40,000 verizon workers on strike !

Fire them all and replace them with illegals
I think Thats the GOP talking point. LOL!

Fuck the greedy Union scumbags. Illegals are Gods Children and have a right to good paying former Union jobs, just ask Bernie or Hilly's Vagina or Kasich

These aren't brainless farm jobs. Illegals ain't doing this work.

This will The initial for the Republicans. Sure they try to impress the white rubes in the sticks by telling them they are for Americans in for American jobs but in reality they want to crush unions and do whatever big business wants them to do.
i wonder how the pols will handle this . It's got all the issues in the making . Keeping good paying jobs in the us , corporate greed, working class americAns .

How will the GOP handle this ? They want working class americAns , but they are also slaves to their big biz masters !

40,000 Verizon Workers Launch One of the Biggest Strikes of the Decade
All the presidential candidates were in New York when this happened, and you already have your answer--the Republican nominees all ignored it. I haven't heard anyone ask them about it, either.
Why do the Republican presidential candidates need to talk about this? Why does anybody in the government need to talk about this? This is an internal dispute between a company and their employees. It's nobody else's business. Conservatives and liberals bitch about the government intruding into their personal matters while at the same time asking "What are the Republicans or the Democrats going to do about this??"
They are talking about "it"! Every last one of them is talking about "good paying jobs" and "jobs leaving America ".

Well here's a real live example and suddenly it's none of their biz ??? That's bullshit .

Truth is that the GOP sides wh big biz that wants to outsource jobs and treat workers like shit .
Truth is that the GOP sides wh big biz that wants to outsource jobs and treat workers like shit .

And what did your party do all those years to stop it when they had the chance? Oh yeah, not a fucking thing.

I seem to recall President Clinton signed off on NAFTA and a Democratic Congress passed it.

But yeah, sure, only the GOP is in bed with big business. Amazing how you fools keep swallowing that bullshit.
Kasich have ready lose his only poll in United States. 60 or 70 year old but Huckabee can only 1 pcs more of 2020 Hillary or Bernie win this election.

I hopes self that Cruz taken president role in 2020 or if Trump won 2016 in 2024.

I hopes not even Trump can die so Christie takes over around 2018-2020 to 2024 if 2016 go to Trump after 90 million american voters and 47 million go to Trump.
They are talking about "it"! Every last one of them is talking about "good paying jobs" and "jobs leaving America ".

Well here's a real live example and suddenly it's none of their biz ??? That's bullshit .

Truth is that the GOP sides wh big biz that wants to outsource jobs and treat workers like shit .
Verizon is leaving America? I thought the strike was over benefits, as usual.
They are talking about "it"! Every last one of them is talking about "good paying jobs" and "jobs leaving America ".

Well here's a real live example and suddenly it's none of their biz ??? That's bullshit .

Truth is that the GOP sides wh big biz that wants to outsource jobs and treat workers like shit .

And you would have the government do what?
Obama and french president have wars in Ivory Coast 2011 and after two, three or four month United and France won the war against diktatur I remember now back from five year from this year. 1 year after U.S. leave Iraq war against Iraqi terrorists who were second half by Iraq Army they hiding in Iraq since suicide bombings happened in the six years before the U.S. left the country as the terrorists wanted terrorists wanted no American conquest of Iraq even Americans won the war and then democratized Iraq and built up the new Iraqi Army and today there are two sides of Iraq north there Kurdistan PKK and in the southern Iraqi army since the IS in almost northern half where war is underway.
70,000 french and United troops was in war 2011 against nigga of America like nigga Obama niggas partners but is was against United interest the Ivory Coast. Today it is democracy in Ivory Coast and small Army there 2014. Against Uniteds interest diktatur and regime and in Syria have United supporting IS against Assads Armed Forces. And Russia know this in end and leave Syria conflict after they kill maybe 10.000-20.000 IS warrior and 1000 Syrian Rebels. Syrian Rebels have as most 5000 killed warrior if they are 10,000 Soldier in Syria conflict. Kurd Government are also in Syria conflict. Kurds will have area of Syria off course like in north Iraq the PKK. PKK must win about 1 year then Iraqi Army must win or must not Iraqi guerilla Army win vs IS there been IS and PKK victory in Iraq ?! And in Syria there been Rebels or IS and Kurd Government ?!?! What youre american people want in Iraq and Syria wars ?! 15,000 American kills and 12,000 french Soldier kills in Ivory Coast war 2011. Maybe little tough war even France and United won the war.

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