4 shot at myrtle beach hotel 3 dead

There goes the NRA again. Putting guns in the hands of crazy people!

Or, is it crazy people breaking the law by using guns?

I don't know. I'm so confused.
I know you are very confused, so I will try to help you with your confused mind.

It's mentally ill people, with easy access to guns, breaking the law. In this case, committing multiple murders.

Does that help?

Didn't think so.
"We had just come up the stairs when the guy got shot. My husband saw when he fell right in front of our room," said Megan Sloan, who lives in Salisbury, North Carolina, and was on vacation.

A police officer quickly knocked on their door, interviewed Sloan and her husband and asked them to stay in their room. They didn't realize until they turned on the news Sunday morning that three people died.

The couple wanted to change motels for their last day in Myrtle Beach.

"It scared me to death. We tried to get our money back, but they wouldn't give it back," Sloan said.

I would have refunded their $.
It took much longer and they covered it because they can use SC and say "lax gun laws". They didn't immediately report it like they did with the faggot in california.
Ahh so what you meant by only local story is local except for within your preferred timeframe and you're discounting coverage if you have an opinion on their motivation.

Can you sound any more retarded? It isn't enough your posts usually sound like a psychopath manifesto you have to make more stupid claims like this?
Generally when blacks discharge weapons, they shot THREE before fleeing in an SUV. This might therefore involve more than one Black Afro African American illegal gun owner. NRA get yer act together!
The three shooting deaths last week in Myrtle equals the total number of murders in the town for all of last year. Myrtle Beach really is a safe town... Except during Biker Week...

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