whites in some places. Why they are arrested and put in jail in such higher numbers doesn't track, though. That's the systemic bias part of the equation. Both sides are right to a point, and then extreme haters on both sides of the spectrum start screaming and no one can hear any sense.

You say blacks commit more crime....but then call it racist that blacks are arrested more frequently. Do you see how that sounds??

Repeat offenders also get harsher treatment. So....those who commit more crime suffer consequences that are exponentially larger.

That's why they say if 20 white suburban kids get popped for weed and 20 black men get popped for weed....why do the black men get sentenced to longer time???? Because odds are the judge sees other crimes on their rap sheet
And what does that have to do with YOU lying?

It has to do with me proving a point. Which I've done. And that is how moronic you lefties are when you cry racism in incidents that have no evidence that race was a factor.

In the OP...I linked 4 blacks shooting a white man dead in southern North Charleston. It was about 1 mile from where the NC cop Slager shot Walter Scott in the back.

You lefties claimed the cop shooting was a white cop targeting blacks.
You lefties deny that the other one....4 blacks killing a white...is blacks targeting whites.

No absolute evidence is available to prove either was racially motivated.

So.....if I'm lying....then you lefties are too every time you bitch about "racist cops" targeting a black guy with no evidence of it.

It's just funny seeing how much of a 180 you idiots pulled on this story compared to the NCPD story that happened 1 mile away from this one.

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