4 million Muslims killed by U.S.A since 1990?

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sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?
sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?
You mess with the bull you get the horns

I fail to see what a few Saudi individuals living in the U.S.A who did 9/11, somehow justifies killing millions in Iraq?
While it maybe true that some of Afghanistan was Taliban, Iraq was a huge blunder, one which allowed for Iran, and ISIS to spread it's influences in the rubble into the region of Iraq BTW.
sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?
Jews took back what was stolen from them.
Anyone who is able can fight back. Palestinians aren't able to win so there is no point to fighting back. Israel should've ended this a long time ago by fighting the war like a war and killing all the potential combatants instead of pulling back allowing them to regroup and recharge.
sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?
Jews took back what was stolen from them.
Anyone who is able can fight back. Palestinians aren't able to win so there is no point to fighting back. Israel should've ended this a long time ago by fighting the war like a war and killing all the potential combatants instead of pulling back allowing them to regroup and recharge.

Catholics should re-take the U.S.A, and England.
That would solve a huge chunk of the Zionist issue, right there.

I mean the French, and Spanish empires made up most of the U.S.A territory.

I mean the Roman territory (Now Italy) made up most of England.

When are you leaving from the lands you stole?
sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?

oh gee----more from your polack catechism whore
Pretty much everywhere the U.S.A has been since WW2.
I suppose you would have preferred living behind the Berlin Wall...............Living the life of the USSR..........

Of course you are probably typing in a cave in the middle east though.
So when the Muammar Gaddafi was slaughtering his people.... You would have had us stand by and let it happen?

You have no problem with this?

Because see, the issue is, every single time things like this happen, people scream that the US should have helped them.

Then when we help them, we have people like you screaming that we killed Muslims.

So which is it? Do we just flat out do nothing to help these people, and let them all get slaughtered?

I assume that you fully support the chemical attacks on civilians by the Assad regime, right? Because that's what happens when the US does nothing. You are perfectly good with Muslims killing each other, as long as it isn't the US doing it.... right?

Libya's nothing compared to what the U.S.A has done.
How can you even bring up such a goofy response?

Israel has killed far more than Libya did under Gadaffi, when are we going to attack Israel?

The U.S.A has caused much worse genocides by going after Dictators who killed much fewer.

Israel has only killed people, when people tried to kill them. Self defense is entirely 100% justified.

As for the rest..... again... give me an example. Tell me which time you think we should have stayed out.

You support Saddam slaughtering people with chemical weapons?
You support Assad slaughtering people?
You support Ghaddafi slaughtering people?

Which one would you say we should not do anything about?

Give me a specific answer. Because if you really are saying we should not be involved in anything, then I have to assume you love watching people being brutalized by cruel dictators.

And by the way, why are all these people asking us to be involved? What is it, that apparently they know, that you don't?

The irony in all this, is that part of me, even agrees with you.

To some extent, I think we should let the Muslims slaughter themselves, and say screw you, to those like YOU who claim we're the bad guys.

Maybe if enough Muslims kill each other non-stop, you'll stop being so ungrateful for our help.

The Nazis made up the Gleiwitz Incident to invade Poland as a "Fake justification" for war.
(Sound familiar?)
How about the U.S.A made up "WMD's" to invade Iraq as a "Fake justification" for war.

The Nazis also used the same excuse in the Soviet Union, they were killing their own nation, and were a threat to the World.

As Nazis killed over 20 million in Russia, more than half of them Civilians.

The U.S.A seems to only follow the Nazis, in the most wrong way possible being "Genocide"

Not in good ways like preserving, or promoting Heritage, or going against Capitalists from being Liberal anti-Patriots, or in promoting greater Worker's rights.

I see nothing admirable in modern America, this country has become sadistic abroad, and masochistic at home. (Nothing I support)

No, it doesn't sound familiar at all.

The intelligence information that was the basis for the invasion of Iraq, was investigated by the Rockefeller committee. They discovered, that unsurprisingly, all the justifications for the war, were in fact backed by the intelligence at the time, and supported by intelligence agencies around the world.

