40,155 Dead White People

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is the number of whites who killed themselves in 2020. While the members here who preach all the time about the 8,600 black murders in the same year and declared that All Lives Matter, more than 4 times the number of whites were murdering themselves. This is another example of the racism among the members here.

We have a thread that has been allowed to stand titled black deaths matter where a member claims to be advocating by using the death of a 6-year-old black girl so he and others can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face. We get preached to about every black death with the claims of how we don't care when the crime is black on black because they as white people aren't in those communities to see what is done.

And in all this projection nearly 110 whites murder themselves daily and not one white member here says anything. We get told about black interracial murders against whites which have been less than 500 in most years while whites are murdering each other and themselves by the thousands and nothing is said. We don't see All Lives Matter, and talking about Africa or per capita doesn't mean anything. The usual suspect are going to come in with the same silly dodges and personal attacks, but the number was 40,155 whites who murdered themselves. 3,541 blacks did. 11 times more whites murdered themselves than blacks and the excuse of it's OK because they killed each other that I was told by a member here long ago is not a good defense.

This is the number of whites who killed themselves in 2020. While the members here who preach all the time about the 8,600 black murders in the same year and declared that All Lives Matter, more than 4 times the number of whites were murdering themselves. This is another example of the racism among the members here.

We have a thread that has been allowed to stand titled black deaths matter where a member claims to be advocating by using the death of a 6-year-old black girl so he and others can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face. We get preached to about every black death with the claims of how we don't care when the crime is black on black because they as white people aren't in those communities to see what is done.

And in all this projection nearly 110 whites murder themselves daily and not one white member here says anything. We get told about black interracial murders against whites which have been less than 500 in most years while whites are murdering each other and themselves by the thousands and nothing is said. We don't see All Lives Matter, and talking about Africa or per capita doesn't mean anything. The usual suspect are going to come in with the same silly dodges and personal attacks, but the number was 40,155 whites who murdered themselves. 3,541 blacks did. 11 times more whites murdered themselves than blacks and the excuse of it's OK because they killed each other that I was told by a member here long ago is not a good defense.


A lot of blacks commit suicide as well, so why is this important?

And a lot of white suicides are really questionable, if you'll remember Jeff Epstein and Vince Foster
Are you actually comparing white suicide rates against black on black murder rates? Or are you just posting unclearly again for some reason?
Yes. Anything he can do to get his I hate whitey on. Rational thinking left this boy long ago. Hatred rules his day. Sad...

If this is all you got on topics -- STAY OUT of Zone1 threads. The Irish Ram
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A lot of blacks commit suicide as well, so why is this important?

And a lot of white suicides are really questionable, if you'll remember Jeff Epstein and Vince Foster
No, a lot of blacks don't. The numbers are in the OP. 40,000 whites, 3,500 blacks. A lot of white suicides are suicides, there is nothing questionable. Stop making excuses.
Yes. Anything he can do to get his I hate whitey on. Rational thinking left this boy long ago. Hatred rules his day. Sad...
Wrong again. This is a direct confrontation in order to counter your anti black racism.
He thinks it mitigates black murder rates; not the sharpest tack by any means.
And here come the excuses. Whites kill each other at about the same rate blacks kill each other.
And here come the excuses. Whites kill each other at about the same rate blacks kill each other.
I know it's math, but try to explain how you came to that conclusion unless something like 95% of black murderers murder whites.

This should be fun. It's a bit like watching mandrill trying to solve a Rubik's cube.
Are you actually comparing white suicide rates against black on black murder rates? Or are you just posting unclearly again for some reason?

Given the fact that 5 times more whites are killing themselves than blacks are killing other blacks, then that's exactly what I am doing. When you compare that with the fact that over 80 percent of white murders are done by another white, seems that whites have a huge problem that you guys excuse.
You should all do as you think best, of course, but I am going to suggest that good people avoid this forum. It is fraught with constant stops and issues and exporting to other venues and some leftists are going around reporting everyone they don't like, apparently -- I've read two complaints plus my own, and I received some kind of boilerplate response from a mod I don't even recognize saying I "threatened" someone, which I definitely did not. I'm an older white woman: how can I possibly threaten these guys? I couldn't make any sense out of any of that.

I think what is going on is a bunch of leftists have come in who are trying to get the entire discussion forum shut down. Let's don't help them do that by participating in this hot mess. This race relations forum is not a good or safe place for discussion, IMO.

Not Zone1 rules. Not even on topic.
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There is none. That is why you fail. I don't start, "I hate blacks because" threads.
I just counter your, "I hate whites because I'm not" threads...
You really need to tell that lie to someone else. You contribute to the white racism here. There are no I hate whites threads by me. This thread is not a I hate whites thread. The only whites here who have a problem with this are the whites who are extremely anti black. You don't go into any threads by whites trying to get them to stop. Instea,d you co-sign the racism.

Stay off ANYTHING personal. Stick to YOUR topic. Report issues.
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You should all do as you think best, of course, but I am going to suggest that good people avoid this forum. It is fraught with constant stops and issues and exporting to other venues and some leftists are going around reporting everyone they don't like, apparently -- I've read two complaints plus my own, and I received some kind of boilerplate response from a mod I don't even recognize saying I "threatened" someone, which I definitely did not. I'm an older white woman: how can I possibly threaten these guys? I couldn't make any sense out of any of that.

I think what is going on is a bunch of leftists have come in who are trying to get the entire discussion forum shut down. Let's don't help them do that by participating in this hot mess. This race relations forum is not a good or safe place for discussion, IMO.
No, what you do is post pure racist crap.
Are you the one who reported me for threatening you? Are you afraid of me?
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You really need to tell that lie to someone else. You contribute to the white racism here. There are no I hate whites threads by me. This thread is not a I hate whites thread. The only whites here who have a problem with this are the whites who are extremely anti black. You don't go into any threads by whites trying to get them to stop. Instea,d you co-sign the racism.
All of your threads hate whites. Every single one of your posts hate whites.
Hating whites is your singular purpose here and you talk about nothing else but your hatred of whites.
Are you actually comparing white suicide rates against black on black murder rates? Or are you just posting unclearly again for some reason?

Given the fact that 5 times more whites are killing themselves than blacks are killing other blacks, then that's exactly what I am doing. When you compare that with the fact that over 80 percent of white murders are done by another white, seems that whites have a huge problem that you guys excuse.
OK, NOW per capita numbers are OK? Gotcha.
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