40 years ago

Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

Where's Obama's "Saturday Nite Massacre"?

What the fuck are you talking about? Where the fuck did I blame Obama? Did you even read my post?
Take up arms? You are insane.

Nobody would defend Obama if nutters did not falsely accuse him of wrongdoing and get thousands of hours of broadcast time to push the lie into the dense minds of 30% of the populace.

There is no tyranny in America. Stop it already.

I did not accuse Obama of anything in this thread, did I? That makes you part of the problem, and one of the people that will be fighting for tyranny and against freedom.

Asshole....I did not say you did. I responded to this comment made by you:

This is not about Obama, so stop defending him,

Fuck off. There is no tyranny and I will be one of the people punching it square in the mouth if it ever shows up here. You mother fuckers and your incessant whining about freedom lost.........in free and fair ELECTIONS.........need to get a grip.

Are you trying to tell me you didn't say this?

Nobody would defend Obama if nutters did not falsely accuse him of wrongdoing...

Since I did not accuse Obama of wrongdoing in this thread, and have never blamed hm for what the IRS did, you must be totally bonkers for stepping in and defending him even after I point out that the problem does not revolve around him.
I did not accuse Obama of anything in this thread, did I? That makes you part of the problem, and one of the people that will be fighting for tyranny and against freedom.

Asshole....I did not say you did. I responded to this comment made by you:

This is not about Obama, so stop defending him,

Fuck off. There is no tyranny and I will be one of the people punching it square in the mouth if it ever shows up here. You mother fuckers and your incessant whining about freedom lost.........in free and fair ELECTIONS.........need to get a grip.

Are you trying to tell me you didn't say this?

Nobody would defend Obama if nutters did not falsely accuse him of wrongdoing...

Since I did not accuse Obama of wrongdoing in this thread, and have never blamed hm for what the IRS did, you must be totally bonkers for stepping in and defending him even after I point out that the problem does not revolve around him.

Man. Like talking to a 3rd grader.

YOU said "Stop defending Obama". I responded with a reason why people are defending Obama. You cried. I explained where you solicited my reply.. You cried some more.

You fucking suggested armed revolt. Against who?

And....you later stated that the IRS works for Obama. In what fantasy land is that he case?

Grow up.

Take responsibility for your words.
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Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

The board wasn't around either and neither was the internet, talk radio and Fox. Liberals were able to create outrage over what the president may or may have not known about a 3rd rate burglary because the only news that was available to Americans was filtered through liberal editorials. Today the negligent homicide death of a US Ambassador and others and the subsequent scandals involving the IRS are far worse than watergate but most of the media is circling the wagons around the administration.

In fact I do not think we've actually been living in America , not at least, since Nov 22, 1963.

I think THAT EVENT was a sotto voce coupe d etat.

I think we've been living in BananAmerica all along.

I also suspect that the elimination of NIXXON was an internacine battle within the Republican party to get the last of the OLD SCHOOL PRO-AMERICAN politicians out of power.

Yeah that's right I think both Kennedy and NiXXon were victims of the same cabal.

Now it would be perfectly reasonable for ya'll top dismiss my suspicions as nothing more than paranoia. I often do that myself.

I believe that our democracy is now little more than shadow puppetry, but I do not posit any clear theory as to whom is pulling the strings.

But I will venture the opinion that the STRONGEST STRING leads to the FEDERAL RESERVE and the SIX US BANKS that own it.

I often wonder if this CABAL was so terrified by Kennedy, and his near nuclear war, that they decided it was time to pull the plug on democracy.

I can actually imagine that were I one of that shadowy group who actually control this nation, I too might have decided to do what I sometimes believe has already been done.

I can easily see myself rationalizing that by ending the Republic and nationalism and replacing it with this Internationalist Shamocracy, I would be SAVING the world from nationalistic suicide.

THINK about what it was like during the Cuban Missile Crises..how close we came to armagedon.

