40 years ago

Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

It took about eight months for the fire to start burning Nixon. These types of scandals take time to peel the layers of BS that the executive branch can wrap their transgressions in.

All of the basic elements are there for a Nixonian type scandal, and we just have to wait for it all to play out. We won't get real progress until we can get an independent counsel that can force those in the administration to talk. You start with the lower levels, and work up. When the FBI notifies players that lies will get them up to five years in prison, they fail to fall on their swords, and start naming names.

BTW, we are not just worrying about partisan politics in the IRS. The labor department was also involved. More will come out as we move along.
What has to happen is right wing media has to distort the facts and shift the blame to the Democrats instead of the IRS in preparation for the mid terms. Scandals are much better politically than facts for the opposition because they are more flexible and can be woven into a multitude of different attacks.
Obama lied about the IRS? Can you prove that?

No. But it wouldn't matter to me how many government careers are ruined for obstructing the path to all the answers. My feelings are identical to what seemed to me to be outrage you expressed that government is picking winners and losers.

Again, choosing winners is the entire purpose of the Keynesian malignancy pols called "supply side" and halfwits accepted as Reaganomics.

I am laughing out loud clicking out this question: how else does one explain the rise of finance from necessary parasites to "major US industry" status after 1982? That rise can't be described in terms that do not involve government policy picking winners and losers.

My view is fuck both parties and the people lost enough to believe either party has any interest in ordinary Americans EXCEPT as cannon fodder, cheap labor and as conduits for government money going to selected winners (see, MIC, Obamacare, more...).

My view is that you are a nut.

This thread is about the IRS and the government, go make your own threads about your nutty theories.

Your first post stated something very close to "government is picking winners and losers". You might amount to something more than a windbag if you could remember your own points in the context of responses well enough to answer direct responses.

I am laughing out loud that twice in two posts you jumped me for your own derailers.

Nice work, Chief Quantum Barker.
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With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

It took about eight months for the fire to start burning Nixon. These types of scandals take time to peel the layers of BS that the executive branch can wrap their transgressions in.

All of the basic elements are there for a Nixonian type scandal, and we just have to wait for it all to play out. We won't get real progress until we can get an independent counsel that can force those in the administration to talk. You start with the lower levels, and work up. When the FBI notifies players that lies will get them up to five years in prison, they fail to fall on their swords, and start naming names.

BTW, we are not just worrying about partisan politics in the IRS. The labor department was also involved. More will come out as we move along.
What has to happen is right wing media has to distort the facts and shift the blame to the Democrats instead of the IRS in preparation for the mid terms. Scandals are much better politically than facts for the opposition because they are more flexible and can be woven into a multitude of different attacks.

It is funny. The Democrats have run the gov't for the last 5 years yet they bear no responsibility for any of it.

Cut the crap....
"The buck stops here"...Harry S. Truman..
Obama's watch. HE is the leader of his administration.
TO say Obama had no knowledge or bears no responsibility, is foolish and self blinding to the facts.

He fired the people responsible, which I thought was an overreaction, personally.

So he took responsibility.

Unfortunately, for the people who wear tinfoil hats to keep the government from reading their brain-patterns, no amount of accountability is going to be enough.

Did he fire his chief of staff?
Typical lib..declare "problem solved" or "there is no 'there' there" and believe that makes it all go away.
Newsflash....The three scandals are NOT going away.
Benghazi, IRS, spying on the media....It's all going to be very public..
And the libs can tote out the biggest broom in the country and still they will not be aboe to sweep this under the rug...
Nope, the Teflon protecting Obama has been breached.

Frankly, then, why is no one really talking about it outside political circles?

This is something people don't care about. they simply don't.

As I recall, people in Germany didn't care about the government rounding up Jews either.
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No. But it wouldn't matter to me how many government careers are ruined for obstructing the path to all the answers. My feelings are identical to what seemed to me to be outrage you expressed that government is picking winners and losers.

Again, choosing winners is the entire purpose of the Keynesian malignancy pols called "supply side" and halfwits accepted as Reaganomics.

I am laughing out loud clicking out this question: how else does one explain the rise of finance from necessary parasites to "major US industry" status after 1982? That rise can't be described in terms that do not involve government policy picking winners and losers.

