400 years of Slavery?

Open letter to Irish Central, Irish Examiner and Scientific American about their “Irish slaves” disinformation

To whom it may concern,

As you are aware, the Irish Central, Irish Examiner (since removed) and Scientific American (since revised) websites currently host articles about the allegedly “forgotten white Irish slaves.”

The Irish Central and Irish Examiner articles quoted extensively from an op-ed article published on the “Global Research” website based in Canada. This website supports the 9/11 Truther movement and its “Irish slaves” article, apparently authored by John Martin for opednews.com, is an exercise in racist ahistorical propaganda. The Scientific American blog used an older and equally ahistorical article from a Kavanagh family genealogy site. This blog post entitled “Irish slaves in Caribbean” was evidently an important source for the “Global Research” article.

It is imperative that newspapers and scientific journals aim for truth and accuracy in everything they publish. It is thus our duty, as historians, scholars and interested parties, to inform your shareholders and your customers that you have failed to carry out any semblance of fact-checking on this particular article. More damaging still is that your promotion of it, for a number of years, has added a veneer of credibility to what is a well known white nationalist conspiracy theory more commonly found on Neo-Nazi and Neo-Confederate forums.

Journalism and scholarly historical research differ in various ways but they share one thing in common. If they are not based on reliable sources, they are worthless. Readers who may not be privy to the source of the information will likely take it at face value. Sometimes, the result is merely misinformation, but more dangerously, it can be used disingenuously to propagate a political myth. Scholarly articles undergo a process of peer review to make sure that they are evidence based and accurate. We do not expect newspapers to exercise the same level of rigour but a degree of common sense is called for since lifting material from such websites, which have no sources and are written by an unknown author, is poor journalistic practice.

Furthermore we are deeply disturbed to find that the Irish Central article (shared on social media over 150,000 times) asserts in its headline that this “Irish slaves” disinformation comes from an “expert” source. What underlines this baseless claim is the fact that every single line of the quoted article is a distortion, or a fabrication or an egregious exaggeration. We will not go through the inaccuracy of each line here, that is your responsibility,
but we will ask you two questions. Do you, the editors of Irish Central and the Irish Examiner (update: now withdrawn) stand over the claim that an “Irish Slave Trade” was abolished in 1839? Or that “Irish slaves”, not enslaved Africans, were the victims of the Zong Massacre?

The intent of the article is thus patently clear; to insidiously equate indentured servitude or penal servitude with racialised perpetual hereditary chattel slavery. This is an obscene rhetorical move which decontextualises and dehistoricises the exploitation of both groups. There have been many different forms of slavery, across space and time. That is not the issue here. We are addressing the mainstream endorsement of a growing white nationalist campaign built on the reductionist fallacy of “slavery is slavery” which is inevitably used to justify racism in the present. For example, the spurious “we went through the same thing, but we don’t complain” sentiment which is now frequently deployed to silence debate and to mock demands for justice and truth-telling.

This has little to do with remembering the brutality of indentured servitude and all to do with the minimisation of the scale, duration and legacy of the transatlantic and intercolonial slave trade. The racist contemporary application of such bad history can be observed spreading like a virus across social media on an hourly basis.

Thus your mainstream endorsement of this distorted version of history has consequences. We therefore call on you to revise these articles, to correct the errors and to remove the false claims.

Open letter to Irish Central, Irish Examiner and Scientific American about their “Irish slaves”…

Another opinion piece.

By the same guy as the first one, FYI. Like I said, IM found one guy to say what he wanted to hear, and glued himself to the guy's ass.

I've come to believe that those that attempt to deny that any other peoples other than African were ever enslaved have a "black lives only matter" mentality. And slavery only counts if the slave is of color.


It's because those people literally do not have single other claim to being special beyond a distant and tangential connection to the long-ago suffering of people whose names they don't even know. If you even SUGGEST that suffering is endemic to all of human history, you bring home the painful reality that they are forgettable, boring, and meaningless.
Would you like to debate the Proclamation of the King in 1625? Too freaking funny. The proof are in the historical records that the British sold the Irish as if genocide wasn't enough.

Cripes. There was more than African slavery. That's truth. Well, unless you have an agenda. Right? You just ignore a Proclamation from the throne and actual sales records.


"The Proclamation of 1625 by James II made it official policy that all Irish political prisoners be transported to the West Indies and sold to English planters. Soon Irish slaves were the majority of slaves in the English colonies.

