400 years of Slavery?

Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?

The majority shot by cops are white.
That may be true but compared to the total number of whites and blacks in this country, a higher percentage of blacks are shot. Whatever the actual numbers and whatever the actual facts, I think it safe to say that, among blacks there is a perception that they are being targeted. Not a completely ridiculous perception since there have been times and places in the US where blacks were targeted.
The majority shot by cops are white.
That may be true but compared to the total number of whites and blacks in this country, a higher percentage of blacks are shot. Whatever the actual numbers and whatever the actual facts, I think it safe to say that, among blacks there is a perception that they are being targeted. Not a completely ridiculous perception since there have been times and places in the US where blacks were targeted.
a higher percentage of blacks are shot
Because a higher percentage of blacks commit crimes...Doesn't take rocket science to know this....You should only need to be 2nd grade or higher to understand the percentages...oh wait, you are publicly educated? That explains it...
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?

View attachment 191726
If you have nothing to add, at least do me the courtesy of some new material.
a higher percentage of blacks are shot
Because a higher percentage of blacks commit crimes...Doesn't take rocket science to know this....You should only need to be 2nd grade or higher to understand the percentages...oh wait, you are publicly educated? That explains it...
Not all who get shot by cops are in the act of committing crimes. There have been numerous examples recently of blacks getting shot when they are pulled over or stopped by cops and the encounter escalates. Do blacks get pulled over or stopped by cops at the same rate as whites?
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?
First, don’t edit my quotes or I’ll report you.

Second, the GOP has done much to assist the poor to get them on their feet. Jobs, job training, and charity support are just a few of the things the right does well at and the left fails miserably at.
a higher percentage of blacks are shot
Because a higher percentage of blacks commit crimes...Doesn't take rocket science to know this....You should only need to be 2nd grade or higher to understand the percentages...oh wait, you are publicly educated? That explains it...
Not all who get shot by cops are in the act of committing crimes. There have been numerous examples recently of blacks getting shot when they are pulled over or stopped by cops and the encounter escalates. Do blacks get pulled over or stopped by cops at the same rate as whites?
That must be why you want bigger government- you think the government goes around shooting innocent blacks.
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?

View attachment 191726
If you have nothing to add, at least do me the courtesy of some new material.
But you keep asking the same thing over and over, how many fucking times do we have to "refresh" your memory?
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?
First, don’t edit my quotes or I’ll report you.

Second, the GOP has done much to assist the poor to get them on their feet. Jobs, job training, and charity support are just a few of the things the right does well at and the left fails miserably at.

They also give substantially more of their own money and time to charity.
Everything the left does it hurts the poor the most.
Refresh my memory, what has the GOP done that has helped the poor the most?
First, don’t edit my quotes or I’ll report you.

Second, the GOP has done much to assist the poor to get them on their feet. Jobs, job training, and charity support are just a few of the things the right does well at and the left fails miserably at.
We redistributed a trillion dollars last year. That does not count Medicare or SS.

What would libs do if the could not buy votes with other people's money?
First, don’t edit my quotes or I’ll report you.
Second, the GOP has done much to assist the poor to get them on their feet. Jobs, job training, and charity support are just a few of the things the right does well at and the left fails miserably at.

Like all of the jobs that were created under Obama that The Orange Dumpster Fire is taking credit for?
First, don’t edit my quotes or I’ll report you.
Second, the GOP has done much to assist the poor to get them on their feet. Jobs, job training, and charity support are just a few of the things the right does well at and the left fails miserably at.

Like all of the jobs that were created under Obama that The Orange Dumpster Fire is taking credit for?
Not a single year of 3% growth despite all the tricks he tried. Obama was a failure.
I could have sworn this thread was about the history of slavery, and Kanye West's comments thereupon. When did it become about "Obama was so wonderful, and Trump is so eeeeevil"?
Not a single year of 3% growth despite all the tricks he tried. Obama was a failure.
Donald Trump Says U.S. Never Hit 3% GDP Growth Under Obama — But It's Misleading

President Trump compared annual GDP growth in the Obama era to quarterly GDP growth in a three month period. And quarterly GDP often isn’t a good indicator for how much an economy will produce over the year, with quarterly GDP growth often differing significantly from the year’s overall GDP growth.

Take the Obama era for example. Between 2009 and 2016, GDP growth reached at or above 3% on a quarterly basis about eight times.
What did you teach? The proper way to rake leaves in the quad?
Still working on your GED?
I keep asking for evidence and you still provide NONE
so, from now on, we have to consider your post worthless crap

*blink* You mean you didn't before?
That's a great way to ignore reality, isn't it? Enjoy the Giant tax cut for the rich and the next corrupt GOP bubble and bust...

Beats the hell out of being an obsessive partisan hack who's incapable of thinking for himself or seeing anything without the prism of that obsession, no matter how irrelevant it is to the topic.
Hilariously ironic, super dupes. How is lock her up BS coming along? Or Obama Or holder or lynch... Meanwhile Trump and the GOP are obviously the swamp, idiots LOL.
I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.
Could all that be because 13% of the population commits over half of violent crimes in this nation. By the way more White people are shot by cops than black. If the Black community leaves the victim mentality and the Democratic party behind their lives will improve exponentially.
When the Republicans give them a fair Shake for a change you mean. What a pile of crap. The country is dying for Democratic control. Taxing the rich again and investing in America.
Right because decades of Democratic control in cities like Chicago have been a boon for the people living there.
GOP domination of tax rates and policy are killing the Non rich for 35 years now, and the black do worse than anyone because of racism.

Then maybe they should quit wasting time being racist.
Hating racists is not racism, dumbass dupe. It is believing another race is inferior, and discriminating against them. A perfect description of today's new BS GOP. Blacks don't do that and can't do that. The GOP is a lying thieving disgrace, dupe.

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