4 black youths ride around hunting a white victim; Find one; Shoot him dead.

Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.
Police say teens rode around looking for a target before killing Eric Brantley

Anyone who knows North Charleston knows finding a pedestrian isn't hard. They're everywhere. And....it's a mostly black city...with a soaring murder total.

So....when 4 black people went riding around for a victim to rob and kill....wouldn't be hard to find one. But....maybe hard to find the RIGHT one. Until....they found a white bartender walking away late at night from his shift. Alone. Eric Brentley. He was a beloved and eccentric local bartender.

View attachment 72537

Not anymore though. 2 females (not pictured yet) and these two fine oppressed victims below found him....robbed him....then fired dozens of bullets into his body to end his existence. Same type of folks Democrats have been pandering to for 2 years and convincing them the world is out to get them:

View attachment 72539 View attachment 72540

There's not the slightest mention of the robbers searching for a 'white victim'.
Police say teens rode around looking for a target before killing Eric Brantley

Anyone who knows North Charleston knows finding a pedestrian isn't hard. They're everywhere. And....it's a mostly black city...with a soaring murder total.

So....when 4 black people went riding around for a victim to rob and kill....wouldn't be hard to find one. But....maybe hard to find the RIGHT one. Until....they found a white bartender walking away late at night from his shift. Alone. Eric Brentley. He was a beloved and eccentric local bartender.

View attachment 72537

Not anymore though. 2 females (not pictured yet) and these two fine oppressed victims below found him....robbed him....then fired dozens of bullets into his body to end his existence. Same type of folks Democrats have been pandering to for 2 years and convincing them the world is out to get them:

View attachment 72539 View attachment 72540

There's not the slightest mention of the robbers searching for a 'white victim'.

You mean the leftist media didn't mention their racially biased decision to pick the 1 white dude walking in southern North Charleston (an area almost all black) that time of night?? Yeah right.
Police say teens rode around looking for a target before killing Eric Brantley

Anyone who knows North Charleston knows finding a pedestrian isn't hard. They're everywhere. And....it's a mostly black city...with a soaring murder total.

So....when 4 black people went riding around for a victim to rob and kill....wouldn't be hard to find one. But....maybe hard to find the RIGHT one. Until....they found a white bartender walking away late at night from his shift. Alone. Eric Brentley. He was a beloved and eccentric local bartender.

View attachment 72537

Not anymore though. 2 females (not pictured yet) and these two fine oppressed victims below found him....robbed him....then fired dozens of bullets into his body to end his existence. Same type of folks Democrats have been pandering to for 2 years and convincing them the world is out to get them:

View attachment 72539 View attachment 72540

There's not the slightest mention of the robbers searching for a 'white victim'.

OF COURSE IT ISNT. How would Pux play the victim if he didnt make stuff up. I mean seriously, in my signature he claims that white people are pussies....and he's been proving it everyday since
Police say teens rode around looking for a target before killing Eric Brantley

Anyone who knows North Charleston knows finding a pedestrian isn't hard. They're everywhere. And....it's a mostly black city...with a soaring murder total.

So....when 4 black people went riding around for a victim to rob and kill....wouldn't be hard to find one. But....maybe hard to find the RIGHT one. Until....they found a white bartender walking away late at night from his shift. Alone. Eric Brentley. He was a beloved and eccentric local bartender.

View attachment 72537

Not anymore though. 2 females (not pictured yet) and these two fine oppressed victims below found him....robbed him....then fired dozens of bullets into his body to end his existence. Same type of folks Democrats have been pandering to for 2 years and convincing them the world is out to get them:

View attachment 72539 View attachment 72540

There's not the slightest mention of the robbers searching for a 'white victim'.

You mean the leftist media didn't mention their racially biased decision to pick the 1 white dude walking in southern North Charleston (an area almost all black) that time of night?? Yeah right.

So as usual you're not citing the criminals, the police, anything.....but yourself.
Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.

It doesnt say what you claim. You know that and decided to lie about to stroke your own dick to it.

Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.

It doesnt say what you claim. You know that and decided to lie about to stroke your own dick to it.

since when does that matter? You all get to make up your stories based on color.
Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.

It doesnt say what you claim. You know that and decided to lie about to stroke your own dick to it.

since when does that matter? You all get to make up your stories based on color.

Did you just admit that the truth doesnt matter? lmao. See? Thats why I dont even respond to you. :lame2:
Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.
You know the media go out of their way to avoid acknowledging racial motivation when it comes to black on white crime.

The article says they were looking for somebody walking alone. The reasoning behind that is obvious. Nowhere does it state any racial motivation. Bucs made shit up.

Yes. The media article says that. And if the races were reversed they would have been racially motivated. So....these people are too.

No. The only use of the word "white" in the entire article was in reference to the vehicle spotted in the surveillance video. Did you even read the article you posted?
Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.

It doesnt say what you claim. You know that and decided to lie about to stroke your own dick to it.

since when does that matter? You all get to make up your stories based on color.

Did you just admit that the truth doesnt matter? lmao. See? Thats why I dont even respond to you. :lame2:
when it comes to white on black crime it has been the norm, yes. I'll admit the libturds never tell the truth. It's frequent in here. What is it you're afraid of. black kids kill white guy. What is inaccurate about it?
Bucs90 is just a disgraced former cop who was probably released due to something racially motivated on his part. Now he spends his days posting on a political message board only about crimes committed by blacks while claiming he isn't a racist. It's pretty sad.
Nothing in the article says they were hunting for a white victim. It says they were looking for someone walking alone.

Why were you fired from the force again, Bucs?

Why would Bux start being truthful?

So 4 blacks riding around the south end of North Charleston....a mostly black area....looking for someone to rob & kill....and they just happened to find probably the only white person walking those streets at night....and his race was NOT even a consideration when they picked him??? C'mon....even for liberal bullshit that's some heavy bullshit.

It doesnt say what you claim. You know that and decided to lie about to stroke your own dick to it.


OOOOOOH......the article "doesn't say what he claims" they say. ClosedCaption and other cops haters in particular.

Sooo.....how about all these incidents where a white cop shoots a black person and the left erupts with claims of racism when there is NO PROOF WHATSOEVER that the cop sought the person out due to race????

Oh wait....that's different isn't it?? But....how can race be a factor in all those...when no evidence exists that race is a factor....but it can't be a factor here???

Boys....the fish are biting hard today. All the usual idiots took the bait again.

"The article doesn't say that" they say hahaha? Ok. Remember THIS stance they are taking next time we get a white cop vs black criminal incident and they claim racism when NOTHING indicates race is a factor.

This shit is too easy.
LMAO...He thinks that his lies are Ok because he thinks someone else is lying somewhere so he's off the hook :thewave:

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