40 years ago

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.
40 years ago, i was 12. I remember it very clearly. Back then, the anti-government types were the liberals. Now they are in charge and government can do no wrong.

The times, they are a-changin.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

This is true. Only a mindless zombie would continue defending behavior like this. If anyone is too immersed in the demagoguery of their own party to ignore the dangers posed by these things, they are blind and deserve whatever fate befalls them.

As they say, those who choose to ignore their history are doomed to repeat it. Those who choose not to rectify their mistakes now, will continue to make them again and again.
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Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

Did your feeble excuse for intelligence not read the actual post you just quoted? I bolded a sentence fragment you should pay careful attention to, then come back when you can get your head out of Obama's ass.

Until that happens, all the partisan contrivance and idiocy is coming from you.
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Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

Did your feeble excuse for intelligence not read the actual post you just quoted? I boded a sentence fragment you should pay careful attention to, then come back when you can get your head out of Obama's ass.

Until that happens, all the partisan contrivance and idiocy is coming from you.

It went right over his head. Pure and simple. He'd rather live in a world where his party and the ideals he espouses are never wrong. He'd rather defend a crook than to punish him.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.
Delays in the processing of applications for federal tax-exempt status is worse than Watergate? :cuckoo: I think not. Watergate will be remembered throughout American history as one of the worst presidential scandals. No one will even remember this story next year.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

With Obama we have one of his agencies willfully ignoring many court decisions that declared their actions invalid.
With Obama we have the IRS targeting many political groups and individuals for harassing audits.
With Obama we have the Justice Dept seizing the AP's private communications with little explanation.
With Obama we have an Education Dept director giving confidential information to private political groups for political gain.
With Obama we have a president who deliberately misrepresented a terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans.
With Obama we have a failed program designed to push for domestic gun control that got a US agent and many Mexicans killed.

No, Obama is worse than Nixon. Every day brings more revelations of wrong doing and scandal. We aren't done with this by a long shot. You will see refusals to cooperate and claims of "executive privilege" just like Nixon. The press hated Nixon but until very recently have protected Obama. That's changing.
Forty years ago I had just completed my second tour in Vietnam and was about to separate from the Army. I remember the political cancer very well. Americans were livid that a President would use the powers of the government for political purposes. Now another President is doing the same thing, only on a larger scale, but he is being defended.
Has such political corruption become both accepted and expected by today's society, or are people just dumber now than they were 40 years ago?
"I find the comparison - that whoever is making the analysis is challenged in their understanding of history," ... "There are no comparisons. They're not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals."any attempt to make such a comparison is showing a total disregard to history. John Dean
What absurd and ridiculousness the election of a Democrat, and a black one at that, has caused in the minds of the hacks. Is it hatred? Is it stupidity? What is it? Now Obama micromanages the IRS, the man must be a god to do all this? You people are fools, fools, while the crazies in congress argue over made up scandals, the fools on the right sing along. What puppets you all are. In your blind partisanship did you already forget Benghazi? Fools, puppets - tales told by idiots.....and believed by idiots. Meanwhile the paid corporate foxes at Heritage laugh their asses off.


Top Ten Republican Myths on Benghazi that Justify Hillary Clinton's Anger | Informed Comment

Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

Take up arms? You are insane.

Nobody would defend Obama if nutters did not falsely accuse him of wrongdoing and get thousands of hours of broadcast time to push the lie into the dense minds of 30% of the populace.

There is no tyranny in America. Stop it already.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


In fact I do not think we've actually been living in America , not at least, since Nov 22, 1963.

I think THAT EVENT was a sotto voce coupe d etat.

I think we've been living in BananAmerica all along.

I also suspect that the elimination of NIXXON was an internacine battle within the Republican party to get the last of the OLD SCHOOL PRO-AMERICAN politicians out of power.

Yeah that's right I think both Kennedy and NiXXon were victims of the same cabal.

Now it would be perfectly reasonable for ya'll top dismiss my suspicions as nothing more than paranoia. I often do that myself.

I believe that our democracy is now little more than shadow puppetry, but I do not posit any clear theory as to whom is pulling the strings.

But I will venture the opinion that the STRONGEST STRING leads to the FEDERAL RESERVE and the SIX US BANKS that own it.

I often wonder if this CABAL was so terrified by Kennedy, and his near nuclear war, that they decided it was time to pull the plug on democracy.

I can actually imagine that were I one of that shadowy group who actually control this nation, I too might have decided to do what I sometimes believe has already been done.

I can easily see myself rationalizing that by ending the Republic and nationalism and replacing it with this Internationalist Shamocracy, I would be SAVING the world from nationalistic suicide.