My view is fuck both parties and the people lost enough to believe either party has any interest in ordinary Americans EXCEPT as cannon fodder, cheap labor and as conduits for government money going to selected winners (see, MIC, Obamacare, more...).

My view is that you are a nut.

This thread is about the IRS and the government, go make your own threads about your nutty theories.

Your first post stated something very close to "government is picking winners and losers". You might amount to something more than a windbag if you could remember your own points in the context of responses well enough to answer direct responses.

I am laughing out loud that twice in two posts you jumped me for your own derailers.

Nice work, Chief Quantum Barker.

YEe, the government picking winners and lowers in elections, not the economy. Totally separate issues, which everyone but you understands.
No, Obama is worse than Nixon. Every day brings more revelations of wrong doing and scandal. We aren't done with this by a long shot. You will see refusals to cooperate and claims of "executive privilege" just like Nixon. The press hated Nixon but until very recently have protected Obama. That's changing.

I call bullshit. But you can get back to me when Obama uses the CIA to destabilize a democratically elected President in a third world country to the point where a brutal dictator was able to overthrow the government and kill 30K of his own people, not to mention the countless others who were raped, tortured and maimed. In the meantime, your hyperbole is showing.
Typical lib..declare "problem solved" or "there is no 'there' there" and believe that makes it all go away.
Newsflash....The three scandals are NOT going away.
Benghazi, IRS, spying on the media....It's all going to be very public..
And the libs can tote out the biggest broom in the country and still they will not be aboe to sweep this under the rug...
Nope, the Teflon protecting Obama has been breached.

Frankly, then, why is no one really talking about it outside political circles?

This is something people don't care about. they simply don't.

As I recall, people in Germany didn't care about the government rounding Jews either.


Yup, ya just knew somebody was gonna go there eventually.
No, Obama is worse than Nixon. Every day brings more revelations of wrong doing and scandal. We aren't done with this by a long shot. You will see refusals to cooperate and claims of "executive privilege" just like Nixon. The press hated Nixon but until very recently have protected Obama. That's changing.

I call bullshit. But you can get back to me when Obama uses the CIA to destabilize a democratically elected President in a third world country to the point where a brutal dictator was able to overthrow the government and kill 30K of his own people, not to mention the countless others who were raped, tortured and maimed. In the meantime, your hyperbole is showing.

Why would he do that, he prefers to use the press.
Frankly, then, why is no one really talking about it outside political circles?

This is something people don't care about. they simply don't.

As I recall, people in Germany didn't care about the government rounding up Jews either.


Yup, ya just knew somebody was gonna go there eventually.

People that argue in defense of tyranny are fascists, they deserve to be called out.
No, Obama is worse than Nixon. Every day brings more revelations of wrong doing and scandal. We aren't done with this by a long shot. You will see refusals to cooperate and claims of "executive privilege" just like Nixon. The press hated Nixon but until very recently have protected Obama. That's changing.

I call bullshit. But you can get back to me when Obama uses the CIA to destabilize a democratically elected President in a third world country to the point where a brutal dictator was able to overthrow the government and kill 30K of his own people, not to mention the countless others who were raped, tortured and maimed. In the meantime, your hyperbole is showing.

Why would he do that, he prefers to use the press.

So, you have a royal hissy fit over Obama, but completely ignore one of the most egregious things our government has ever done to another country? Figures.
typical lib..declare "problem solved" or "there is no 'there' there" and believe that makes it all go away.
Newsflash....the three scandals are not going away.
Benghazi, irs, spying on the media....it's all going to be very public..
And the libs can tote out the biggest broom in the country and still they will not be aboe to sweep this under the rug...
Nope, the teflon protecting obama has been breached.

frankly, then, why is no one really talking about it outside political circles?

This is something people don't care about. They simply don't.
No, Obama is worse than Nixon. Every day brings more revelations of wrong doing and scandal. We aren't done with this by a long shot. You will see refusals to cooperate and claims of "executive privilege" just like Nixon. The press hated Nixon but until very recently have protected Obama. That's changing.

I call bullshit. But you can get back to me when Obama uses the CIA to destabilize a democratically elected President in a third world country to the point where a brutal dictator was able to overthrow the government and kill 30K of his own people, not to mention the countless others who were raped, tortured and maimed. In the meantime, your hyperbole is showing.