If you thought you had the power to truly eliminate the threat of a world wide nuclear war, wouldn't YOU be tempted to do it, too, even IF it meant running the world clandestinely?

Then why haven't you parked your partisanship by the side of the road and got on with the business of exposing ALL of the puppets used by the banksters ?

"banksters" ??? grow the fuck up. our problems have not been caused by a bunch of evil bank owners in armani suits.

Then who persuaded Reagan to triple the national debt? What group rephrased straight-up Keynesian corporate welfare as "supply side economics" coined the phrase "new economy" and sold the package to halfwit America as "Reaganomics"? If not the bank/finance community, was it maybe the private sector blue collar unions that made post WWII American economy the envy of the civilized world? Tell us where Friedman, Regan et al fit into the picture if you will, Great One.

Do you have enough going on to understand that de-industrializing the US in favor of a debt-fueled asset-based economy has the US on the brink of an international crisis of faith in the dollar?

Who did all that? And where were you as nutballs made the US economy as dependent on debt-fueled corporate welfare as any heroin addict is on dope? Tell us that, Mr. Mature.
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In my lifetime I have seen a Republican President driven from office for using the power of his office in an clearly unconstitutional manner. I have seen another Republican President lie us into a war, and at the same time, ignore the existance of someone that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. In fact, even state publically that "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". And he proved it, for Bin Laden had to wait for the election of a Democratic President before getting the justice he so richly deserved. This same Republican President left the nation in total economic shambles as he left office.

The prior Democratic President left him with a balanced budget, and a world in relitive peace. But he warned that Republican President of a clear and present danger in Bin Laden and Al Queda. A warning that was totally ignored and even ridiculed.

So now the present Democratic President has brought this nation out of what threatoned to become the Second Great Republican Depression, and the Market is at an all time high, and jobs are slowly coming back. So what is a good Republican to do? Why, create a scandal. Any scandal. And try to pin it on the present President. Alter e-mails, tell outright lies, do anything to slow or destroy the economy. And then make sure everyone knows that you are first and foremost a PATRIOT!!!!!!!!!!!. And you are only trying to destroy the nation for it's own good.

I also challenge you to show any Republican president that lied us into war.

Junebug Bush lied. Period.

It isn't a debate. The facts are on file.

The filthy lowlife cocksucking halfwit inheritor lied about WMDs before invading a sovereign nation AFTER the UN heard his boy read the litany of lies and then refused to endorse Bush League madness. Instead of a UN mandate, the lowlife cocksucker went to war with a hapless "coalition of the willing" and in another lie, put the military into the field without a plan to win, without a plan for postwar stability and without an exit plan. Not to mention soldiers were buying their own flak jackets and people like me were sending boxes of basics because Halliburton couldn't get supplies to the field per its contract. The capper was he took the war off budget; another functional lie, who did the simpering inheritor think was going to pay the bills, the tooth fairy?

The America that re elected The Bush League in 2004 deserves every bit of the fucking it is getting. Had white trash scum voted for the United States in 2004 instead of their sick, twisted party there might never have been a President Obama. Today's situation is cosmic justice.
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Asshole....I did not say you did. I responded to this comment made by you:

This is not about Obama, so stop defending him,

Fuck off. There is no tyranny and I will be one of the people punching it square in the mouth if it ever shows up here. You mother fuckers and your incessant whining about freedom lost.........in free and fair ELECTIONS.........need to get a grip.

The only reason Republicans are losing elections these days is that they vote only once for the US President.

What about that woman who voted for Obama 6 times? There have got to be more democrats just like her who voted more than once.

Cincinnati poll worker charged with voting half dozen times in November | Fox News
In my lifetime I have seen a Republican President driven from office for using the power of his office in an clearly unconstitutional manner. I have seen another Republican President lie us into a war, and at the same time, ignore the existance of someone that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. In fact, even state publically that "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". And he proved it, for Bin Laden had to wait for the election of a Democratic President before getting the justice he so richly deserved. This same Republican President left the nation in total economic shambles as he left office.

