400 years of Slavery?

Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market?
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

Christians killed people a thousand years ago, Muslims are blowing up people today.

Yeah, that's the same.

Wow, you're desperate ...
You’re the only one mentioning Muslims. Dipshit.

Wow, you’re desperate

I see, so you just care that Christians killed people a thousand years ago while not caring that Muslims are murdering millions of people today because you're moral
Again, no one mentioned Muslims, except for you. I’m not playing your desperate game. Move on, boy.
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

Christians killed people a thousand years ago, Muslims are blowing up people today.

Yeah, that's the same.

Wow, you're desperate ...
Less than 1% of of Muslims, and certainly not the the official leadership, mr. Bigot. But many thanks to the GOP the last 35 years, Reagan and pal Saddam, April what's her name telling uncle Saddam we didn't care about Kuwait's borders LOL, then George ww's stupidest Wars ever AND a corrupt world depression. Oh you missed all that LOL. You people are unbelievable.
franco is just a wealth of information, facts, evidence
More facts then you have heard in years, Super Dupe. All well-known except on planet GOP super duper.
four sure ..for sure
a lot of USMB members are afraid of facts
you sound very childish/amateurish/unprofessional/etc with the dupe/duper stuff--FYI
...that's why it's hard to believe you would be a professor--but they do have jackass professors like this one and you: the definition of a dem/lib/idiot that hates the world because she is fat and ugly
View attachment 191835
You are a dupe d u h. Fox Rush Etc are totally fos just like Trump same stuff LOL.

So I showed you are minimum wage is is c crap and you ignored it. Everything Else I said is well-known except on planet Dupe
hahahah--your sentences/ideas/etc don't even make sense
''''So I showed [ showed?? --pick a better word ] you are minimum wage is is [ is is ?? ] c crap [ c crap???? ] Everything Else [ double capitals ] well-known [ what's with the dash -? ] '''
--we all accept poor grammar, every now and then--but not many times in one sentence
...you must be one of those Quota professors that they just let through with bad grades
...if you teach at a university, all the students there are going to be dumbasses
Christians killed people a thousand years ago, Muslims are blowing up people today.

Yeah, that's the same.

Wow, you're desperate ...
Less than 1% of of Muslims, and certainly not the the official leadership, mr. Bigot. But many thanks to the GOP the last 35 years, Reagan and pal Saddam, April what's her name telling uncle Saddam we didn't care about Kuwait's borders LOL, then George ww's stupidest Wars ever AND a corrupt world depression. Oh you missed all that LOL. You people are unbelievable.
franco is just a wealth of information, facts, evidence
More facts then you have heard in years, Super Dupe. All well-known except on planet GOP super duper.
four sure ..for sure
a lot of USMB members are afraid of facts
you sound very childish/amateurish/unprofessional/etc with the dupe/duper stuff--FYI
...that's why it's hard to believe you would be a professor--but they do have jackass professors like this one and you: the definition of a dem/lib/idiot that hates the world because she is fat and ugly
View attachment 191835
You are a dupe d u h. Fox Rush Etc are totally fos just like Trump same stuff LOL.

So I showed you are minimum wage is is c crap and you ignored it. Everything Else I said is well-known except on planet Dupe
hahahah--your sentences/ideas/etc don't even make sense
''''So I showed [ showed?? --pick a better word ] you are minimum wage is is [ is is ?? ] c crap [ c crap???? ] Everything Else [ double capitals ] well-known [ what's with the dash -? ] '''
--we all accept poor grammar, every now and then--but not many times in one sentence
...you must be one of those Quota professors that they just let through with bad grades
...if you teach at a university, all the students there are going to be dumbasses
It's my smartphone I'm talking into I hate typing. I believe you can understand and are just being a troll as usual
Christians killed people a thousand years ago, Muslims are blowing up people today.

Yeah, that's the same.

Wow, you're desperate ...
Less than 1% of of Muslims, and certainly not the the official leadership, mr. Bigot. But many thanks to the GOP the last 35 years, Reagan and pal Saddam, April what's her name telling uncle Saddam we didn't care about Kuwait's borders LOL, then George ww's stupidest Wars ever AND a corrupt world depression. Oh you missed all that LOL. You people are unbelievable.
franco is just a wealth of information, facts, evidence
More facts then you have heard in years, Super Dupe. All well-known except on planet GOP super duper.
four sure ..for sure
a lot of USMB members are afraid of facts
you sound very childish/amateurish/unprofessional/etc with the dupe/duper stuff--FYI
...that's why it's hard to believe you would be a professor--but they do have jackass professors like this one and you: the definition of a dem/lib/idiot that hates the world because she is fat and ugly
View attachment 191835
You are a dupe d u h. Fox Rush Etc are totally fos just like Trump same stuff LOL.

