40% of residents in San Francisco plan on leaving.


Talk about shit holes, FL is it.
Ya reckon ?
Thats why I left in 2005.
It was nice, pre 1992.
You're not only ignorant, you are a racist and a very dangerous person, i.e. a far right neo fascist.

Why don't you look up big words like "racist" before trying to use them.

If I'm wrong, then by all means, please provide a better explanation of why the Democrats are more behind these foreigners than they are Americans. Sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, giving them drivers licenses in their state, warning businesses and illegals when ICE is coming to town for workplace raids, Dementia allowing them in untested and busing them all across the country.........

My explanation makes more sense than anything anybody else has. Democrats don't do anything unless it promotes themselves or their party.
"The reason for the split is because I'd rather save half this country than risk losing the entire thing. Why do you think the commies are ushering in these illegals? Because their goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in our history."

A deep state? Yeah, you are full of shit and a biddable fool.

This is common sense 101. Why are they pushing for all these South Americans getting into the country? Do all these Democrats own farms and need the cheap labor? Are they such compassionate wonderful people they'd be willing to lure third-worlders here, a good portion dying along the way, and women and female children getting raped repeatedly? If that's compassion, I certainly don't want any.

Look at how groups of people vote in this country. Outside of whites, every other group normally votes a majority Democrat, and it's very heavy for Hispanic people. Blacks? Forget about it. They have those people tied up for the next generation at least unless the majority decides to get politically and historically educated as to what the Democrats actually did to them.

So how can they turn this country into a single-party government forever? Get rid of the whites; not in a genocidal way, but a political way. It makes perfect sense for the Democrat party who has always been a bunch of power hungry anti-Americans.
SO. Every South American is a bean picker ?
I suggest they all go to New Mexico, a liberal state that they won't fuck up. Stay out of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and Texas. There are already too many transplanted California mental patients there.
I suggest they all go to New Mexico, a liberal state that they won't fuck up. Stay out of Utah, Nevada, Arizona and Texas. There are already too many transplanted California mental patients there.

Moving to better states is not the problem. The problem is when they move to American states and vote for the same people that ruined their last state that caused them to move in the first place.

Democrats may be more educated on average (so they say) but they possess little in the way of logic and common sense. The reelection of AOC in NYC is a prime example. A Democrat will run in front of a moving bus to see what it's like to get hit by one. The day they get out of the hospital, they run in front of another moving bus.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results each time."
Albert Einstein
whenever there's a thread about something bad going on in SF, there's always someone complaining about "liberals" and their policies as if Florida and Georgia are somehow crime free utopias, LMAOOO
Almost half of San Francisco residents are planning on moving out of the city due to rising crime and a deteriorating quality of life, according to a recent poll
This is no secret. Rent is skyrocketing while salaries are stagnant in the Bay Area. Residents have to have plans in place for immediate departure and relocation to area with a much lower cost of living in case they are laid off or fired by any of the major employers there.
whenever there's a thread about something bad going on in SF, there's always someone complaining about "liberals" and their policies as if Florida and Georgia are somehow crime free utopias, LMAOOO

Citizens and businesses are not fleeing those states due to liberal policy. CA and NY are losing people and businesses by the thousands to places like Florida and Texas. Those states don't have out of control homeless people where they need to pass out poop maps. They did not virtually shutdown their state during Covid causing Lord knows how many businesses to close. They kept their schools open without any negative results. Republican led states had and still have the lowest unemployment in the country. Walgreens are not moving out of those states due to policy that says it's okay to go there and rip them off every day as long as the theft is less than $950.00. Liberals don't have the intelligence to understand no store can stay in business that way. Target stores are not closing early in Fla or Tx.
Those states don't have out of control homeless people where they need to pass out poop maps
People have jobs, all of a sudden there's a layoff or a firing, your direct deposit information is misused by your former employer to generate a giant fraudulent bank draft on your account, and you're shit out of luck on the street without a pot to piss in just like everyone else, plus you owe money in the kneecap-cracking window-breaking district.
They are commie states because they are ran by commies. Don't believe me, just go to the US Communist website, look at their platform, and tell me how many differences you see between theirs and the Democrat party.
Get that commie mental health background check off our backs...
People have jobs, all of a sudden there's a layoff or a firing, your direct deposit information is misused by your former employer to generate a giant fraudulent bank draft on your account, and you're shit out of luck on the street without a pot to piss in just like everyone else, plus you owe money in the kneecap-cracking window-breaking district.

Yeah, that happens all the time, don't it. Care to give me an example of your conspiracy?
Yeah, that happens all the time, don't it. Care to give me an example of your conspiracy?
The fuck how do all those drug dealers stay in business with the patronage of multinational corporate employees?

