40 years ago

What the partisan right fails to realize, among many other things, is that articles of impeachment can’t be drafted simply because conservatives hate Obama and because Obama is a democrat.
Are you upset that I didn't accuse Obama of using the IRS to target people?

Upset? Nah. I am annoyed with idiots like you calling for armed conflict. Wanting Americans to fight other Americans.

It is too much to expect you to retract your comments. Right?

I called for arm conflict? Really? Does this mean you officially didn't read my post, because I specifically called for us to act now to prevent armed conflict.

I owe you an apology. I misread that last sentence in your OP. My doing so led me to ride you harder than was necessary in this thread. My bad.

Every so often I need to slow down a little.

My apologies.
What the partisan right fails to realize, among many other things, is that articles of impeachment can’t be drafted simply because conservatives hate Obama and because Obama is a democrat.

Except the only one talking impeachment is you.
But we don't know what Obama did or didn't do yet. We are barely one week into the IRS scandal. Watergate took months to unfold. We'll see what develops and see if there was anything impeachment worthy. Personally I doubt it. And I don't think anyone in Congress really wants to impeach a popular president and of course "The first black president." It would take clear evidence of major crimes to make that happen.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.
I remember watching the Watergate Hearings on TV..
I was in high school. SO I had a good understanding of the proceedings.
My mother said, "I never trusted Nixon because his eyes were too close together".
Whatever that meant.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

Cut the crap....
"The buck stops here"...Harry S. Truman..
Obama's watch. HE is the leader of his administration.
TO say Obama had no knowledge or bears no responsibility, is foolish and self blinding to the facts.
You went partisan, chief, challenging someone to find a nutball president who lied. It didn't take long to do that, but unlike your challenge my primary point is that every president since 1980 is using the same playbook: massive debt and massive spending.

People who see a difference between the parties are the problem. I sure as hell don't.

Obama lied about the IRS? Can you prove that?

No. But it wouldn't matter to me how many government careers are ruined for obstructing the path to all the answers. My feelings are identical to what seemed to me to be outrage you expressed that government is picking winners and losers.

Again, choosing winners is the entire purpose of the Keynesian malignancy pols called "supply side" and halfwits accepted as Reaganomics.

I am laughing out loud clicking out this question: how else does one explain the rise of finance from necessary parasites to "major US industry" status after 1982? That rise can't be described in terms that do not involve government policy picking winners and losers.

My view is fuck both parties and the people lost enough to believe either party has any interest in ordinary Americans EXCEPT as cannon fodder, cheap labor and as conduits for government money going to selected winners (see, MIC, Obamacare, more...).

My view is that you are a nut.

This thread is about the IRS and the government, go make your own threads about your nutty theories.
What the partisan right fails to realize, among many other things, is that articles of impeachment can’t be drafted simply because conservatives hate Obama and because Obama is a democrat.

Yet articles of impeachment have actually been drawn on grounds identical to this in the past.

Upset? Nah. I am annoyed with idiots like you calling for armed conflict. Wanting Americans to fight other Americans.

It is too much to expect you to retract your comments. Right?

I called for arm conflict? Really? Does this mean you officially didn't read my post, because I specifically called for us to act now to prevent armed conflict.

I owe you an apology. I misread that last sentence in your OP. My doing so led me to ride you harder than was necessary in this thread. My bad.

Every so often I need to slow down a little.

My apologies.

At least you admit that you go off occasionally.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

BS. Much ado about nothing. The IRS targeted liberal groups this time around and under George W. Bush, the NAACP. Apparently what's good for the goose, makes for outrage by the gander, when subjected to the same. Move on.

Nah, they can't do that. Ben Ghazi is already starting to let them down and they reeeeally want that pony.

Cut the crap....
"The buck stops here"...Harry S. Truman..
Obama's watch. HE is the leader of his administration.
TO say Obama had no knowledge or bears no responsibility, is foolish and self blinding to the facts.

He fired the people responsible, which I thought was an overreaction, personally.

So he took responsibility.

Unfortunately, for the people who wear tinfoil hats to keep the government from reading their brain-patterns, no amount of accountability is going to be enough.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


In fact I do not think we've actually been living in America , not at least, since Nov 22, 1963.

I think THAT EVENT was a sotto voce coupe d etat.

I think we've been living in BananAmerica all along.

I also suspect that the elimination of NIXXON was an internacine battle within the Republican party to get the last of the OLD SCHOOL PRO-AMERICAN politicians out of power.

Yeah that's right I think both Kennedy and NiXXon were victims of the same cabal.

Now it would be perfectly reasonable for ya'll top dismiss my suspicions as nothing more than paranoia. I often do that myself.

I believe that our democracy is now little more than shadow puppetry, but I do not posit any clear theory as to whom is pulling the strings.

But I will venture the opinion that the STRONGEST STRING leads to the FEDERAL RESERVE and the SIX US BANKS that own it.

I often wonder if this CABAL was so terrified by Kennedy, and his near nuclear war, that they decided it was time to pull the plug on democracy.

I can actually imagine that were I one of that shadowy group who actually control this nation, I too might have decided to do what I sometimes believe has already been done.

