4 signs Cohen will flip on trump


He dropped the lawsuit against Buzzfeed...maybe it has become evident Mueller has evidence he was in Prague....as the Dossier states.

Federal charges of 30-40 years....vs State charges of 20-30 years. Michael will do the right thing for his family.

Sorry....Mr Manafort....you held out too long.

I think Mueller does have evidence that Cohen was in Prague.

  • The special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly has evidence connecting President Donald Trump's longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to a shadowy trip to Prague in 2016.
  • Details of the alleged trip first emerged in the so-called Steele dossier, which said Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin representatives to discuss how to "clean up the mess" resulting from revelations about former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former campaign adviser Carter Page in the summer of 2016.
  • If Mueller does have evidence linking Cohen to the Prague trip, it would be one of the most significant connections between the Trump campaign and Russian interests during the election.
Mueller may have evidence corroborating a key dossier allegation about Michael Cohen and Russian collusion

I really don't believe this raid was just about a Payoff to Stormy Daniels. I thnk this was planned, in an effort to raid Cohen in order to get evidence in the Russian collusion investigation.

Doing a raid on Michael Cohen is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant.

A great book to read.

4 signs Cohen will flip on Trump:

1. We want him to.
2. We need him to.
3. We will cry if he doesn’t.
4. We are still pissed

He dropped the lawsuit against Buzzfeed...maybe it has become evident Mueller has evidence he was in Prague....as the Dossier states.

Federal charges of 30-40 years....vs State charges of 20-30 years. Michael will do the right thing for his family.

Sorry....Mr Manafort....you held out too long.

I think Mueller does have evidence that Cohen was in Prague.

  • The special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly has evidence connecting President Donald Trump's longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to a shadowy trip to Prague in 2016.
  • Details of the alleged trip first emerged in the so-called Steele dossier, which said Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin representatives to discuss how to "clean up the mess" resulting from revelations about former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former campaign adviser Carter Page in the summer of 2016.
  • If Mueller does have evidence linking Cohen to the Prague trip, it would be one of the most significant connections between the Trump campaign and Russian interests during the election.
Mueller may have evidence corroborating a key dossier allegation about Michael Cohen and Russian collusion

I really don't believe this raid was just about a Payoff to Stormy Daniels. I thnk this was planned, in an effort to raid Cohen in order to get evidence in the Russian collusion investigation.

Doing a raid on Michael Cohen is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant.

A great book to read.


Mueller is weaving together a web from which no one....including the orange clown can escape. He must be incredibly organized and a legal genius.

Like I said long ago....trump...the thug...is playing checkers with Mueller playing 3D Chess....not much competition for Mueller.

So what charges will Mueller add to the obstruction of justice charge?

Money Laundering
Bank Fraud
Wire Fraud

My....my....the list goes on. Decisions....Decisions....
4 signs Flynn will flip on Trump
4 signs Gates will flip on Trump
4 signs Manafort will flip on Trump
4 signs Papodopolous will flip on Trump
4 signs Jared will flip on Trump
4 signs Deutsche Bank will flip on Trump
Of course, Trump cult members will retort with the "brilliant" statement....."What's wrong with Cohen visiting Prague"???.....as if the guy went there to check out the bakeries in that city.
Of course, Trump cult members will retort with the "brilliant" statement....."What's wrong with Cohen visiting Prague"???.....as if the guy went there to check out the bakeries in that city.

I've said it before, if Cohen was in Prague and not in LA as his photographic evidence shows, he's fucked. If he wasn't in Prague, Trump should throw Mueller into Gitmo
Like Manafort, this has nothing to do with Trump. The FBI says they have been looking at Cohen for many years, long before Trump.
manafort lost hi appeal in court today didn't he? He claimed the criminal cases brought against him was outside of Mueller's mandate, and the Mueller side won....his charges were not outside of the special counsel mandate...

now president trump knows, he can't use that as a defense for himself if charges against him happens.

I truly wonder what president trump has done in a criminal nature that he is so so so afraid of being found out?

his freaking out from day 1 on the investigation makes no sense and the only way to view it is:

The guilty dog, always barks the loudest!
Cohen will flip because he doesn't want to trade life as he knows it for a criminal record that will never go away, and time spent behind bars in a cell.
Like Manafort, this has nothing to do with Trump. The FBI says they have been looking at Cohen for many years, long before Trump.