The fact is, it was not made up.

Additionally, the WMDs did exist, and were found in usable condition. Which isn't a surprise, because maybe you are ignorant of history, but Saddam used WMDs in the past. The idea that he didn't have WMDs, when he in fact used WMDs is ridiculous.

Again, you are saying that you fully supported Saddam slaughtering his people? You are perfectly fine with that? You are ok with mass murder, provided it isn't the US doing it apparently?

LOL, Rockerfeller? That Globalist Liberal family who backed Nazis, Soviet, and also American genocides?

Are you fully aware that America killed millions of Iraqis?

America's killed up to 20 - 30 million since WW2.

The U.S.A is in line with Hitler, or even Stalin in that period for killings.

Saddam Hussein was a pip-squeak in comparison.

That doesn't begin to speak of the genocides the U.S.A dealt in during it's early days (Which were presumably smaller, but none the less present)

Rockefeller, did a congressional investigation. The fact is, what was said for why we were going into Iraq, was entirely supported by the intelligence information that we had, and other intelligence agencies had.

Pointing out factoids that are not relevant to the discussion, isn't a valid argument.

As for the supposed 30 million since WW2... that claim is not just wrong, but ridiculous.

If you actually believe that America has killed 30 million people since WW2.... then you are no longer worth talking to, because you are nutz.
I suppose you would have preferred living behind the Berlin Wall...............Living the life of the USSR..........

Of course you are probably typing in a cave in the middle east though.
Libya's nothing compared to what the U.S.A has done.
How can you even bring up such a goofy response?

Israel has killed far more than Libya did under Gadaffi, when are we going to attack Israel?

The U.S.A has caused much worse genocides by going after Dictators who killed much fewer.

Israel has only killed people, when people tried to kill them. Self defense is entirely 100% justified.

As for the rest..... again... give me an example. Tell me which time you think we should have stayed out.

You support Saddam slaughtering people with chemical weapons?
You support Assad slaughtering people?
You support Ghaddafi slaughtering people?

Which one would you say we should not do anything about?

Give me a specific answer. Because if you really are saying we should not be involved in anything, then I have to assume you love watching people being brutalized by cruel dictators.

And by the way, why are all these people asking us to be involved? What is it, that apparently they know, that you don't?

The irony in all this, is that part of me, even agrees with you.

To some extent, I think we should let the Muslims slaughter themselves, and say screw you, to those like YOU who claim we're the bad guys.

Maybe if enough Muslims kill each other non-stop, you'll stop being so ungrateful for our help.

The Nazis made up the Gleiwitz Incident to invade Poland as a "Fake justification" for war.
(Sound familiar?)
How about the U.S.A made up "WMD's" to invade Iraq as a "Fake justification" for war.

The Nazis also used the same excuse in the Soviet Union, they were killing their own nation, and were a threat to the World.

As Nazis killed over 20 million in Russia, more than half of them Civilians.

The U.S.A seems to only follow the Nazis, in the most wrong way possible being "Genocide"

Not in good ways like preserving, or promoting Heritage, or going against Capitalists from being Liberal anti-Patriots, or in promoting greater Worker's rights.

I see nothing admirable in modern America, this country has become sadistic abroad, and masochistic at home. (Nothing I support)

No, it doesn't sound familiar at all.

The intelligence information that was the basis for the invasion of Iraq, was investigated by the Rockefeller committee. They discovered, that unsurprisingly, all the justifications for the war, were in fact backed by the intelligence at the time, and supported by intelligence agencies around the world.

The fact is, it was not made up.

Additionally, the WMDs did exist, and were found in usable condition. Which isn't a surprise, because maybe you are ignorant of history, but Saddam used WMDs in the past. The idea that he didn't have WMDs, when he in fact used WMDs is ridiculous.

Again, you are saying that you fully supported Saddam slaughtering his people? You are perfectly fine with that? You are ok with mass murder, provided it isn't the US doing it apparently?

LOL, Rockerfeller? That Globalist Liberal family who backed Nazis, Soviet, and also American genocides?

Are you fully aware that America killed millions of Iraqis?