The prior Democratic President left him with a balanced budget, and a world in relitive peace. But he warned that Republican President of a clear and present danger in Bin Laden and Al Queda. A warning that was totally ignored and even ridiculed.

So now the present Democratic President has brought this nation out of what threatoned to become the Second Great Republican Depression, and the Market is at an all time high, and jobs are slowly coming back. So what is a good Republican to do? Why, create a scandal. Any scandal. And try to pin it on the present President. Alter e-mails, tell outright lies, do anything to slow or destroy the economy. And then make sure everyone knows that you are first and foremost a PATRIOT!!!!!!!!!!!. And you are only trying to destroy the nation for it's own good.

I also challenge you to show any Republican president that lied us into war.

Junebug Bush lied. Period.

It isn't a debate. The facts are on file.

The filthy lowlife cocksucking halfwit inheritor lied about WMDs before invading a sovereign nation AFTER the UN heard his boy read the litany of lies and then refused to endorse Bush League madness. Instead of a UN mandate, the lowlife cocksucker went to war with a hapless "coalition of the willing" and in another lie, put the military into the field without a plan to win, without a plan for postwar stability and without an exit plan. Not to mention soldiers were buying their own flak jackets and people like me were sending boxes of basics because Halliburton couldn't get supplies to the field per its contract. The capper was he took the war off budget; another functional lie, who did the simpering inheritor think was going to pay the bills, the tooth fairy?

The America that re elected The Bush League in 2004 deserves every bit of the fucking it is getting. Had white trash scum voted for the United States in 2004 instead of their sick, twisted party there might never have been a President Obama. Today's situation is cosmic justice.

While you're ranting, please include Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and John Kerry, who also believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

It is about Obama. Bet you a dollar to a donut he ordered it. Remember now how they tried to destroy Romney overt his taxes? Harry Reid even said he knew what Romney paid. Now how did that happen?
I also challenge you to show any Republican president that lied us into war.

Junebug Bush lied. Period.

It isn't a debate. The facts are on file.

The filthy lowlife cocksucking halfwit inheritor lied about WMDs before invading a sovereign nation AFTER the UN heard his boy read the litany of lies and then refused to endorse Bush League madness. Instead of a UN mandate, the lowlife cocksucker went to war with a hapless "coalition of the willing" and in another lie, put the military into the field without a plan to win, without a plan for postwar stability and without an exit plan. Not to mention soldiers were buying their own flak jackets and people like me were sending boxes of basics because Halliburton couldn't get supplies to the field per its contract. The capper was he took the war off budget; another functional lie, who did the simpering inheritor think was going to pay the bills, the tooth fairy?

The America that re elected The Bush League in 2004 deserves every bit of the fucking it is getting. Had white trash scum voted for the United States in 2004 instead of their sick, twisted party there might never have been a President Obama. Today's situation is cosmic justice.

While you're ranting, please include Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and John Kerry, who also believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

What is it about
I also challenge you to show any Republican president that lied us into war. - QW
that you don't understand? Keep working on that English, please.

Among people like me, people with little patience for partisan cretins, it goes without saying that the Clintons are pathological liars and scum. Clintonistas are only slightly higher order life than the nutball scum excusing Junebug's killing and maiming of tens of thousands of Americans for nothing.
Asshole....I did not say you did. I responded to this comment made by you:

This is not about Obama, so stop defending him,

Fuck off. There is no tyranny and I will be one of the people punching it square in the mouth if it ever shows up here. You mother fuckers and your incessant whining about freedom lost.........in free and fair ELECTIONS.........need to get a grip.

Are you trying to tell me you didn't say this?

Nobody would defend Obama if nutters did not falsely accuse him of wrongdoing...
Since I did not accuse Obama of wrongdoing in this thread, and have never blamed hm for what the IRS did, you must be totally bonkers for stepping in and defending him even after I point out that the problem does not revolve around him.