In 1629 a large group of Irish men and women were sent to Guiana, and by 1632, Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat in the West Indies. By 1637 a census showed that 69% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves, which records show was a cause of concern to the English planters. But there were not enough political prisoners to supply the demand, so every petty infraction carried a sentence of transporting, and slaver gangs combed the country sides to kidnap enough people to fill out their quotas."

The slavers were so full of zest that they sometimes grabbed non-Irishmen. On March 25, 1659, a petition was received in London claiming that 72 Englishmen were wrongly sold as slaves in Barbados, along with 200 Frenchmen and 7-8,000 Scots."

More at link if you actually want to learn true history.

The Irish Slave Trade – The Slaves That Time Forgot
How about the Irish not being able to to own land 4 hundreds of years and being starve d during the famine? Etc etc. What they did too political opponents is no surprise.

How about it? Did you have a point here?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh

Hey, why not go for broke and call yourself a black female microbiologist? As the left keeps telling us, reality is malleable according to how hard you wish for it. It's all sort of magical and Disney-esque.
How about the Irish not being able to to own land 4 hundreds of years and being starve d during the famine? Etc etc. What they did too political opponents is no surprise.

How about it? Did you have a point here?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh

Hey, why not go for broke and call yourself a black female microbiologist? As the left keeps telling us, reality is malleable according to how hard you wish for it. It's all sort of magical and Disney-esque.

Hence forth I identify as a professor of quantum physics who also dabbles in space travel. I built the pyramids as a landing base that can be seen from low earth orbit. In my spare time I am working on a cure for cancer and am making my preparations to accept the Nobel Peace Prize
How about the Irish not being able to to own land 4 hundreds of years and being starve d during the famine? Etc etc. What they did too political opponents is no surprise.

How about it? Did you have a point here?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.
How about it? Did you have a point here?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh

Hey, why not go for broke and call yourself a black female microbiologist? As the left keeps telling us, reality is malleable according to how hard you wish for it. It's all sort of magical and Disney-esque.

Hence forth I identify as a professor of quantum physics who also dabbles in space travel. I built the pyramids as a landing base that can be seen from low earth orbit. In my spare time I am working on a cure for cancer and am making my preparations to accept the Nobel Peace Prize

Pleased to meet you. I identify as the 3rd reincarnation of Catherine Alexeievna Romanova, known as Catherine the Great, Tsarina of Russia.
How about it? Did you have a point here?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.

What did you teach? The proper way to rake leaves in the quad?
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

Yes we do still have racial issues to contend with this day age but the left wants us to believe its still 1818 and not 2018.
And they will all be misinformed dupes like you. Everyone in the world knows it but you GOP Chumps. Around the world there are journalists and then bought off GOP politicians and pundits. How are the Hillary and Obama prosecutions coming, super duper?

I have little interest in what "everyone knows", Chuckles. I'm well-aware of just how much "everyone knows" that's not actually true. And while you have to struggle just to aspire to normal levels of ignorance, I have actually attained an education and the ability to think independently (probably because I didn't waste my time and energy sniveling about how "oppressed" I was to have an excuse to be a loser).

How's that Trump impeachment coming? You work out a plan where Hillary STILL might become President yet?
Very few Democrats see that happening, Dupe. Lock her up was pure BS 4 25 years. Ditto all Obama scandals. All investigated no evidence, and no retractions from Fox Rush Etc. You are a brainwashed functional moron.

I am happily retired. As a Republican, you are shocked Democrats worry about other people and the country. Your party is a disaster and a disgrace.
the Dems party is for criminals/illegals/criminality
We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility,” she said of white people. “Imagine what it would be like to sit our son or daughter down and have the talk about how carefully they need to act around police.”
‘Madness Has to Stop,’ Hillary Clinton Declares at N.A.A.C.P. Conference
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
blacks murder cops at much higher rates than whites
Table 44

there are around 30 million calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops
and about 900 police shooting deaths--not all are black deaths-can you do the math?
etc etc
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks

the problem is blacks making it a major, chronic problem--concentrating on that, and not the real problems
Yep, according 2 GOP voters, everything is the Fault of minorities. You are a brainwashed joke. Unfortunately you have ruined the country the last 35 years. And the world! Great job. Your Rich idiots and lobbyists and Liars are so pleased.
no links/documentation/proof ---
you are what's known as an amateur ....
you spew crap and can't back it up
there are many on USMB like that
So you don't know what our minimum wage is? What GOP tax cuts on the rich cause? Etc? Typical GOP dolt... But you know everything about imaginary Hillary scandals... Great job!
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.