Non-sequiturs will get you no where.
Stay on point.
No, Obama is worse than Nixon. Every day brings more revelations of wrong doing and scandal. We aren't done with this by a long shot. You will see refusals to cooperate and claims of "executive privilege" just like Nixon. The press hated Nixon but until very recently have protected Obama. That's changing.

I call bullshit. But you can get back to me when Obama uses the CIA to destabilize a democratically elected President in a third world country to the point where a brutal dictator was able to overthrow the government and kill 30K of his own people, not to mention the countless others who were raped, tortured and maimed. In the meantime, your hyperbole is showing.

Non-sequiturs will get you no where.
Stay on point.

I'm precisely on point. there is no way Obama was worse than Nixon based on Nixon's meddling in Chile alone.
This thread is about the IRS and the government, go make your own threads about your nutty theories.

Your first post stated something very close to "government is picking winners and losers". You might amount to something more than a windbag if you could remember your own points in the context of responses well enough to answer direct responses.

I am laughing out loud that twice in two posts you jumped me for your own derailers.

Nice work, Chief Quantum Barker.

YEe, the government picking winners and lowers in elections, not the economy. Totally separate issues, which everyone but you understands.

My mistake. It had been my belief you meant "winners and loSers".

Obviously "winners and lowers" is something entirely different.
Would it help if I offered to hold the shovel for a while?
I call bullshit. But you can get back to me when Obama uses the CIA to destabilize a democratically elected President in a third world country to the point where a brutal dictator was able to overthrow the government and kill 30K of his own people, not to mention the countless others who were raped, tortured and maimed. In the meantime, your hyperbole is showing.

Non-sequiturs will get you no where.
Stay on point.

I'm precisely on point. there is no way Obama was worse than Nixon based on Nixon's meddling in Chile alone.

You mean Chile, the country he saved from brutal Communist oppression? Yeah, Obama is worse than Nixon. Nixon never targeted American citizens for drone strikes. When you have evidence of that, get back to me.
Until then, STFU, junior.
Non-sequiturs will get you no where.
Stay on point.

I'm precisely on point. there is no way Obama was worse than Nixon based on Nixon's meddling in Chile alone.

You mean Chile, the country he saved from brutal Communist oppression? Yeah, Obama is worse than Nixon. Nixon never targeted American citizens for drone strikes. When you have evidence of that, get back to me.
Until then, STFU, junior.

You're an idiot.
It is worth noting here that we have gone on for eight pages and almost one hundred twenty posts and I do not think that one single person has addressed the OP’s original point: the runaway government. So far we have virtually everyone trying to blame this on Obama or deflect it all on some other republican president (I have read from Regan to Bush here – getting kind of off the beaten path on that one) but virtually nothing on the utter reality that the IRS committed and hid an act that it outright refused to do decades ago even when ordered.

I have to say that the OP brings up a very interesting point. I am not sure if this did not touch the administration or not but the facts as they are at this point don’t show that it did. I don’t think anything will turn up either way as wherever this did come from was not likely painting a map to be discovered but I would almost prefer that it was ordered by Obama. At least then we have a culprit – a singular corrupt person that will be out of government in a few years. Scarier is the thought that we have slid so far and so completely that these agencies would do this on their own, of their own accord because they could. Even worse, covering it up until after the election which speaks to the individuals actually thinking that what they did was right rather than a complete outrage. Followed by spying on the media, we have real evidence that the government simply does not care anymore and feels that it has the right to do as it sees fit. Astounding.

Worse are you here that are defending this. What depraved vision of the government have you embraced when you need to defend Obama against something that he himself has condemned? I don’t see people here except the very few minority that defend Obama by claiming that he did not order this. That point has already been given. Instead, the actions the IRS took itself are being defended. In this thread and several others we have party hacks demanding that what the IRS did was perfectly all right. No issue there. As the OP pointed out, this is BY FAR the scariest thing about this ‘scandal.’ The fact that some can’t even tell why this is such a big deal and even go to the lengths to demand that it is just fine is appalling. Obama himself stated this was terrible. Everyone should be able to see the obvious.

Go back and read the OP, look at what he is actually getting at and realize that this is not a democrat problem that is being pointed out. It is not even a party problem. It is a pervasive issue that pertains to the government in general, regardless of who or what is running it.

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