Man. Like talking to a 3rd grader.

YOU said "Stop defending Obama". I responded with a reason why people are defending Obama. You cried. I explained where you solicited my reply.. You cried some more.

You fucking suggested armed revolt. Against who?

And....you later stated that the IRS works for Obama. In what fantasy land is that he case?

Grow up.

Take responsibility for your words.

Are you upset that I didn't accuse Obama of using the IRS to target people?
In my lifetime I have seen a Republican President driven from office for using the power of his office in an clearly unconstitutional manner. I have seen another Republican President lie us into a war, and at the same time, ignore the existance of someone that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. In fact, even state publically that "Bin Laden is not a concern of mine". And he proved it, for Bin Laden had to wait for the election of a Democratic President before getting the justice he so richly deserved. This same Republican President left the nation in total economic shambles as he left office.

The prior Democratic President left him with a balanced budget, and a world in relitive peace. But he warned that Republican President of a clear and present danger in Bin Laden and Al Queda. A warning that was totally ignored and even ridiculed.

So now the present Democratic President has brought this nation out of what threatoned to become the Second Great Republican Depression, and the Market is at an all time high, and jobs are slowly coming back. So what is a good Republican to do? Why, create a scandal. Any scandal. And try to pin it on the present President. Alter e-mails, tell outright lies, do anything to slow or destroy the economy. And then make sure everyone knows that you are first and foremost a PATRIOT!!!!!!!!!!!. And you are only trying to destroy the nation for it's own good.

I also challenge you to show any Republican president that lied us into war.

Junebug Bush lied. Period.

It isn't a debate. The facts are on file.

The filthy lowlife cocksucking halfwit inheritor lied about WMDs before invading a sovereign nation AFTER the UN heard his boy read the litany of lies and then refused to endorse Bush League madness. Instead of a UN mandate, the lowlife cocksucker went to war with a hapless "coalition of the willing" and in another lie, put the military into the field without a plan to win, without a plan for postwar stability and without an exit plan. Not to mention soldiers were buying their own flak jackets and people like me were sending boxes of basics because Halliburton couldn't get supplies to the field per its contract. The capper was he took the war off budget; another functional lie, who did the simpering inheritor think was going to pay the bills, the tooth fairy?

The America that re elected The Bush League in 2004 deserves every bit of the fucking it is getting. Had white trash scum voted for the United States in 2004 instead of their sick, twisted party there might never have been a President Obama. Today's situation is cosmic justice.

If Bush lied then so did Hillary.
Junebug Bush lied. Period.

It isn't a debate. The facts are on file.

The filthy lowlife cocksucking halfwit inheritor lied about WMDs before invading a sovereign nation AFTER the UN heard his boy read the litany of lies and then refused to endorse Bush League madness. Instead of a UN mandate, the lowlife cocksucker went to war with a hapless "coalition of the willing" and in another lie, put the military into the field without a plan to win, without a plan for postwar stability and without an exit plan. Not to mention soldiers were buying their own flak jackets and people like me were sending boxes of basics because Halliburton couldn't get supplies to the field per its contract. The capper was he took the war off budget; another functional lie, who did the simpering inheritor think was going to pay the bills, the tooth fairy?

The America that re elected The Bush League in 2004 deserves every bit of the fucking it is getting. Had white trash scum voted for the United States in 2004 instead of their sick, twisted party there might never have been a President Obama. Today's situation is cosmic justice.

While you're ranting, please include Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and John Kerry, who also believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

What is it about
I also challenge you to show any Republican president that lied us into war. - QW
that you don't understand? Keep working on that English, please.

Among people like me, people with little patience for partisan cretins, it goes without saying that the Clintons are pathological liars and scum. Clintonistas are only slightly higher order life than the nutball scum excusing Junebug's killing and maiming of tens of thousands of Americans for nothing.