5 pages in the affidavid authorizing the search speak of "communications with trump. This is All about your Dear leader.
Of course, Trump cult members will retort with the "brilliant" statement....."What's wrong with Cohen visiting Prague"???.....as if the guy went there to check out the bakeries in that city.

Right, because Prague is near Russia, right?

He dropped the lawsuit against Buzzfeed...maybe it has become evident Mueller has evidence he was in Prague....as the Dossier states.

Federal charges of 30-40 years....vs State charges of 20-30 years. Michael will do the right thing for his family.

Sorry....Mr Manafort....you held out too long.

Seriously?? THink much.? Trump is the client. Mr. Cohen is TIED UP at the moment. Don't think Trump can find ANOTHER lawyer to bring a suit? One that doesn't a conflict?
manafort lost hi appeal in court today didn't he? He claimed the criminal cases brought against him was outside of Mueller's mandate, and the Mueller side won....his charges were not outside of the special counsel mandate...

now president trump knows, he can't use that as a defense for himself if charges against him happens.

I truly wonder what president trump has done in a criminal nature that he is so so so afraid of being found out?

his freaking out from day 1 on the investigation makes no sense and the only way to view it is:

The guilty dog, always barks the loudest!

How about the "guilty orange turd smells the worst"
Of course, Trump cult members will retort with the "brilliant" statement....."What's wrong with Cohen visiting Prague"???.....as if the guy went there to check out the bakeries in that city.

I've said it before, if Cohen was in Prague and not in LA as his photographic evidence shows, he's fucked. If he wasn't in Prague, Trump should throw Mueller into Gitmo
-Cohen has 2 passports....we've only seen 1.

-we DO NOT know the precise date of the Prague meeting, only a few week range

- and lastly, even if he did meet Russians, it could have been to work on the trump tower Moscow deal, so Mueller would need to prove the purpose of the meeting...was election conspiracy.
Of course, Trump cult members will retort with the "brilliant" statement....."What's wrong with Cohen visiting Prague"???.....as if the guy went there to check out the bakeries in that city.

I've said it before, if Cohen was in Prague and not in LA as his photographic evidence shows, he's fucked. If he wasn't in Prague, Trump should throw Mueller into Gitmo
-Cohen has 2 passports....we've only seen 1.

-we DO NOT know the precise date of the Prague meeting, only a few week range

- and lastly, even if he did meet Russians, it could have been to work on the trump tower Moscow deal, so Mueller would need to prove the purpose of the meeting...was election conspiracy.

He has 2 passports? Really? Does he also have a body double who was with his daughter in Los Angeles?
Of course, Trump cult members will retort with the "brilliant" statement....."What's wrong with Cohen visiting Prague"???.....as if the guy went there to check out the bakeries in that city.

I've said it before, if Cohen was in Prague and not in LA as his photographic evidence shows, he's fucked. If he wasn't in Prague, Trump should throw Mueller into Gitmo
-Cohen has 2 passports....we've only seen 1.

-we DO NOT know the precise date of the Prague meeting, only a few week range

- and lastly, even if he did meet Russians, it could have been to work on the trump tower Moscow deal, so Mueller would need to prove the purpose of the meeting...was election conspiracy.

Oh yeah. In 2018 that's so fucking solid that we can't limit the date of the imaginary "Prague meeting" to within a few weeks.

That's convincing
We have absolute solid evidence that between July and September someone named Cohen was in Prague.
Of course, Trump cult members will retort with the "brilliant" statement....."What's wrong with Cohen visiting Prague"???.....as if the guy went there to check out the bakeries in that city.

I've said it before, if Cohen was in Prague and not in LA as his photographic evidence shows, he's fucked. If he wasn't in Prague, Trump should throw Mueller into Gitmo
-Cohen has 2 passports....we've only seen 1.

-we DO NOT know the precise date of the Prague meeting, only a few week range

- and lastly, even if he did meet Russians, it could have been to work on the trump tower Moscow deal, so Mueller would need to prove the purpose of the meeting...was election conspiracy.

Oh yeah. In 2018 that's so fucking solid that we can't limit the date of the imaginary "Prague meeting" to within a few weeks.

That's convincing
either way, cohen said he was NEVER in Prague and has never been there in his entire life....so if he was there, he lied.... if so, why?

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