America's killed up to 20 - 30 million since WW2.

The U.S.A is in line with Hitler, or even Stalin in that period for killings.

Saddam Hussein was a pip-squeak in comparison.

That doesn't begin to speak of the genocides the U.S.A dealt in during it's early days (Which were presumably smaller, but none the less present)

Rockefeller, did a congressional investigation. The fact is, what was said for why we were going into Iraq, was entirely supported by the intelligence information that we had, and other intelligence agencies had.

Pointing out factoids that are not relevant to the discussion, isn't a valid argument.

As for the supposed 30 million since WW2... that claim is not just wrong, but ridiculous.

If you actually believe that America has killed 30 million people since WW2.... then you are no longer worth talking to, because you are nutz.

you do not understand islamo Nazi logic. Keep in mind----the USA is run by DA JOOOS and it was
by creating the BUBONIC PLAGUE----in the 14th
century AD. There is a problem of ENDEMIC
cholera (as well as other oral fecal water transmitted
illnesses thruout the middle east) that regularly upsurge into DEADLY epidemics-----ALSO A JEWISH
THING (Zionists of the USA) -----the 30 million figure
is not at all unreasonable
sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

In shariah law-----a dhimmi----no matter how attacked
by a muslim----is absolutely disallowed any attempt
at self-defense. Dhimmis are not permitted to use
sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?

you got the 400 AD census------before the filth of the
"holy roman empire enacted a genocide. ----how about the 1800 AD census of Iraq, Egypt, Libya,
Yemen. Syria Algeria, Morocco---etc where jews were subjected to genocide? How about the 600 AD
census of ARABIA? You got the 1935 census of
Kracow and Warsaw? ------Lvov?
Only this fellow, Sobie, has an issue with the US and its policies. The current leaders of Poland are embracing Trump, even his sanctions against Russia. Poland and US criticize Nord Stream 2 pipeline

It must suck to believe that you are against the US/zionists/whatever, when your country of origin

Poland polled as anti-Iraq war.


Polish President Andrzej Duda’s spokesman asserted that Poland should not be required to provide compensation for damage and theft caused by the Nazi regime. Poland’s foreign minister also argued the law is discriminatory.

“This position of the (U.S.) Congress is not good because it wants some privileges for the Jews, for the Jewish community, but not for the Poles. I think that the Poles who live in the U.S. may feel hurt by that,” Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz told the AP.

Poland Furious After Trump Signs Law Helping Holocaust Survivors Reclaim Stolen Property | The Stream

More than 30 percent of Poles strongly agree and 42 somewhat agree with the statement that “Jews try to take advantage of having been victims during the Nazi era,”

In Poland, the number of respondents who agree with the claim of an Israeli “war of extermination” is even higher, at 63%.

40% in many European countries think Israel is waging ‘war of extermination’ against Palestinians

More than half of Poles – 55.98 percent – would not accept a Jew as a family member, a jump from 45.53 percent in 2014. A third of Poles – 32.20 percent – would not accept a Jew as a neighbor, an increase from 26.70 percent in 2014. And 15.1 percent would not accept a Jew as a co-worker, up from 10 percent in 2014.

Read more: Anti-Semitism Spikes in Poland — Stoked by Populist Surge Against Refugees
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I suppose you would have preferred living behind the Berlin Wall...............Living the life of the USSR..........

Of course you are probably typing in a cave in the middle east though.
Libya's nothing compared to what the U.S.A has done.
How can you even bring up such a goofy response?

Israel has killed far more than Libya did under Gadaffi, when are we going to attack Israel?

The U.S.A has caused much worse genocides by going after Dictators who killed much fewer.

Israel has only killed people, when people tried to kill them. Self defense is entirely 100% justified.

As for the rest..... again... give me an example. Tell me which time you think we should have stayed out.

You support Saddam slaughtering people with chemical weapons?
You support Assad slaughtering people?
You support Ghaddafi slaughtering people?

Which one would you say we should not do anything about?

Give me a specific answer. Because if you really are saying we should not be involved in anything, then I have to assume you love watching people being brutalized by cruel dictators.

