4 in 10 republicans believe violence may be needed for political action

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.

Do you think being a dem makes you less prone to violence? Being any kind of extremist makes you more prone to violence. There certainly are more examples of far leftwing violence than far rightwing violence in the recent history of our country.
Show me the stats.

Do you really need stats to tell you what has been going on in front of your eyes that last few years? Forget about it. Let’s say you’re right and there has been more rightwing violence. So what? Do you think it’s conservative ideology that’s the problem, or is it just extremism that’s the problem? Same applies to Islam. Is it Islam that’s the problem, or is it Islam extremists?
If you’re talking homegrown American Islam, it’s already been well established that they are definitely not a threat.

Way to completely miss the point dumbass
Let me sum this up for you: right wing extremism is considered a threat to national security. American homegrown Muslim extremism doesn’t even really exist.

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.

Are you kidding? ALL democrats believe violence is justified. All of them. Every single one, whether they admit it or not.

How many Democrats condemned this outright call for violence? How many? None? Yeah. I know.
All democrats believe violence is justified you say. No link of course since all democrats (or republicans) do not support violence. A common right wing illusion on this board.

Of course there is no link showing Democrats oppose violence. That would be my point. There have been hundreds of opportunities for Democrats to show they are on the side of good, and have chosen not to.

They gave endless excuses for the entire last year, and before that.

I waited very patiently to see the Democrats rally around justice and what was right, when Portland terrorists attacked Federal agents deployed at a Federal Court house.

Where was the condemnation? Where was it?

The violence at Charlottesville. Where was there opposition?

The violence at monuments? Where was their condemnation of violence?

I waited patiently for the Condemnation of CHAZ/CHOP, instead they said "summer of love", and people had their property damaged.

I waited patiently for condemnation of Bernie Sanders, when a man went to a baseball game, and tried to assassinate people. Never happened.

When Ron Paul was attacked, and the Maxine Waters was openly telling people to go after public officials, and AOC responded to violence saying it was the purpose of protesting to make people uncomfortable.... funny how when she was the one uncomfortable, she didn't seem to be so happy about it.

Over and over and over, the Democrats have made it very clear they support violence. When a BLM leader said on national TV that they were going to burn the country down if they didn't get what they want... that was as much an open blatant call for terrorism as you could get. And I can't cite a single example where mainstream Democrats condemned it.

So yeah, there is no link showing any evidence Democrats oppose violence at all. That is my whole point.

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.

Do you think being a dem makes you less prone to violence? Being any kind of extremist makes you more prone to violence. There certainly are more examples of far leftwing violence than far rightwing violence in the recent history of our country.
Show me the stats.

Do you really need stats to tell you what has been going on in front of your eyes that last few years? Forget about it. Let’s say you’re right and there has been more rightwing violence. So what? Do you think it’s conservative ideology that’s the problem, or is it just extremism that’s the problem? Same applies to Islam. Is it Islam that’s the problem, or is it Islam extremists?
If you’re talking homegrown American Islam, it’s already been well established that they are definitely not a threat.

Way to completely miss the point dumbass
Let me sum this up for you: right wing extremism is considered a threat to national security. American homegrown Muslim extremism doesn’t even really exist.

Exactly. You people are completely disconnected from reality.

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.
1. NPR!!! hahahhahahahah
you do know they are extremely anti: white/R/cop/etc???!!!
2. blacks are more violent per capita
3. the Dems have been more violent than Rs--this is undeniable

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.
10 out of 10 democrats believe violence may be needed for political action

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.
10 out of 10 democrats believe violence may be needed for political action
Another noobie shit stirrer

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.
10 out of 10 democrats believe violence may be needed for political action
Another noobie shit stirrer
However, 10 out of 10 democrats believe violence may be needed for political action, which is why they are burning down cities

You definitely won’t find this statistic among Democrats. This violence would come easy to justify since so many republicans believe in the Qanon theory.
This from the people who burned and looted innocent businesses all summer.

You depend on the media providing you cover

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