So I showed you are minimum wage is is c crap and you ignored it. Everything Else I said is well-known except on planet Dupe
hahahah--your sentences/ideas/etc don't even make sense
''''So I showed [ showed?? --pick a better word ] you are minimum wage is is [ is is ?? ] c crap [ c crap???? ] Everything Else [ double capitals ] well-known [ what's with the dash -? ] '''
--we all accept poor grammar, every now and then--but not many times in one sentence
...you must be one of those Quota professors that they just let through with bad grades
...if you teach at a university, all the students there are going to be dumbasses
I said I taught, not a professor d u h. 1989. Now I am retired very happily thank you. I was in business since then.
Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market?
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

The inquisition was christian values? Lol.
Spanish Inquisition
The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition (Inquisición española), was established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms and to replace the Medieval Inquisition, which was under Papal control.
Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If I am not mistaken the slavery in the Americas started about 200 years after the inquisition. Seems that you dumbass liberals cant keep up with history which is why you are DUMBER than shit...



This one is actually true.
Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market?
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

Christians killed people a thousand years ago, Muslims are blowing up people today.

Yeah, that's the same.

Wow, you're desperate ...
You’re the only one mentioning Muslims. Dipshit.

Wow, you’re desperate

I see, so you just care that Christians killed people a thousand years ago while not caring that Muslims are murdering millions of people today because you're moral
Again, no one mentioned Muslims, except for you. I’m not playing your desperate game. Move on, boy.

You did. You said you have an issue with what Christians did a millennium ago, but you don't care what Muslims do today. You just said that in your last several posts.

So do you care about Muslims murdering people or you don't? You don't seem to be able to have an issue with it while you condemn what Christians did a thousand years ago
Right because decades of Democratic control in cities like Chicago have been a boon for the people living there.
GOP domination of tax rates and policy are killing the Non rich for 35 years now, and the black do worse than anyone because of racism.

Then maybe they should quit wasting time being racist.
Hating racists is not racism, dumbass dupe. It is believing another race is inferior, and discriminating against them. A perfect description of today's new BS GOP. Blacks don't do that and can't do that. The GOP is a lying thieving disgrace, dupe.

Believing people are racist and hating them for it simply because of their color IS racism, however. A perfect description of the Democrats today, yesterday, tomorrow, world without end. Black can do that, and do constantly. The Dems are a lying disgrace, but far more disgraceful is the rank and file - like you - who beg to be lied to.

Dupe, dupe, dupity-dupe dupe THAT up your ass, lackwit.
Holy cow you are fos. Blacks don't think whites are stupid lazy or anything else, just that Many are racist bastards and almost all are in the new bulshit GOP. So do most Democrats who are white. Does that make me and us racist 2, against whites? What a pile of garbage propaganda, super duper.

Holy cow, thanks for denying something I never said. 'Cause THAT isn't a waste of anyone's time.

Guess what, shitforbrains? You don't have to think someone stupid or lazy to be a racist. All you really have to do is think you know who someone is based on their race, rather than on who they are as an individual. The instant you think of me as "a white woman" instead of thinking of me as Cecilie, you're a racist. My skin color tells you nothing whatsoever about me, except that I use a lot of sunblock in the summer. The instant you start tossing around generalizations about "white people are racist", YOU become the racist.

Absolutely nothing makes ME racist against white people or anyone else, because I don't run around making generalized assertions about who people are based on their race.
It is a reference to ideological tunnel vision & generations of being bound by a thought process that prohibits thinking outside the box.

This is the origins of that comment and while the number could be considered off if you discount the history of Africa the point remains on target.

Rather than dig into the substance of the situation the left would rather distract you with the thoughts of a simpleton.

While this could be considered a "race" thread I hope that the moderators see that it is a hot topic in political circles and deserves to be discussed and thought out rather than relegated to the race forum which very few visit.

I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.

Could all that be because 13% of the population commits over half of violent crimes in this nation. By the way more White people are shot by cops than black. If the Black community leaves the victim mentality and the Democratic party behind their lives will improve exponentially.

When the Republicans give them a fair Shake for a change you mean. What a pile of crap. The country is dying for Democratic control. Taxing the rich again and investing in America.

Right because decades of Democratic control in cities like Chicago have been a boon for the people living there.

GOP domination of tax rates and policy are killing the Non rich for 35 years now, and the black do worse than anyone because of racism.

These ingenious cousins are showing how young people are thinking out of the box about slavery
I think the legacy of slavery is still felt in Black families but Blacks today do seem to be victims of the criminal justice system. We've all seen videos of Blacks being shot by cops and read about abuses in assigning bail and prison sentences. It is unfortunate but understandable that many Blacks consider themselves victims.
Could all that be because 13% of the population commits over half of violent crimes in this nation. By the way more White people are shot by cops than black. If the Black community leaves the victim mentality and the Democratic party behind their lives will improve exponentially.
When the Republicans give them a fair Shake for a change you mean. What a pile of crap. The country is dying for Democratic control. Taxing the rich again and investing in America.
Right because decades of Democratic control in cities like Chicago have been a boon for the people living there.
GOP domination of tax rates and policy are killing the Non rich for 35 years now, and the black do worse than anyone because of racism.
Reagan cut top rate from 70% to 50%, then to 28 percent on his way out, the kiss of death. Dumbass dupe, check the

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/blog/09/04/27/CongratulationstoEmmanuelSaez/
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
These ingenious cousins are showing how young people are thinking out of the box about slavery
Anecdotal pics mean nothing. If they did mean something I'd be posting all the pics of ows & blm.
Finding morons on EITHER side is easy. Trying to find common ground is the real work.
Do you know that if the blacks of Africa didn't WAR upon each other but lived with Christian Values of peace and brotherhood, there wouldn't of been a slave market?
Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

Christians killed people a thousand years ago, Muslims are blowing up people today.