Sorry, but I don't do conspiracies. It's a very boring conversation for me. It's like arguing whether Santa Clauses nose is red because he drinks, or it's red because he snorts coke. It doesn't matter because Santa Clause is all made up.
whenever there's a thread about something bad going on in SF, there's always someone complaining about "liberals" and their policies as if Florida and Georgia are somehow crime free utopias, LMAOOO

Whenever someone points out what a shithole leftist policies make out of a city, there's always some apologist drone going on about "Other places aren't crime-free, so that means there's nothing wrong here." And then cackling insanely like Kamala Harris being asked about the border because he mistakenly thinks he's made some brilliant point.

Take a bow, Krichton, you are today's designated leftist drone cackler, and you've done a masterful job of embarrassing yourself with the requisite logical fallacy.
This is not good news if Liberals who voted for the policies that destroyed San Francisco move to healthy cities that don’t over tax or don’t let criminals steal from businesses. These people moving should take a hard look at the failure they are leaving and adjust their economics and social policies accordingly.

Do you think they will?

AOC sneaked into Congress because nobody was paying attention. She's a fairly cute girl with a nice shape; that's all she had going for her. She made an ass out of herself along with fellow New Yorkers, and they re-elected her. What does that tell you about Democrats learning from their mistakes?

We get a lot of Californians here in Arizona, and I know they wreak havoc on the housing market. They have no realistic standard to compare to. People selling houses can jack the price up 15% or more over what it would normally go for in Arizona, and the Californians will be thrilled by how "inexpensive" it is, because they're comparing to California's prices. They don't even realize they're being gouged.

I moved from California to Texas in 2020, and now the area I moved to is experiencing massive housing price inflation. Average sale price is now 106% of list price, and the list prices have increased 30% in the past year.
This is not good news if Liberals who voted for the policies that destroyed San Francisco move to healthy cities that don’t over tax or don’t let criminals steal from businesses. These people moving should take a hard look at the failure they are leaving and adjust their economics and social policies accordingly.

Do you think they will?

AOC sneaked into Congress because nobody was paying attention. She's a fairly cute girl with a nice shape; that's all she had going for her. She made an ass out of herself along with fellow New Yorkers, and they re-elected her. What does that tell you about Democrats learning from their mistakes?

We get a lot of Californians here in Arizona, and I know they wreak havoc on the housing market. They have no realistic standard to compare to. People selling houses can jack the price up 15% or more over what it would normally go for in Arizona, and the Californians will be thrilled by how "inexpensive" it is, because they're comparing to California's prices. They don't even realize they're being gouged.

I moved from California to Texas in 2020, and now the area I moved to is experiencing massive housing price inflation. Average sale price is now 106% of list price, and the list prices have increased 30% in the past year.

Arizona has been having trouble with rising house prices due to California migration for a while, and they jumped over $50,000 on the asking prices in the last year.
Sorry, but I don't do conspiracies. It's a very boring conversation for me. It's like arguing whether Santa Clauses nose is red because he drinks, or it's red because he snorts coke. It doesn't matter because Santa Clause is all made up.
Too many drug dealers in San Francisco. They have pink purple dyed hair from some of the same chemicals. Call it "queer" if you want, but street drugs are sometimes a substitute for sex.
Arizona has been having trouble with rising house prices due to California migration for a while, and they jumped over $50,000 on the asking prices in the last year.

If it's new housing, much of that can be blamed on the lumber prices these last six months or more. I was reading lumber prices have increased the cost of a new home by 28K on average.
Whenever someone points out what a shithole leftist policies make out of a city, there's always some apologist drone going on about "Other places aren't crime-free, so that means there's nothing wrong here." And then cackling insanely like Kamala Harris being asked about the border because he mistakenly thinks he's made some brilliant point.

There is a difference in crime. Nobody is going to sell their home and move out of a city because some teens turfed their tree lawn. Nobody needs to go through the expense of setting up security cameras because some bored kid turned on their outside water faucet. Property values don't plummet because your neighbors house got toilet papered.

When gunshots ring out in a city nearly every night, when murders are rising, when businesses close down, that's when you have a real crime problem.
Arizona has been having trouble with rising house prices due to California migration for a while, and they jumped over $50,000 on the asking prices in the last year.

If it's new housing, much of that can be blamed on the lumber prices these last six months or more. I was reading lumber prices have increased the cost of a new home by 28K on average.

Those have gone up too, but it's also existing housing. It's demand outstripping supply, really. Fewer people wanted to move with things being so uncertain due to Covid, so fewer houses went on the market. Landlords were unable to evict tenants for anything short of being a threat to public safety, so fewer rentals were available and those who had the option of buying instead went that route, shortening up supply even further. And then there are the mass exoduses from blue states.

Oh, and then there are big corporations gobbling up all the real estate they can find to turn into permanent rental properties, even if it means paying well over the market price in order to snatch it from someone who wants to buy it to live in. That isn't helping anyone's housing market.

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