400 Americans

There will always be someone richer than someone else. The only exception to that rule is socialist governments that make sure everyone is poor and only agents of the government are relatively rich.
You just moved the goalpost by saying "more important." That isnt the issue. You're comparing apples and orangutangs.
The issue is how much value the employee creates. Part of that calculus is how skilled he is. But not necessarily.

More important in this context means worth more money.

When any moron off the street can run a machine they aren't worth much.
It's not true that any moron off the street can run a machine. It takes an ability to show up on time, sober and ready to work It takes an ability to follow instructions. It takes an ability to work at a very boring task for 8 hours or more without giving up.
Those dont sound like difficult skills but you'd be surprised how many people cannot do them. This is why factory workers even jus machine operators tend to make pretty good money given their education levels etc.

They aren't skills at all.
Those are certainly skills.
Staying sober? Doing what you're told?

Shit any 5 year old can do that

How about getting out of bed? How much are you going to pay a guy for that?
Not any 5 yr old can do that.
Hell, lots of 20 something year olds can't do that. Dont believe me?
What a bunch of meaningless babble. Government is government. You are the wench of the rich, you want that which they control to grow ever larger, increasing their own power.
What would you do to reduce the power Wall Street exerts over the US Government, drown the SEC in your bathtub?

I've answered that a thousand times. Make government smaller, there is therefore less for them to control. That is the only way. Government is made of people, people are corruptible. People with money will buy them You can't change that. So you make the amount that can be corrupted as small as possible.

If you grasp what I just said and grasp human nature. You will now convert to being a small government libertarian. It is irrefutable. Anything else will be self delusion.

Making government smaller only to reduce corruption doesn't reduce corruption at all. It actually makes it easier for government to be bought off because there are then fewer individuals to buy. If ending corruption is what you want, make the penalty for said corruption so costly that any possibile benefit is overwhelmed. We can start by passing a Constitutional amendment forcing Congress to abide by the same laws as everyone else, pulling the exemptions they themselves have allowed for themselves out from under them.
There will always be someone richer than someone else. The only exception to that rule is socialist governments that make sure everyone is poor and only agents of the government are relatively rich.

France is not poor. Neither are Sweden and Denmark.
There will always be someone richer than someone else. The only exception to that rule is socialist governments that make sure everyone is poor and only agents of the government are relatively rich.

France is not poor. Neither are Sweden and Denmark.
Actually they all are. Government deficits are enormous while growth is piddling and unemployment is rife.
My bad. I stand corrected. My question still stands (corrected, of course). The Walton family is one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., and yet threy cannot pay their people a living wage. Why is that?
"Living wage". I love that term. Shorthand for "How much I think you need to live a decent life".
Most Wal-Mart employees don't make as much as you think they should because the work they do does not warrant it.

Walmart workers, and every other low wage earner earns less because in real dollars, their money is worth far less than it was worth 30 years ago. After my father died of Leukemia in 1964, my mother worked in the dietary department of a local hospital after not having worked for 20 years. With that salary, she was able to put herself in school, buy a house, and raise 7 children. That same job today won't get you an efficiency apartment. And you certainly could not raise 7 children on what they are paid today. The fact is that corporate America has turned this country into a third world country as far as salaries go. That has to stop if the middle class is going to make any progress.
My bad. I stand corrected. My question still stands (corrected, of course). The Walton family is one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., and yet threy cannot pay their people a living wage. Why is that?
"Living wage". I love that term. Shorthand for "How much I think you need to live a decent life".
Most Wal-Mart employees don't make as much as you think they should because the work they do does not warrant it.

Walmart workers, and every other low wage earner earns less because in real dollars, their money is worth far less than it was worth 30 years ago. After my father died of Leukemia in 1964, my mother worked in the dietary department of a local hospital after not having worked for 20 years. With that salary, she was able to put herself in school, buy a house, and raise 7 children. That same job today won't get you an efficiency apartment. And you certainly could not raise 7 children on what they are paid today. The fact is that corporate America has turned this country into a third world country as far as salaries go. That has to stop if the middle class is going to make any progress.
Actually the difference was the enormous inflation of the 1970s that wiped out a lot of earning power.
But so what?
There will always be someone richer than someone else. The only exception to that rule is socialist governments that make sure everyone is poor and only agents of the government are relatively rich.

France is not poor. Neither are Sweden and Denmark.
Actually they all are. Government deficits are enormous while growth is piddling and unemployment is rife.

Eat your words, bubba.

The unemployment rate in Denmark is 4%, which essentially means they are at full employment.

Sweden's is 7.5%, which certainly could be better, but isn't worse than ours was very recently.

On the other hand, France's is poor, at 10%.

The moral of this story is that socialism is not the reason for the unemployment rate. Market economies are responsible for that rate. Supply and demand, bubba.
There will always be someone richer than someone else. The only exception to that rule is socialist governments that make sure everyone is poor and only agents of the government are relatively rich.

France is not poor. Neither are Sweden and Denmark.
Actually they all are. Government deficits are enormous while growth is piddling and unemployment is rife.
Neither are Holland, Germany, Belgium, OZ, NZ, Norway. In fact richer per capita than us in many ways under stupid, greedy Reaganism. Read something, chump.
There will always be someone richer than someone else. The only exception to that rule is socialist governments that make sure everyone is poor and only agents of the government are relatively rich.

France is not poor. Neither are Sweden and Denmark.
Actually they all are. Government deficits are enormous while growth is piddling and unemployment is rife.