Yeah, that's the same.

Wow, you're desperate ...
Less than 1% of of Muslims, and certainly not the the official leadership, mr. Bigot. But many thanks to the GOP the last 35 years, Reagan and pal Saddam, April what's her name telling uncle Saddam we didn't care about Kuwait's borders LOL, then George ww's stupidest Wars ever AND a corrupt world depression. Oh you missed all that LOL. You people are unbelievable.
Less than 1% of of Muslims
Less than 1 billion people is 1 million people...Still quite a lot.. Do you like it when Muslims kill innocent men, women and children? You sure seem to by marginalizing the events like Boston Bombing, Fort Hood shooting, and the Gay Bar of Orlando...Don't you like Gays?
These ingenious cousins are showing how young people are thinking out of the box about slavery
Anecdotal pics mean nothing. If they did mean something I'd be posting all the pics of ows & blm.
Finding morons on EITHER side is easy. Trying to find common ground is the real work.
Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared.
When Ronald Reagan was President, I was make below poverty wages, but instead of taking welfare and be a victim of liberalism, I worked on jets in the military honing skills that would take me out of poverty. When I went to Saudi Arabia and worked there 5 1/2 years fixing their jets all tax free, I made more wealth than being a stupid college grad working at starbucks and collecting welfare. I have achieved the ultimate American Dream, and I never graduated college, but still got a PhD in the school of life. Here is another person who used his God given gifts to leave the liberal victimhood and achieve greatness. Problem is that people like you who are indoctrinated by public education, will never achieve greatness as you are a victim of liberalism.

Christian values? :rofl:
Like the Inquisition?

Christians killed people a thousand years ago, Muslims are blowing up people today.

Yeah, that's the same.

Wow, you're desperate ...
Less than 1% of of Muslims, and certainly not the the official leadership, mr. Bigot. But many thanks to the GOP the last 35 years, Reagan and pal Saddam, April what's her name telling uncle Saddam we didn't care about Kuwait's borders LOL, then George ww's stupidest Wars ever AND a corrupt world depression. Oh you missed all that LOL. You people are unbelievable.
franco is just a wealth of information, facts, evidence
More facts then you have heard in years, Super Dupe. All well-known except on planet GOP super duper.
four sure ..for sure
a lot of USMB members are afraid of facts
you sound very childish/amateurish/unprofessional/etc with the dupe/duper stuff--FYI
...that's why it's hard to believe you would be a professor--but they do have jackass professors like this one and you: the definition of a dem/lib/idiot that hates the world because she is fat and ugly
View attachment 191835
Never said I was a professor, I taught at a university 1 year while getting my masters in history. Get something right someday. Poor GOP dupe...
I taught at a university 1 year
Bet those kids are all fucked up, aren't they?
Less than 1% of of Muslims, and certainly not the the official leadership, mr. Bigot. But many thanks to the GOP the last 35 years, Reagan and pal Saddam, April what's her name telling uncle Saddam we didn't care about Kuwait's borders LOL, then George ww's stupidest Wars ever AND a corrupt world depression. Oh you missed all that LOL. You people are unbelievable.
franco is just a wealth of information, facts, evidence
More facts then you have heard in years, Super Dupe. All well-known except on planet GOP super duper.
four sure ..for sure
a lot of USMB members are afraid of facts
you sound very childish/amateurish/unprofessional/etc with the dupe/duper stuff--FYI
...that's why it's hard to believe you would be a professor--but they do have jackass professors like this one and you: the definition of a dem/lib/idiot that hates the world because she is fat and ugly
View attachment 191835
You are a dupe d u h. Fox Rush Etc are totally fos just like Trump same stuff LOL.

So I showed you are minimum wage is is c crap and you ignored it. Everything Else I said is well-known except on planet Dupe
hahahah--your sentences/ideas/etc don't even make sense
''''So I showed [ showed?? --pick a better word ] you are minimum wage is is [ is is ?? ] c crap [ c crap???? ] Everything Else [ double capitals ] well-known [ what's with the dash -? ] '''
--we all accept poor grammar, every now and then--but not many times in one sentence
...you must be one of those Quota professors that they just let through with bad grades
...if you teach at a university, all the students there are going to be dumbasses
It's my smartphone I'm talking into I hate typing. I believe you can understand and are just being a troll as usual
You got busted , now Rules for Radicals for your defense....Tard...

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