4 new sinkholes open at the village in Florida sparking fears from residents


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
4 new sinkholes open at The Villages in Florida sparking fears from residents
Four sinkholes have opened up in a fast-growing retirement community, The Villages, in Florida, including one in front of a home that was abandoned months ago because of an earlier sinkhole. The new sinkholes opened up Monday in The Villages following a week of nonstop rain in central Florida. The sinkholes are near two homes in the area that had to be evacuated because of sinkholes last


These sink holes are opening up all over the place .............

and then there is this one from today too, there are more than these two but the things that make you go Hmmm.

Ya can't just suck all the water out the FLA aquafer without the limestone caving in.

It doesn't work like that.

You can't move millions of yankees here, either, without the ground imploding.
They also do major phosphate mining in that general area. When underground mining lowers the water table, it causes the overlying strata to collapse.
Florida is known for its sinkholes. The white house could disappear with the Potus and his miserable admin in it, that is what happens when there is too much dirt on top of top of a crooked foundation.
Florida is known for its sinkholes. The white house could disappear with the Potus and his miserable admin in it, that is what happens when there is too much dirt on top of top of a crooked foundation.
Suffer. Count on 8 wonderful years of the Trump Administration overturning the entire Obama Regime! The White House needs to be gutted and fumigated from the stench of the Obamas.
Florida is known for its sinkholes. The white house could disappear with the Potus and his miserable admin in it, that is what happens when there is too much dirt on top of top of a crooked foundation.
Suffer. Count on 8 wonderful years of the Trump Administration overturning the entire Obama Regime! The White House needs to be gutted and fumigated from the stench of the Obamas.
That`s a pretty strong stupid you got going this morning. Good job.
Florida is known for its sinkholes. The white house could disappear with the Potus and his miserable admin in it, that is what happens when there is too much dirt on top of top of a crooked foundation.
Suffer. Count on 8 wonderful years of the Trump Administration overturning the entire Obama Regime! The White House needs to be gutted and fumigated from the stench of the Obamas.

Trump will never last that long. The only thing stinking up the white house is the orange man, who stinks to high heaven. I can smell his stench in MI.
Florida is known for its sinkholes. The white house could disappear with the Potus and his miserable admin in it, that is what happens when there is too much dirt on top of top of a crooked foundation.
Suffer. Count on 8 wonderful years of the Trump Administration overturning the entire Obama Regime! The White House needs to be gutted and fumigated from the stench of the Obamas.

It doesn't take that long. That was done 6 mos ago.
Florida is known for its sinkholes. The white house could disappear with the Potus and his miserable admin in it, that is what happens when there is too much dirt on top of top of a crooked foundation.

Butthurt much?

If you believe in signs Trump is sinking. LOL. He is going down , down, and down. How far will he go down, as far as one can go down.
So Penelope is saying Trump is up in China and that's a bad thing? "oy vey"!
Sinkholes are a problem down here in Florida.

Hell a couple of years ago a man was asleep in his bedroom and half his house fell into a sinkhole.

His brother lived next door and tried to save him but he was gone. They never did find a body.
What realtors in Florida are trying hard not to tell people about is the geology of Florida. My geology professor told us the first week of class that even if none of us were going on further in the study of physical sciences, every person interested in buying real estate should be required to take geology 101.

A very long time ago the Appalachian Mountains were quite tall as I understand it. Massive. Over millions of years they eroded and washed out to the "low country" along the Eastern Seaboard, out to sea in the Atlantic and down Florida way. So Florida is relatively flat. Like an alluvial fan.

As the ocean levels rise, sinkholes will form everywhere in this alluvial fan. Go to the beach, build a flat pancake slightly risen above the shorebreak and wait for the tide to come in. In weak spots in your "pancake", holes will begin to form even before the water actually goes over the top of it to finally obliterate it.

Geology is much easier to cipher if you imagine that the Earth is like a big sand pit in a playground or beach and all the same laws apply. As oceans rise Florida, get used to sinkholes.
Sinkholes are a problem down here in Florida.

Hell a couple of years ago a man was asleep in his bedroom and half his house fell into a sinkhole.

His brother lived next door and tried to save him but he was gone. They never did find a body.

I know where that is. The rest of the story is that the county told both neighbors on either side they had 30 minutes to get out.

They got out and lost their homes and everything with no compensation. Sad.

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