And by the way, why are all these people asking us to be involved? What is it, that apparently they know, that you don't?

The irony in all this, is that part of me, even agrees with you.

To some extent, I think we should let the Muslims slaughter themselves, and say screw you, to those like YOU who claim we're the bad guys.

Maybe if enough Muslims kill each other non-stop, you'll stop being so ungrateful for our help.

The Nazis made up the Gleiwitz Incident to invade Poland as a "Fake justification" for war.
(Sound familiar?)
How about the U.S.A made up "WMD's" to invade Iraq as a "Fake justification" for war.

The Nazis also used the same excuse in the Soviet Union, they were killing their own nation, and were a threat to the World.

As Nazis killed over 20 million in Russia, more than half of them Civilians.

The U.S.A seems to only follow the Nazis, in the most wrong way possible being "Genocide"

Not in good ways like preserving, or promoting Heritage, or going against Capitalists from being Liberal anti-Patriots, or in promoting greater Worker's rights.

I see nothing admirable in modern America, this country has become sadistic abroad, and masochistic at home. (Nothing I support)

No, it doesn't sound familiar at all.

The intelligence information that was the basis for the invasion of Iraq, was investigated by the Rockefeller committee. They discovered, that unsurprisingly, all the justifications for the war, were in fact backed by the intelligence at the time, and supported by intelligence agencies around the world.

The fact is, it was not made up.

Additionally, the WMDs did exist, and were found in usable condition. Which isn't a surprise, because maybe you are ignorant of history, but Saddam used WMDs in the past. The idea that he didn't have WMDs, when he in fact used WMDs is ridiculous.

Again, you are saying that you fully supported Saddam slaughtering his people? You are perfectly fine with that? You are ok with mass murder, provided it isn't the US doing it apparently?

LOL, Rockerfeller? That Globalist Liberal family who backed Nazis, Soviet, and also American genocides?

Are you fully aware that America killed millions of Iraqis?

America's killed up to 20 - 30 million since WW2.

The U.S.A is in line with Hitler, or even Stalin in that period for killings.

Saddam Hussein was a pip-squeak in comparison.

That doesn't begin to speak of the genocides the U.S.A dealt in during it's early days (Which were presumably smaller, but none the less present)

Rockefeller, did a congressional investigation. The fact is, what was said for why we were going into Iraq, was entirely supported by the intelligence information that we had, and other intelligence agencies had.

Pointing out factoids that are not relevant to the discussion, isn't a valid argument.

As for the supposed 30 million since WW2... that claim is not just wrong, but ridiculous.

If you actually believe that America has killed 30 million people since WW2.... then you are no longer worth talking to, because you are nutz.

The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.

sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?

you got the 400 AD census------before the filth of the
"holy roman empire enacted a genocide. ----how about the 1800 AD census of Iraq, Egypt, Libya,
Yemen. Syria Algeria, Morocco---etc where jews were subjected to genocide? How about the 600 AD
census of ARABIA? You got the 1935 census of
Kracow and Warsaw? ------Lvov?

What does the census of Polish cities in 1935 have to do with the fact that Nazi Germans killed the Jews on the whole?
sobie---the idiot fake figure you provide of USA KILLING muslims-----actually comes to LESS THAN
ONE PER MILLION of the world's muslims. Polacks
killed IN PROPORTION TO POPULATION-----hundreds times that of jews on FAKE LIBELS in

Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?
Jews took back what was stolen from them.
Anyone who is able can fight back. Palestinians aren't able to win so there is no point to fighting back. Israel should've ended this a long time ago by fighting the war like a war and killing all the potential combatants instead of pulling back allowing them to regroup and recharge.

Catholics should re-take the U.S.A, and England.
That would solve a huge chunk of the Zionist issue, right there.

I mean the French, and Spanish empires made up most of the U.S.A territory.

I mean the Roman territory (Now Italy) made up most of England.

When are you leaving from the lands you stole?

We are not. Unless you can make us.

Just like the Jews are not, unless you can make them.