I can easily see myself rationalizing that by ending the Republic and nationalism and replacing it with this Internationalist Shamocracy, I would be SAVING the world from nationalistic suicide.

THINK about what it was like during the Cuban Missile Crises..how close we came to armagedon.

If you thought you had the power to truly eliminate the threat of a world wide nuclear war, wouldn't YOU be tempted to do it, too, even IF it meant running the world clandestinely?

Then why haven't you parked your partisanship by the side of the road and got on with the business of exposing ALL of the puppets used by the banksters ?

I have noted right here on this very board repeatedly that the difference in personal between the bush II admin and the Obama admin is bearly noticeable.

I have noted that the Patriot Act and the Iraq war was a bipartisan event

I have noted repeatedly that there is virturally no difference between the Dems and Reps.

You miss all that did you?

Apparently you have.

Not my problem, amigo, its yours.

You assume that anyone who faults the Reps must therefore be a D.

But if that same person hold the Ds to the same standards, you basically ignore that fact.

You seem to be the person wearing partisan blinders, lad.
The butt hurt is very real for the right wing wack jobs over the IRS. Poor babies.

After the most powerfull President we have ever had gets done with the right wing whackos, he will start all over again kicking right wing ass.

Obama personally reviews every tax return sent to the IRS, all the while watching high def video of the terrorists attacking the embassy. All the while shitting on, I say shitting on the COTUS while he prays to Mecca.

This would all be bearable IF he hadn't opened the doors of the Treasury to his friends and PERSONALLY wrote checks for a gazallion dollars and gave them to his friends.

That doesn't count how Obama sent black helicopters to the homes of the heads of TV, Internet and Radio operations and Obama told these people he would personally destroy them if ANYTHING negitive about him came out in the news.

All the above would be pretty unbelievabe IF I hadn't seen all this and more. Wth my very own Rethuglican "Special Glasses". You know. The glasses that allow you to see what isn't there. Rethugs are so special.

This is why Obama is personally gonna take your guns. (I almost forgot that)
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

BS. Much ado about nothing. The IRS targeted liberal groups this time around and under George W. Bush, the NAACP. Apparently what's good for the goose, makes for outrage by the gander, when subjected to the same. Move on.

Nah, they can't do that. Ben Ghazi is already starting to let them down and they reeeeally want that pony.
Typical lib..declare "problem solved" or "there is no 'there' there" and believe that makes it all go away.
Newsflash....The three scandals are NOT going away.
Benghazi, IRS, spying on the media....It's all going to be very public..
And the libs can tote out the biggest broom in the country and still they will not be aboe to sweep this under the rug...
Nope, the Teflon protecting Obama has been breached.
Typical lib..declare "problem solved" or "there is no 'there' there" and believe that makes it all go away.
Newsflash....The three scandals are NOT going away.
Benghazi, IRS, spying on the media....It's all going to be very public..
And the libs can tote out the biggest broom in the country and still they will not be aboe to sweep this under the rug...
Nope, the Teflon protecting Obama has been breached.

Frankly, then, why is no one really talking about it outside political circles?

This is something people don't care about. they simply don't.
And....the reason they don't care is not ignorance nor stupidity. It is that those doing the accusing have no credibility and have produced no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of the President......in any of these "scandals".
BS. Much ado about nothing. The IRS targeted liberal groups this time around and under George W. Bush, the NAACP. Apparently what's good for the goose, makes for outrage by the gander, when subjected to the same. Move on.

Nah, they can't do that. Ben Ghazi is already starting to let them down and they reeeeally want that pony.
Typical lib..declare "problem solved" or "there is no 'there' there" and believe that makes it all go away.
Newsflash....The three scandals are NOT going away.
Benghazi, IRS, spying on the media....It's all going to be very public..
And the libs can tote out the biggest broom in the country and still they will not be aboe to sweep this under the rug...
Nope, the Teflon protecting Obama has been breached.

It's already BEEN public and so far...

...no pony for you.

What the partisan right fails to realize, among many other things, is that articles of impeachment can’t be drafted simply because conservatives hate Obama and because Obama is a democrat.

Sure they can, C_Clay.

Impeachment is a POLITICAL event not a criminal justice event.

"high crimes and misdemeanors" pretty much makes a joke of the process in my opinion, and it certainly makes the hurdle for proposing impeachment rather low.

IF the GOP had the votes, I suspect they might already be impeaching Obama for some "misdemeanor" right now.
Typical lib..declare "problem solved" or "there is no 'there' there" and believe that makes it all go away.
Newsflash....The three scandals are NOT going away.
Benghazi, IRS, spying on the media....It's all going to be very public..
And the libs can tote out the biggest broom in the country and still they will not be aboe to sweep this under the rug...
Nope, the Teflon protecting Obama has been breached.

Frankly, then, why is no one really talking about it outside political circles?

This is something people don't care about. they simply don't.

and that says a lot about our society today. when citizens don't care if the govt lies to them and steals their money, whats next?

the libs in power are following the alinsky plan to the letter under obama. its about destroying what made this country great and bringing the USA down to the level of the third world. destroy capitalism and make every citizen equally miserable---thats what obama and his minions are trying to do to YOU.

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