40 years ago

You are involved in the other thread where several people like LK, Sallow, No Nukes and Dot Com are directly stating that the IRS has done nothing wrong. Stop obstructing. I am beginning to think that you are just doing this to be a pain as it is blatantly dishonest.

Further, joe thinks that this act, which is illegal, was not even enough to justify firing the one in charge. That is what he stated thinking that it was an overreaction. Seriously, how much do they have to marginalize such an act before you realize that they accept this as no big deal? You are rejecting the blatantly obvious.

No. Everyone who thinks knows that some inappropriate action was taken by some IRS personnel. But until it is proven that there was political motivation.....and that anyone outside the IRS was involved in implementing it....you have a contained matter that as been dealt with appropriately thus far.

No acceptance of governmental overreach....no invitation to tyranny. Just an IRS fuck up, discovered and being dealt with. Discovered BY THE GOVERNMENT, by the way. Funny huh?
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It is worth noting here that we have gone on for eight pages and almost one hundred twenty posts and I do not think that one single person has addressed the OP’s original point: the runaway government. So far we have virtually everyone trying to blame this on Obama or deflect it all on some other republican president (I have read from Regan to Bush here – getting kind of off the beaten path on that one) but virtually nothing on the utter reality that the IRS committed and hid an act that it outright refused to do decades ago even when ordered.

The problem here is that they aren't comparable. Nixon asked the IRS to SPECIFICALLY target his enemies.

The IRS office in charge of granting exemptions from paying taxes decided to apply a questionable criteria for scrutinizing who was actually entitled to an exemption.

Worse are you here that are defending this. What depraved vision of the government have you embraced when you need to defend Obama against something that he himself has condemned? I don’t see people here except the very few minority that defend Obama by claiming that he did not order this. That point has already been given. Instead, the actions the IRS took itself are being defended. In this thread and several others we have party hacks demanding that what the IRS did was perfectly all right. No issue there. As the OP pointed out, this is BY FAR the scariest thing about this ‘scandal.’ The fact that some can’t even tell why this is such a big deal and even go to the lengths to demand that it is just fine is appalling. Obama himself stated this was terrible. Everyone should be able to see the obvious.

Go back and read the OP, look at what he is actually getting at and realize that this is not a democrat problem that is being pointed out. It is not even a party problem. It is a pervasive issue that pertains to the government in general, regardless of who or what is running it.

The scary thing is that we have a situation where the Koch Brothers can set up a phony "Social Welfare" agency, funnel millions of dollars into them to do politics, and they get their identities hidden.

The problem isn't with what the IRS did, it is that our campaign finance laws are so convoluted that they constitute legalized bribery and extortion. The IRS is like a man trying to bail out a boat with spoon.
Funny how interpretation of a topic can be so different for different posters. The topic seemed to be a comparison of the Nixon/Wategate scandal 40 years ago compared to the Obama/IRS scandal. Runaway government seems to be a different topic but what the hell, half the posts have nothing at all the do with the topic.
Not really. That was what he directly spoke about. The IRS and the fact that, all on its own, it made such outrageous and outright illegal targeting. There is no ‘interpretation’ about that. Of course, it helps to have a handle on each posters style. I find that QW seems to mean just what he types but leaves a little room for you to run away with his posts. QW can correct me if I am wrong here but I think that he does this on purpose. Letting others run away with their own misconceptions and biases and then hitting them over the head with it after.

In this thread, it seems to be working quite well. You can see the reactionaries coming out immediately, the ones that have declared Obama the dictator in chief in ordering this fiasco and the ones that are demanding that it was BOOOOSH or that nothing was done at all. I really quite appreciate the style, I find it amusing

What I find amusing is that when you have groups screaming about how evil the IRS is, and they go to the IRS for a favor, the IRS is not exactly moving very fast to help them for some reason.

Oh my God, Human Nature. People don't want to help people who hate them and would want to screw them.

Would be kind of like me going to the Mormon Church for a favor after mocking Mormonism for years. I shouldn't be surprised when they don't make much of an effort.

With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

Did your feeble excuse for intelligence not read the actual post you just quoted? I boded a sentence fragment you should pay careful attention to, then come back when you can get your head out of Obama's ass.

Until that happens, all the partisan contrivance and idiocy is coming from you.

It went right over his head. Pure and simple. He'd rather live in a world where his party and the ideals he espouses are never wrong. He'd rather defend a crook than to punish him.

Pretty funny (not really)...you're defending Quantum Scum bag, who said: WHERE THE FUCK DID I SAY OBAMA ORDERED IT?

THEN...you say: "He'd rather defend a crook than to punish him."

Do you have 'the Obama Tapes' to prove your unfounded accusation?

You right wing turd are outraged that liberals won't hate the President and make unfounded accusations against him.

How, this...let's have a public hanging of Obama and install Mitt Romney as president...
How, this...let's have a public hanging of Obama and install Mitt Romney as president...

And then the Mormons would take over America instead of the Muslims?

Oh, good move.

I'm not sure which would be worse.
But I still don't like Mormons.

We can't have somebody NORMAL run for president? Somebody a normal American can vote for????

Am I really asking for too much here???? Darn.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

You know, the whole Watergate thing didn't just happen overnight... it was along time in the making and unlike today, we didn't have a press hellbent on covering for the administration.

This whole thing is in its infancy.
For the most part. You have a shocker for me?

Define shocker.

He fired the people responsible, which I thought was an overreaction, personally.

Did Joe say the actions of the IRS were PERFECTLY ALRIGHT?

That is a yes or no question. The accusation was that "people" think what the IRS did was perfectly alright. I objected to that characterization.....which was used to make the point that we are welcoming tyranny. I call bullshit.

Yes, he did, and he was not the only one.

Did your feeble excuse for intelligence not read the actual post you just quoted? I boded a sentence fragment you should pay careful attention to, then come back when you can get your head out of Obama's ass.

Until that happens, all the partisan contrivance and idiocy is coming from you.

It went right over his head. Pure and simple. He'd rather live in a world where his party and the ideals he espouses are never wrong. He'd rather defend a crook than to punish him.

Pretty funny (not really)...you're defending Quantum Scum bag, who said: WHERE THE FUCK DID I SAY OBAMA ORDERED IT?

THEN...you say: "He'd rather defend a crook than to punish him."

Do you have 'the Obama Tapes' to prove your unfounded accusation?

You right wing turd are outraged that liberals won't hate the President and make unfounded accusations against him.

How, this...let's have a public hanging of Obama and install Mitt Romney as president...

You are talking about two different people, idiot.

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