You can't. So, there you go. Can we move on to a new topic?
Total BS, Poland's Pogroms killed not millions, but perhaps none, perhaps a few, perhaps hundreds.

A far cry from what you're instigating.

Besides, during the worst Polish Pogroms against Jews there was a Jewish population running to Communist authorities to oppress, and kill Poles like the Soviet NKVD.

A lot Jews seem to think it's their God given right to F*ck with everyone, be it in Palestine, or Poland, and elsewhere, and then can't seem to grasp why people fight back, and despise them in return?
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?
Jews took back what was stolen from them.
Anyone who is able can fight back. Palestinians aren't able to win so there is no point to fighting back. Israel should've ended this a long time ago by fighting the war like a war and killing all the potential combatants instead of pulling back allowing them to regroup and recharge.

Catholics should re-take the U.S.A, and England.
That would solve a huge chunk of the Zionist issue, right there.

I mean the French, and Spanish empires made up most of the U.S.A territory.

I mean the Roman territory (Now Italy) made up most of England.

When are you leaving from the lands you stole?

We are not. Unless you can make us.

Just like the Jews are not, unless you can make them.

You can't. So, there you go. Can we move on to a new topic?

You are a hypocrite, and a immoral one at that.

Instead of knowing right vs wrong, you only know might is right.
Rushing Israels borders, burning tires, flying burning kits into their farmlands, firing rockets at them, is not leaving Israel alone to live in peace. You expect Israel to do nothing in it's defense?

Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?
Jews took back what was stolen from them.
Anyone who is able can fight back. Palestinians aren't able to win so there is no point to fighting back. Israel should've ended this a long time ago by fighting the war like a war and killing all the potential combatants instead of pulling back allowing them to regroup and recharge.

Catholics should re-take the U.S.A, and England.
That would solve a huge chunk of the Zionist issue, right there.

I mean the French, and Spanish empires made up most of the U.S.A territory.

I mean the Roman territory (Now Italy) made up most of England.

When are you leaving from the lands you stole?

We are not. Unless you can make us.

Just like the Jews are not, unless you can make them.

You can't. So, there you go. Can we move on to a new topic?

You are a hypocrite, and a immoral one at that.

Instead of knowing right vs wrong, you only know might is right.

How am I hypocritical? As for you claiming I'm immoral, coming from someone like you, that's a compliment.
Hilarious, Palestine was 1.7% Jewish according to the 1517 census, 8.1% Jewish according to the 1918 census, and 30.0% Jewish according to the 1946 census.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Jews came overwhelmingly as a immigrant population, whom displaced, and stole the nation of the Arab (Palestinians)

But, only Jews can fight back, huh?

It's so wrong with Palestinians fighting back, because it gets in the way of Israel's Colonist desires?
Jews took back what was stolen from them.
Anyone who is able can fight back. Palestinians aren't able to win so there is no point to fighting back. Israel should've ended this a long time ago by fighting the war like a war and killing all the potential combatants instead of pulling back allowing them to regroup and recharge.

Catholics should re-take the U.S.A, and England.
That would solve a huge chunk of the Zionist issue, right there.

I mean the French, and Spanish empires made up most of the U.S.A territory.

I mean the Roman territory (Now Italy) made up most of England.

When are you leaving from the lands you stole?

We are not. Unless you can make us.

Just like the Jews are not, unless you can make them.

You can't. So, there you go. Can we move on to a new topic?

You are a hypocrite, and a immoral one at that.

Instead of knowing right vs wrong, you only know might is right.

How am I hypocritical? As for you claiming I'm immoral, coming from someone like you, that's a compliment.

You are a hypocrite, because you think Jews deserve rights to displace people because they lived there long ago, but then get all hypocritical refusing to give previous tribes America, or England.

It seems it's all about getting yours at all costs.

But, we already know Zionists are a primitive World problem.
Israel has only killed people, when people tried to kill them. Self defense is entirely 100% justified.

As for the rest..... again... give me an example. Tell me which time you think we should have stayed out.

You support Saddam slaughtering people with chemical weapons?
You support Assad slaughtering people?
You support Ghaddafi slaughtering people?