Eat your words, bubba.

The unemployment rate in Denmark is 4%, which essentially means they are at full employment.

Sweden's is 7.5%, which certainly could be better, but isn't worse than ours was very recently.

On the other hand, France's is poor, at 10%.

The moral of this story is that socialism is not the reason for the unemployment rate. Market economies are responsible for that rate. Supply and demand, bubba.
.4% growth rate? Yeah that's healthy.
You clearly dont know any more about economics than you do about the Buffet family, owners of the nations restaurants.
And of course Euros don't have our amazing natural resources- see our present oil/gas boom, so Pub depressions hurt them longer. Thanks also to the a-hole GOP for wrecking the recovery for years with mindless obstruction, dingbat dupes.
There will always be someone richer than someone else. The only exception to that rule is socialist governments that make sure everyone is poor and only agents of the government are relatively rich.

France is not poor. Neither are Sweden and Denmark.
Actually they all are. Government deficits are enormous while growth is piddling and unemployment is rife.

Eat your words, bubba.

The unemployment rate in Denmark is 4%, which essentially means they are at full employment.

Sweden's is 7.5%, which certainly could be better, but isn't worse than ours was very recently.

On the other hand, France's is poor, at 10%.

The moral of this story is that socialism is not the reason for the unemployment rate. Market economies are responsible for that rate. Supply and demand, bubba.
.4% growth rate? Yeah that's healthy.
You clearly dont know any more about economics than you do about the Buffet family, owners of the nations restaurants.
That's FOUR PER CENT the last 2 quarters, ya mindless twit.
My bad. I stand corrected. My question still stands (corrected, of course). The Walton family is one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., and yet threy cannot pay their people a living wage. Why is that?
"Living wage". I love that term. Shorthand for "How much I think you need to live a decent life".
Most Wal-Mart employees don't make as much as you think they should because the work they do does not warrant it.
Walmart workers, and every other low wage earner earns less because in real dollars, their money is worth far less than it was worth 30 years ago.
Sounds like a problem with inflation.
What does that have to do with anything -I- said?
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I've answered that a thousand times. Make government smaller, there is therefore less for them to control. That is the only way. Government is made of people, people are corruptible. People with money will buy them You can't change that. So you make the amount that can be corrupted as small as possible.
You ducked my Wall Street question; here's another chance:
In the late 1980s the Savings and Loan Scandal resulted in the government prosecuting over 1000 Wall Street executives and sending hundreds of them to prison.

Contrast that with Obama's prosecution of 0 Wall Street executives for the much larger looting in 2007; which is the appropriate governmental response in your opinion, and what effect would drowning the SEC in your small government libertarian bathtub have on its outcome?

I directly answered your wall street question. What is wrong with you? Do you really not comprehend what you read? Or do you just run it through your political filter first. That is amazing that you didn't get the answer to the question.
Sorry, my bad. And great to hear! Finding Republicans on the board is pretty easy for the most minimally functional adult. Unfortunately, Franco is not minimally functioning or even close to it. He's in a jam now. How can he find a Republican?

Good luck in your quest, Franco. Godspeed.
I do vote Republican but here we don't need to register a party. I am a conservative though and for me it transcends party. It's just that Democrat conservatives are extinct as far as I can tell.

Yeah, Franco is just here to spout off the exact same socialist rhetoric over and over and over and over like a broken record. He's a bitter clinger to the Manifesto! ;)

Thanks for the explanation. I didn't mean anything bad, and it's good to know. This is all over Franco the simpletons head anyway, he still thinks I'm a Republican. That I'm pro-choice, think all drugs should be legal as well as gambling and prostitution, I think the military should be out of the middle east entirely and slashed by a third to a half and remade to be strictly defensive doesn't phase him. We're talking very few brain waves. He's a dup dem.
My bad. I stand corrected. My question still stands (corrected, of course). The Walton family is one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., and yet threy cannot pay their people a living wage. Why is that?
"Living wage". I love that term. Shorthand for "How much I think you need to live a decent life".
Most Wal-Mart employees don't make as much as you think they should because the work they do does not warrant it.
Walmart workers, and every other low wage earner earns less because in real dollars, their money is worth far less than it was worth 30 years ago.
Sounds like a problem with inflation.
What does that have to do with anything -I- said?

It is more complcated than that. Inflation, yes, but also a drastic reduction in high paying jobs as those largely went overseas.
My bad. I stand corrected. My question still stands (corrected, of course). The Walton family is one of the wealthiest families in the U.S., and yet threy cannot pay their people a living wage. Why is that?
"Living wage". I love that term. Shorthand for "How much I think you need to live a decent life".
Most Wal-Mart employees don't make as much as you think they should because the work they do does not warrant it.
Walmart workers, and every other low wage earner earns less because in real dollars, their money is worth far less than it was worth 30 years ago.
Sounds like a problem with inflation.
What does that have to do with anything -I- said?
It is more complcated than that. Inflation, yes, but also a drastic reduction in high paying jobs as those largely went overseas.
What does that have to do with anything -I- said?
Retired History/French teacher, fool. Pubs just make life harder for the none rich...
Thank God you are retired but I imagine you did a lot of damage in the mean time. The farther left this country grows, the worse it is for the middle class and the economy in general. You're either a moron or a liar, maybe both.

Franco: See, Moron? It wasn't hard to find a Republican to debate even in your dim fog of stupidity.
Your misinformed "opinions" aren't worthy of respect. The new bs GOP is a dishonest horror.

Just another hater dup post

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