THINK about what it was like during the Cuban Missile Crises..how close we came to armagedon.

If you thought you had the power to truly eliminate the threat of a world wide nuclear war, wouldn't YOU be tempted to do it, too, even IF it meant running the world clandestinely?
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"I find the comparison - that whoever is making the analysis is challenged in their understanding of history," ... "There are no comparisons. They're not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals."any attempt to make such a comparison is showing a total disregard to history. John Dean

Dems like convicted felons.
"I find the comparison - that whoever is making the analysis is challenged in their understanding of history," ... "There are no comparisons. They're not comparable with any of the burgeoning scandals."any attempt to make such a comparison is showing a total disregard to history. John Dean

Dems like convicted felons.

Yeah, we like convicted felons that are Republicans...

It's ya'll that give them radio shows...

In my lifetime I have seen a Republican President driven from office for using the power of his office in an clearly unconstitutional manner. I have seen another Republican President lie us into a war, and at the same time, ignore the existance of someone that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. In fact, even state publically that "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". And he proved it, for Bin Laden had to wait for the election of a Democratic President before getting the justice he so richly deserved. This same Republican President left the nation in total economic shambles as he left office.

The prior Democratic President left him with a balanced budget, and a world in relitive peace. But he warned that Republican President of a clear and present danger in Bin Laden and Al Queda. A warning that was totally ignored and even ridiculed.

So now the present Democratic President has brought this nation out of what threatoned to become the Second Great Republican Depression, and the Market is at an all time high, and jobs are slowly coming back. So what is a good Republican to do? Why, create a scandal. Any scandal. And try to pin it on the present President. Alter e-mails, tell outright lies, do anything to slow or destroy the economy. And then make sure everyone knows that you are first and foremost a PATRIOT!!!!!!!!!!!. And you are only trying to destroy the nation for it's own good.
In my lifetime I have seen a Republican President driven from office for using the power of his office in an clearly unconstitutional manner. I have seen another Republican President lie us into a war, and at the same time, ignore the existance of someone that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. In fact, even state publically that "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". And he proved it, for Bin Laden had to wait for the election of a Democratic President before getting the justice he so richly deserved. This same Republican President left the nation in total economic shambles as he left office.

The prior Democratic President left him with a balanced budget, and a world in relitive peace. But he warned that Republican President of a clear and present danger in Bin Laden and Al Queda. A warning that was totally ignored and even ridiculed.

So now the present Democratic President has brought this nation out of what threatoned to become the Second Great Republican Depression, and the Market is at an all time high, and jobs are slowly coming back. So what is a good Republican to do? Why, create a scandal. Any scandal. And try to pin it on the present President. Alter e-mails, tell outright lies, do anything to slow or destroy the economy. And then make sure everyone knows that you are first and foremost a PATRIOT!!!!!!!!!!!. And you are only trying to destroy the nation for it's own good.
That's a pretty selective retelling of events. A fairy tale, actually.
The budget was the work of Republicans in Congress. Clinton's watch saw many attacks on the U.S.: first bombing of the WTC, USS Cole, embassies in Africa, etc. He ignored them or gave lip service to a response. bin Laden was not a factor in anything by the time Bush said that. The operation to kill him had been set up long before Obama got into office. And Obama apparently refused to give the order to kill him three times before he actually agreed. Bush did not lie about Iraq. That has been disproven so many times it is amazing anyone can parrot it with a straight face.
The economy still sucks, with unemployment as high as it was when Obozo took office.
As to the present scandals, the administration outright lied on Benghazi for political purposes. That much is clear. As to the IRS, it is clear that they targeted conservative political groups. Why this doesn't outrage you is a mystery. We do not know how far up the chain this scandal goes, but it's still young.

When Obama is perp-walked out of the WHite House morons like you will still be bleating that it's political and racist.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

This is the purpose of supply side economics. Reagan, Clinton, Junebug, Barry-O are all supply siders. The only difference between them is corporate sponsorship.

Fake liberals don't want to fix it. They do not have an acceptable vision for the nation.

Nutballs are in denial about Reagan and Junebug, so they can't fix it despite claiming to want to fix it because halfwits exist to do what they are told. The capture of halfwit America by religious nuts and the MIC in 1980 was a very bad thing indeed.

What did people expect? That is my question. The America that re elected Reagan and re elected Junebug is a despicably degenerate nation, not worth a god damn, and so deserves the economic fucking every president since Reagan has given it.

Nothing is going to change until the focus moves back toward policies expanding and maintaining a rock solid blue collar middle class.

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