Which one would you say we should not do anything about?

Give me a specific answer. Because if you really are saying we should not be involved in anything, then I have to assume you love watching people being brutalized by cruel dictators.

And by the way, why are all these people asking us to be involved? What is it, that apparently they know, that you don't?

The irony in all this, is that part of me, even agrees with you.

To some extent, I think we should let the Muslims slaughter themselves, and say screw you, to those like YOU who claim we're the bad guys.

Maybe if enough Muslims kill each other non-stop, you'll stop being so ungrateful for our help.

The Nazis made up the Gleiwitz Incident to invade Poland as a "Fake justification" for war.
(Sound familiar?)
How about the U.S.A made up "WMD's" to invade Iraq as a "Fake justification" for war.

The Nazis also used the same excuse in the Soviet Union, they were killing their own nation, and were a threat to the World.

As Nazis killed over 20 million in Russia, more than half of them Civilians.

The U.S.A seems to only follow the Nazis, in the most wrong way possible being "Genocide"

Not in good ways like preserving, or promoting Heritage, or going against Capitalists from being Liberal anti-Patriots, or in promoting greater Worker's rights.

I see nothing admirable in modern America, this country has become sadistic abroad, and masochistic at home. (Nothing I support)

No, it doesn't sound familiar at all.

The intelligence information that was the basis for the invasion of Iraq, was investigated by the Rockefeller committee. They discovered, that unsurprisingly, all the justifications for the war, were in fact backed by the intelligence at the time, and supported by intelligence agencies around the world.

The fact is, it was not made up.

Additionally, the WMDs did exist, and were found in usable condition. Which isn't a surprise, because maybe you are ignorant of history, but Saddam used WMDs in the past. The idea that he didn't have WMDs, when he in fact used WMDs is ridiculous.

Again, you are saying that you fully supported Saddam slaughtering his people? You are perfectly fine with that? You are ok with mass murder, provided it isn't the US doing it apparently?

LOL, Rockerfeller? That Globalist Liberal family who backed Nazis, Soviet, and also American genocides?

Are you fully aware that America killed millions of Iraqis?

America's killed up to 20 - 30 million since WW2.

The U.S.A is in line with Hitler, or even Stalin in that period for killings.

Saddam Hussein was a pip-squeak in comparison.

That doesn't begin to speak of the genocides the U.S.A dealt in during it's early days (Which were presumably smaller, but none the less present)

Rockefeller, did a congressional investigation. The fact is, what was said for why we were going into Iraq, was entirely supported by the intelligence information that we had, and other intelligence agencies had.

Pointing out factoids that are not relevant to the discussion, isn't a valid argument.

As for the supposed 30 million since WW2... that claim is not just wrong, but ridiculous.

If you actually believe that America has killed 30 million people since WW2.... then you are no longer worth talking to, because you are nutz.

The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.


There are a ton of lies and half truths in that link.

For example, the claim we intervened in Chile is false. I've researched that issue on 4 or 5 separate occasions. Each time the evidence suggest the CIA did absolutely nothing, and that an internal cue was underway without any help from the CIA. Until I am presented with real evidence, this is mere left-wing ideological mythology to push a false narrative.

Additionally, the people who wrote this, are including people who were backed by the US who did horrible things after the fact.

This is also a false presupposition. When I lived at home, my father let me drive his car. If I then used the ability given to me, to run people over, is that my fathers fault?


Similarly, it is true that the US backed people they thought would be good leaders, who then turned into evil tyrants. Unless you think the US had divine fortune tellers who knew exactly what these people would do later on, then it is not the fault of the US that these people abused their power later.
The Nazis made up the Gleiwitz Incident to invade Poland as a "Fake justification" for war.
(Sound familiar?)
How about the U.S.A made up "WMD's" to invade Iraq as a "Fake justification" for war.

The Nazis also used the same excuse in the Soviet Union, they were killing their own nation, and were a threat to the World.

As Nazis killed over 20 million in Russia, more than half of them Civilians.