Bush did not lie, and you cannot prove it unless you also prove that he knew there was no reason to get rid of Saddam.
Are you trying to tell me you didn't say this?

Since I did not accuse Obama of wrongdoing in this thread, and have never blamed hm for what the IRS did, you must be totally bonkers for stepping in and defending him even after I point out that the problem does not revolve around him.

Man. Like talking to a 3rd grader.

YOU said "Stop defending Obama". I responded with a reason why people are defending Obama. You cried. I explained where you solicited my reply.. You cried some more.

You fucking suggested armed revolt. Against who?

And....you later stated that the IRS works for Obama. In what fantasy land is that he case?

Grow up.

Take responsibility for your words.

Are you upset that I didn't accuse Obama of using the IRS to target people?

Upset? Nah. I am annoyed with idiots like you calling for armed conflict. Wanting Americans to fight other Americans.

It is too much to expect you to retract your comments. Right?
Man. Like talking to a 3rd grader.

YOU said "Stop defending Obama". I responded with a reason why people are defending Obama. You cried. I explained where you solicited my reply.. You cried some more.

You fucking suggested armed revolt. Against who?

And....you later stated that the IRS works for Obama. In what fantasy land is that he case?

Grow up.

Take responsibility for your words.

Are you upset that I didn't accuse Obama of using the IRS to target people?

Upset? Nah. I am annoyed with idiots like you calling for armed conflict. Wanting Americans to fight other Americans.

It is too much to expect you to retract your comments. Right?

I called for arm conflict? Really? Does this mean you officially didn't read my post, because I specifically called for us to act now to prevent armed conflict.
Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.

This is the purpose of supply side economics. Reagan, Clinton, Junebug, Barry-O are all supply siders. The only difference between them is corporate sponsorship.

Fake liberals don't want to fix it. They do not have an acceptable vision for the nation.

Nutballs are in denial about Reagan and Junebug, so they can't fix it despite claiming to want to fix it because halfwits exist to do what they are told. The capture of halfwit America by religious nuts and the MIC in 1980 was a very bad thing indeed.

What did people expect? That is my question. The America that re elected Reagan and re elected Junebug is a despicably degenerate nation, not worth a god damn, and so deserves the economic fucking every president since Reagan has given it.

Nothing is going to change until the focus moves back toward policies expanding and maintaining a rock solid blue collar middle class.

This is not about being partisan. It is not about which economic theory is right or wrong. This thread is about the government.

Try to follow the bouncing ball.

You went partisan, chief, challenging someone to find a nutball president who lied. It didn't take long to do that, but unlike your challenge my primary point is that every president since 1980 is using the same playbook: massive debt and massive spending.

People who see a difference between the parties are the problem. I sure as hell don't.
This is the purpose of supply side economics. Reagan, Clinton, Junebug, Barry-O are all supply siders. The only difference between them is corporate sponsorship.

Fake liberals don't want to fix it. They do not have an acceptable vision for the nation.

Nutballs are in denial about Reagan and Junebug, so they can't fix it despite claiming to want to fix it because halfwits exist to do what they are told. The capture of halfwit America by religious nuts and the MIC in 1980 was a very bad thing indeed.

What did people expect? That is my question. The America that re elected Reagan and re elected Junebug is a despicably degenerate nation, not worth a god damn, and so deserves the economic fucking every president since Reagan has given it.

Nothing is going to change until the focus moves back toward policies expanding and maintaining a rock solid blue collar middle class.

This is not about being partisan. It is not about which economic theory is right or wrong. This thread is about the government.

Try to follow the bouncing ball.

You went partisan, chief, challenging someone to find a nutball president who lied. It didn't take long to do that, but unlike your challenge my primary point is that every president since 1980 is using the same playbook: massive debt and massive spending.

People who see a difference between the parties are the problem. I sure as hell don't.

Obama lied about the IRS? Can you prove that?
This is not about being partisan. It is not about which economic theory is right or wrong. This thread is about the government.

Try to follow the bouncing ball.

