40 US companies have responded to Trump’s huge tax cut victory by handing out bonuses up to $2,000


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
"“Some 40 U.S. companies have responded to President Trump’s tax cut and reform victory in Congress last year by handing out bonuses up to $2,000, increases in 401k matches and spending on charity, a much higher number than previously known.” - Washington Examiner

"Stock Market had another good day but, now that the Tax Cut Bill has passed, we have tremendous upward potential. Dow just short of 25,000, a number that few thought would be possible this soon into my administration. Also, unemployment went down to 4.1%. Only getting better!" - President Trump

it's called the Trump effect. deal with it or get out of the way!
Liberals claim that giving employee's bonus money is nothing but spreading hate and should be stopped immediately.

Because that money should go to the government.

So it can be handed out to the people who really deserve it.

The illegals. ..... :cool:
Workers retaining their earnings?

Prepare for leftist butthurt.
Leftist Commies:

Way, way, way, way, way too early to tell.

That won't stop the partisan goofery, of course.
Trump is borrowing money and adding to our debt so companies can give handouts to their employees? lol, awesome.
I thought this was supposed to CREATE jobs.
So, companies got a permanent tax break and they gave their employees a one time bonus and some call that a "win" ?
Seriously - what the fuck is so genius about maxing our our national credit cards (while our budgets are already headed for disaster) so corporations can have a windfall and throw a few % crumbs at the middle class?

Today’s tax cuts are just tommorow’s tax raises with interest.
A black guy (starter at my golf course) thinks it is unfair that a CEO would get a 100K dollar bonus while all of the employees get 2000.

Not kidding.

That is what he said. He is a retired principal and has a doctorate. He thinks Africans reached America before everyone and he says the Olmec Heads discovered in Mexico proves it. He is a complete black supremacist.
Man, all these Obama bots. Suddenly worried about the national debt but were silent when Obama butt fucked it to the tune of 10 motherfucking trillion dollars.

Man, all these Obama bots. Suddenly worried about the national debt but were silent when Obama butt fucked it to the tune of 10 motherfucking trillion dollars.

Same ones that want to INCREASE TAXES and INCREASE SPENDING.

Someday everyone will have a deep appreciation why I hate left wingers.
Man, all these Obama bots. Suddenly worried about the national debt but were silent when Obama butt fucked it to the tune of 10 motherfucking trillion dollars.


No more amazing than all the Trump zealots that spent 8 years whining like teen age girls about the debt suddenly not caring about it one itoa.

A partisan hack is a partisan hack, no matter which way they lean.
No more amazing than all the Trump zealots that spent 8 years whining like teen age girls about the debt suddenly not caring about it one itoa.

A partisan hack is a partisan hack, no matter which way they lean.
Can our retarded POS government stop overspending? Not likely.

You don't give a spend thrift more money. The adults need to be in charge for a while.
No more amazing than all the Trump zealots that spent 8 years whining like teen age girls about the debt suddenly not caring about it one itoa.

A partisan hack is a partisan hack, no matter which way they lean.
Can our retarded POS government stop overspending? Not likely.

You don't give a spend thrift more money. The adults need to be in charge for a while.

No, we cannot stop overspending because there are too many partisan zealots in the country that only care about spending and debt when the "wrong" party is sitting in the White House.
No more amazing than all the Trump zealots that spent 8 years whining like teen age girls about the debt suddenly not caring about it one itoa.

A partisan hack is a partisan hack, no matter which way they lean.
Can our retarded POS government stop overspending?

See that's how you feckless Republiclowns roll. When it's campaign time it's all about deficits and over-spending, but as soon as you are in power you blow your load on yet more budget busting tax-cuts and never actually have the balls to do the highly unpopular spending cuts.

Here is a crazy idea - how about you blowhards live up to your rhetoric and fix the budgets BEFORE you fuck them up even more.

This is the hole we are in WITHOUT the tax-cuts just passed:


Now what exactly do you think Republicans are going to cut to make up 1.5Trillion dollar deficits we are headed for AND the additional TRILLION long run defict this tax-cut will contribute?
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