The U.S.A seems to only follow the Nazis, in the most wrong way possible being "Genocide"

Not in good ways like preserving, or promoting Heritage, or going against Capitalists from being Liberal anti-Patriots, or in promoting greater Worker's rights.

I see nothing admirable in modern America, this country has become sadistic abroad, and masochistic at home. (Nothing I support)

No, it doesn't sound familiar at all.

The intelligence information that was the basis for the invasion of Iraq, was investigated by the Rockefeller committee. They discovered, that unsurprisingly, all the justifications for the war, were in fact backed by the intelligence at the time, and supported by intelligence agencies around the world.

The fact is, it was not made up.

Additionally, the WMDs did exist, and were found in usable condition. Which isn't a surprise, because maybe you are ignorant of history, but Saddam used WMDs in the past. The idea that he didn't have WMDs, when he in fact used WMDs is ridiculous.

Again, you are saying that you fully supported Saddam slaughtering his people? You are perfectly fine with that? You are ok with mass murder, provided it isn't the US doing it apparently?

LOL, Rockerfeller? That Globalist Liberal family who backed Nazis, Soviet, and also American genocides?

Are you fully aware that America killed millions of Iraqis?

America's killed up to 20 - 30 million since WW2.

The U.S.A is in line with Hitler, or even Stalin in that period for killings.

Saddam Hussein was a pip-squeak in comparison.

That doesn't begin to speak of the genocides the U.S.A dealt in during it's early days (Which were presumably smaller, but none the less present)

Rockefeller, did a congressional investigation. The fact is, what was said for why we were going into Iraq, was entirely supported by the intelligence information that we had, and other intelligence agencies had.

Pointing out factoids that are not relevant to the discussion, isn't a valid argument.

As for the supposed 30 million since WW2... that claim is not just wrong, but ridiculous.

If you actually believe that America has killed 30 million people since WW2.... then you are no longer worth talking to, because you are nutz.

The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.


There are a ton of lies and half truths in that link.

For example, the claim we intervened in Chile is false. I've researched that issue on 4 or 5 separate occasions. Each time the evidence suggest the CIA did absolutely nothing, and that an internal cue was underway without any help from the CIA. Until I am presented with real evidence, this is mere left-wing ideological mythology to push a false narrative.

Additionally, the people who wrote this, are including people who were backed by the US who did horrible things after the fact.

This is also a false presupposition. When I lived at home, my father let me drive his car. If I then used the ability given to me, to run people over, is that my fathers fault?


Similarly, it is true that the US backed people they thought would be good leaders, who then turned into evil tyrants. Unless you think the US had divine fortune tellers who knew exactly what these people would do later on, then it is not the fault of the US that these people abused their power later.

CIA Admits Involvement in Chile
W A S H I N G T O N, Sept. 20

The CIA is acknowledging for the first time the extent of its deep involvement in Chile, where it dealt with coup-plotters, false propagandists and assassins.

The agency planned to post a declassified report required by Congress on its Web site today that admits CIA support for the 1970 kidnapping of Chile’s top general for refusing to use the Army to prevent the country’s congress from confirming the election of socialist Salvador Allende as president. The kidnapping failed, but Gen. Rene Schneider was shot and died two days later, the day Allende’s election was confirmed.

The CIA admits prior knowledge of the plot that overthrew Allende three years later but denies direct involvement. The report says the agency had no idea that Allende would refuse safe passage with his palace under bombardment and apparently kill himself. He was found dead of gunshot wounds.

There is no evidence the CIA wanted Schneider killed for refusing to join the coup attempt in 1970, the report said, although the agency later paid $35,000 to the group that botched his capture.

CIA Payment to Secret Police Chief

The report also disclosed a CIA payment to Gen. Manuel Contreras Sepulveda, head of the Chilean secret police, whom it knew to be involved in post-Allende human rights abuses. In 1993, Contreras was sentenced to prison for a rare act of foreign-sponsored terrorism on American soil — the 1976 car-bomb killing of a Chilean diplomat and an American associate on Embassy Row in Washington.

CIA Admits Involvement in Chile
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