You went partisan, chief, challenging someone to find a nutball president who lied. It didn't take long to do that, but unlike your challenge my primary point is that every president since 1980 is using the same playbook: massive debt and massive spending.

People who see a difference between the parties are the problem. I sure as hell don't.

Obama lied about the IRS? Can you prove that?

No. But it wouldn't matter to me how many government careers are ruined for obstructing the path to all the answers. My feelings are identical to what seemed to me to be outrage you expressed that government is picking winners and losers.

Again, choosing winners is the entire purpose of the Keynesian malignancy pols called "supply side" and halfwits accepted as Reaganomics.

I am laughing out loud clicking out this question: how else does one explain the rise of finance from necessary parasites to "major US industry" status after 1982? That rise can't be described in terms that do not involve government policy picking winners and losers.

My view is fuck both parties and the people lost enough to believe either party has any interest in ordinary Americans EXCEPT as cannon fodder, cheap labor and as conduits for government money going to selected winners (see, MIC, Obamacare, more...).
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Most people who post on this board weren't around 40 years ago, and those of us that were don't remember all the details, but what happened then was rightly called a cancer on the presidency. Today we have something worse, something that makes Watergate look like a mild cold in comparison. What we have today is a cancer on the entire government, and the IRS targeting conservatives is just the tip of the iceberg.

The part that I really cannot comprehend is why everyone is not outraged by this. Obama says he is outraged, yet some people must think he is just pretending because they are upset this might reflect badly on him.

Guess what, it reflects badly on every single one of us. This is not about Obama, so stop defending him, this is about the government choosing who is going to win and who is going to lose. This should offend every single person on the planet, and the fact that it doesn't should scare the crap out of those of us who understand what this means. Tyranny is not just something that might happen in this country, it is something that has already started, and we need to stomp it out now before it becomes so strong that we need to take up arms to defend ourselves.


With Watergate we had a sitting president authorizing the payment of hush funds from public campaign contributions accounts to keep participants in a criminal conspiracy silent.

With Watergate we had a sitting president refuse to obey a lawfully issued subpoena compelling the Chief Executive to surrender relevant evidence pursuant to a criminal investigation.

With Watergate we had a sitting president fire a special prosecutor appointed by that same administration for pursuing the truth, a firing later determined illegal by a Federal judge.

Now, when you or anyone else on the right has a recording of Obama himself, in his own words, instructing an administration official to pay-off someone to not co-operate with a criminal investigation, or Obama refusing to comply to a subpoena, or attempting to fire a lawfully appointed special prosecutor, get back to us.

Until that time this is mere subjective partisan contrivance and idiocy.

It took about eight months for the fire to start burning Nixon. These types of scandals take time to peel the layers of BS that the executive branch can wrap their transgressions in.

All of the basic elements are there for a Nixonian type scandal, and we just have to wait for it all to play out. We won't get real progress until we can get an independent counsel that can force those in the administration to talk. You start with the lower levels, and work up. When the FBI notifies players that lies will get them up to five years in prison, they fail to fall on their swords, and start naming names.

BTW, we are not just worrying about partisan politics in the IRS. The labor department was also involved. More will come out as we move along.
You don't really have a clue, do you?

When you take posts apart point by point or construct a better path instead of your pathetic drive-bys parroting halfwit nutball cant, we might have something to discuss.

To recap: America redefined itself as a nation of almost unlimited opportunities during the Depression and WWII. Then, in 1980, the filthy god damned scum of the earth began to undo themselves - and the nation - by doing the bidding of religious and military charlatans.


you are one sick puppy. miss your paxil last night? take a double tonight with a pint of vodka
Now you know why I and many of us have it on ignore. The ball-less wonder wouldn't dare speak that way face to face, and I really don't need the aggravation of that kind of uneducated vitriol. It sure would be nice if people (I'm not blaming you) would stop quoting the more egregious posters of this forum and save us all the blood pressure change.

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