4 blacks kill white couple

You're such an idiot, Yurt. Your guy was found not guilty and you're still obsessed and angry about the trial. Maybe you didn't get all the riots and anger from Blacks that you were hoping for?

Sarah... Don't do what Ravi did... He already Conceded in this Thread.



He conceded that he shouldn't be hopping around creating these dumb threads on a daily basis?

Go ahead then...

You're better than Ravir... that's all.


old news.

remember all the thousands of blacks lynched decades ago?

that's also old news.
old news.

remember all the thousands of blacks lynched decades ago?

that's also old news.

And if the people who did the first lynching were apprehended and tried for murder, there wouldn't have been thousands and they would be long forgotten.

At issue is failure to prosecute.
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4 blacks kill white couple

4 Blacks Torture, Kill White Couple - Victoria Jackson

obama has not gone after these guys like he has zimmerman....why not and should he?

why the apparent double standard?

You're such an idiot, Yurt. Your guy was found not guilty and you're still obsessed and angry about the trial. Maybe you didn't get all the riots and anger from Blacks that you were hoping for?

what makes you think i'm angry about the trial? it went exactly as i predicted.
Jesus we are gonna be overrun with these racist threads for months.

As long as we live in a country that allows for people to kill black folks with impunity and to be able to get out of it by blaming the victim for walking-while-black, yes, these threads will go on and on and on, until we begin to see changes being made.

Well.....when people live in a bubble engineered by PC, that's the way they think. A majority of the people don't buy the media PC shit......but there are indeed many out there who buy this "walking while black" bs hook, line and stinker.

Thankfully, tens of million of people think like Ted Nugent......ftmfw.......

If Trayvon Martin had just kept walking and hadn't attacked the chubby short guy he would be alive today.
didn't see the date it occurred....

my bad


Thanks for stopping by to demonstrate your racism.

how did i demonstrate racism? be specific.

Basically, your message is: Some black people are evil, and even though they get arrested for being evil, Trayvon Martin deserved to die. Because he's black. And Yurt really believes that not just some, but all, black people are evil.

Why not dig up some old runaway slave notices?
Obama did not "go after" Zimmerman. He was asked a question and he responded. It took me some searching to find his entire statement, unedited, not taken out of context, not paraphrased and twisted.

Here's what he was asked, by a reporter:

mr. president, may i ask you about this current case in florida, very controversial allegations of lingering racism within our society of the so-called stand your ground law and the justice in that. can you comment on the travon martin case , sir?

And here is what he answered:

>> well, i’m the head of the executive branch . and the attorney general reports to me. so i’ve got to be careful about my statements to make sure that we’re not impairing any investigation that’s taking place right now. but obviously, this is a tragedy. i can only imagine what these parents are going through. and when i think about this boy, i think about my own kids. and you know, i think every parent in america should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this. and that everybody pulls together, federal, state and local, to figure out exactly how this tragedy happened. so i’m glad that not only is the justice department looking into it, i understand now that the governor of the state of florida has formed a task force to investigate what is taking place. to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen. and that means that we examine the laws and the context for what happened. as well as the specifics of the incident. but my main message is to the parents of trayvon martin. you know, if i had a son, he would look like trayvon. and, you know, i think they are right to expect that all of us as americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and that we’re going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. all right.

Just what the fuck was wrong with that??? You call that "going after" George Zimmerman? Seems to me like a pretty intelligent statement. Considering that prior to certain people speaking up about it, NOTHING was being done to investigate the matter. And the President was right, that every parent in America should be able to understand why it is imperative to investigate something like this thoroughly. Not just brush it under the rug (my words, not the President's).

Ridiculous. And everytime someone takes each and every word out of this president's mouth and every action he takes and twists it into something else...my understanding of the truth becomes more clear. And there is no doubt in my mind exactly why some people hate this president so much, and what kind of minds they have. Makes me shudder.

(I'm responding to Yurt's original post, wherein he said "obama has not gone after these guys like he has zimmerman....why not and should he?")
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4 blacks kill white couple

4 Blacks Torture, Kill White Couple - Victoria Jackson

obama has not gone after these guys like he has zimmerman....why not and should he?

why the apparent double standard?

It will not be long before there is a second civil war. I have felt it building for years and we are evidencing it now and it is because the president is black and blacks are taking advantage of his likely leniency...
Thanks for stopping by to demonstrate your racism.

how did i demonstrate racism? be specific.

Basically, your message is: Some black people are evil, and even though they get arrested for being evil, Trayvon Martin deserved to die. Because he's black. And Yurt really believes that not just some, but all, black people are evil.

Why not dig up some old runaway slave notices?

you've really gone down hill ravi. you're a complete nutter. somehow i am a racist for pointing about violence committed by blacks, but when people point out white violence, they are not racist.

further, your lies are downright sad, below trolling. i never once said martin deserved to die. ever.

i do not believe all black people are evil. you're a fracking lunatic and need professional mental care. don't go away mad because i exposed your lies again ravi....just go away.
4 blacks kill white couple

4 Blacks Torture, Kill White Couple - Victoria Jackson

obama has not gone after these guys like he has zimmerman....why not and should he?

why the apparent double standard?

It will not be long before there is a second civil war. I have felt it building for years and we are evidencing it now and it is because the president is black and blacks are taking advantage of his likely leniency...

That possibility only lives in the minds of racists. It is ridiculous to anyone else.

Sounds like a call to "rein blackie in" to me.
4 blacks kill white couple

4 Blacks Torture, Kill White Couple - Victoria Jackson

obama has not gone after these guys like he has zimmerman....why not and should he?

why the apparent double standard?

It will not be long before there is a second civil war. I have felt it building for years and we are evidencing it now and it is because the president is black and blacks are taking advantage of his likely leniency...

That possibility only lives in the minds of racists. It is ridiculous to anyone else.

Sounds like a call to "rein blackie in" to me.

She thinks it will be on CMT and she can watch the war while having a late night snack.

Building for years, she says. But we are aware of it because the black guy is POTUS. If is were not so sad, it might be funny.
Jesus we are gonna be overrun with these racist threads for months.

As long as we live in a country that allows for people to kill black folks with impunity and to be able to get out of it by blaming the victim for walking-while-black, yes, these threads will go on and on and on, until we begin to see changes being made.

Good thing we don't live in a country like that.
I wonder if the people who are reacting to the Zimmerman case by rushing to claim that the media covers up black on white crime realize that they are exposing themselves?

I shudder to think of some of you exposing yourselves. :eek:
"Channon Gail Christian, 21, and Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23, were a couple from Knoxville, Tennessee. They were raped, tortured, and murdered after being kidnapped early on the morning of January 7, 2007.
That lets Obama off the hook.

But the remaining issue is while the entire Nation and much of the world has been inundated with the Zimmerman/Martin saga, which is a relatively sterile incident compared to the racial implications of this multiple rape/torture/homicide, the remaining question is why we never heard a word about it?

Or this one: The Wichita Massacre URL
New Nation News - Bloody Kansas - Wichita Wilding

Why are news reporrts about these incidents suppressed?

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