What did you teach? The proper way to rake leaves in the quad?
French and intermediate French.
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.

What did you teach? The proper way to rake leaves in the quad?
Still working on your GED?
How about it? Did you have a point here?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.
very hard to believe with your grammar/etc
and no evidence/etc--nothing to back up your [ :laugh: ] facts
very amateurish debate style/etc
Those are called facts in the real world. Which you fools don't inhabit, superdupe.
please provide those ''facts''' hahahhhahahhah
See last post, dumbass Dupe.
post # 299?? there are no links/evidence/documentation = no facts
where is your proof of your claims in that post?? no proof = crap
Read something for crying out loud LOL. The minimum wage everywhere else is a living wage. Modern countries of course before you go off on that stupid GOP tangent...
that's is some undeniable proof you got there !!WOW!!!
You want me to tell you how to Google? Educating you brainwashed functional morons is tiring. Now I just yell at you LOL.
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.

What did you teach? The proper way to rake leaves in the quad?
Still working on your GED?
I keep asking for evidence and you still provide NONE
so, from now on, we have to consider your post worthless crap
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.

What did you teach? The proper way to rake leaves in the quad?
Still working on your GED?

Little late there, "professor". It shouldn't have taken you that long to come up with such a trite, lame comeback.
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.

What did you teach? The proper way to rake leaves in the quad?
Still working on your GED?
I keep asking for evidence and you still provide NONE
so, from now on, we have to consider your post worthless crap

*blink* You mean you didn't before?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh
I know--a professor of African American studies hahahahhahaha
they seem to graduate at that well, but not math/reading/science/common sense/etc
I said I taught at a college. Not a professor.
very hard to believe with your grammar/etc
and no evidence/etc--nothing to back up your [ :laugh: ] facts
very amateurish debate style/etc
My French grammar is excellent. I am slumming here LOL. You GOP dupes are totally misinformed ignoramuses and your political opinions deserve no respect at all. Lock her up LOL arrrggghhh...
please provide those ''facts''' hahahhhahahhah
See last post, dumbass Dupe.
post # 299?? there are no links/evidence/documentation = no facts
where is your proof of your claims in that post?? no proof = crap
Read something for crying out loud LOL. The minimum wage everywhere else is a living wage. Modern countries of course before you go off on that stupid GOP tangent...
that's is some undeniable proof you got there !!WOW!!!
You want me to tell you how to Google? Educating you brainwashed functional morons is tiring. Now I just yell at you LOL.
...the way it works in the court system and on forums--you make a claim --you have to prove it
obviously you can't prove any of your hogwash
How about the Irish not being able to to own land 4 hundreds of years and being starve d during the famine? Etc etc. What they did too political opponents is no surprise.

How about it? Did you have a point here?
I don't see any argument in this thread. LOL
I see ...hahahahha you provide ZERO evidence and I provide evidence
so your posts are worthless crap
Franco claims to have been a professor of you can believe it!

I used to mock him as a liar but then I saw a video of some leftist loons that actually were considered professors.

I guess I may as well call myself a microbiologist eh

Hey, why not go for broke and call yourself a black female microbiologist? As the left keeps telling us, reality is malleable according to how hard you wish for it. It's all sort of magical and Disney-esque.
They are referring to your GOP fake news alternate facts Etc. Start with lock her up. I taught French I said doop.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

Tell me again how you want to disarm blacks with more gun laws ...
See last post, dumbass Dupe.
post # 299?? there are no links/evidence/documentation = no facts
where is your proof of your claims in that post?? no proof = crap
Read something for crying out loud LOL. The minimum wage everywhere else is a living wage. Modern countries of course before you go off on that stupid GOP tangent...
that's is some undeniable proof you got there !!WOW!!!
You want me to tell you how to Google? Educating you brainwashed functional morons is tiring. Now I just yell at you LOL.
...the way it works in the court system and on forums--you make a claim --you have to prove it
obviously you can't prove any of your hogwash
Those are well-known facts dupe. Our minimum wage is 7.25. Every other modern country has$11 at least. New Zealand $15. Australia $19. you want a diagram, dumbass?

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