41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’

Trump had insulted everyone in that row

Then is upset that nobody likes or respects him
President Trump is above and beyond any other president:clap2:

GOD IS WITH HIM....and GOD will protect him, his family and all Patriots in America and on Earth.

From Darkness to Light!:D

Obama made America Great Again.jpg
Unlike most politicians who cannot survive without attention, President and Missus Trump realized the funeral was about GHW and the Bush Family. They showed a huge amount of class by being humble and doing their best to stay out of the limelight.

None of the members of The Club could ever do that!
President Trump is above and beyond any other president:clap2:

GOD IS WITH HIM....and GOD will protect him, his family and all Patriots in America and on Earth.

From Darkness to Light!:D[/QUOTE
Break those whoooterz out and ask for a miracle !
Trump didn't fit in the with the other globalists (with the exception of Jimmy Carter) so he wasn't welcomed at the funeral of a still bigger globalist. Big effin' deal!
Yes, daddy Bush was a friendly smiling guy who set America on the path of globalism in so many ways. I didn't shed a tear for him. I won't for his son either.
Of course he isn't part of the president's club. He continues to misuse a d disrespect the presidency. No president has made themselves a clown like he has. The Whitehouse has become a full blown circus st this point.

I think the most despicable thing Trump did at this funeral was handing that marine his coat, as if that marine signed up to be a coat boy.
Unlike most politicians who cannot survive without attention, President and Missus Trump realized the funeral was about GHW and the Bush Family. They showed a huge amount of class by being humble and doing their best to stay out of the limelight.

None of the members of The Club could ever do that!
You must be thinking of another president

Trump demands attention and praise. If no one will give it to him, he gives it to himself
Trump will never be viewed as a legitimate President and his demeanor and performance confirm he is not worthy of the title. He will always and forever be the lying buffoon who was despised and mocked as a fake and immature childlike man, a big overgrown baby.
There are few things FoxNews’ Chris Wallace states that I agree with.

This is one of them.

We did not elect Donald J Trump to be a member of The Club. It was The Club that got us into the mess the president is trying very hard to get us out of.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said on Wednesday that the “chill” that “had descended on that front row” when President Donald Trump arrived at President George H.W. Bush’s funeral made it seem like Trump was not a member of the exclusive “presidents club.”

More of this @ Fox’s Chris Wallace: 41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’ | Breitbart
Trump is a towering historical figure. Being in a club with a few midgets wouldn't make much sense.
No, you voted for him because you agree with and like the moronic things he says.

Nope. Voting for him was a last minute decision for me. Hell I voted for Gary Johnson in the election before 2016.

After thinking about it I said what the hell. The guys not a politician but is one hell of a businessman. I decided I would give him a try so I voted for him.

Best damned vote I ever cast.
A business man? Really. Multiple bankruptcies, multiple bankruptcies bailed out in time by his father or the Saudis.

He is a proven fraud.

He is a proven business cheat.

All well known before the election.

And yet you voted for him.

Donald Trump has never declared bankruptcy.

His businesses have.
If you were dumb enough to vote for him because he is the greatest businessman in the creation 0n man, them they count.

Not at all uncommon in the real estate business... do try and keep up... Google Whitewater and Madison Trust. Stop being a hack.

So Trump is as fucking stupid & as bad as the rest that went bankrupt?
Unlike most politicians who cannot survive without attention, President and Missus Trump realized the funeral was about GHW and the Bush Family. They showed a huge amount of class by being humble and doing their best to stay out of the limelight.

None of the members of The Club could ever do that!
So now we praise Trump for not being a total asshole?
Unlike most politicians who cannot survive without attention, President and Missus Trump realized the funeral was about GHW and the Bush Family. They showed a huge amount of class by being humble and doing their best to stay out of the limelight.

None of the members of The Club could ever do that!
Haha,praising Trump for not making a scene at a funeral... That's praise we usually reserved for 2 year olds and retarded people....
There's nothing wrong with dignity, respect and decorum.

I never thought I'd have to say that about a President.
There are few things FoxNews’ Chris Wallace states that I agree with.

This is one of them.

We did not elect Donald J Trump to be a member of The Club. It was The Club that got us into the mess the president is trying very hard to get us out of.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said on Wednesday that the “chill” that “had descended on that front row” when President Donald Trump arrived at President George H.W. Bush’s funeral made it seem like Trump was not a member of the exclusive “presidents club.”

More of this @ Fox’s Chris Wallace: 41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’ | Breitbart
There is only one member of the "President's Club: The Honorable Donald J. Trump. He was the first to leave while those ex-presidents had to remain seated.
This President is not participating in this evil! GOD Bless him.

You're right. The fucking media got it wrong. The So-called Apostle's Creed has nothing to do with Christians. I was raised a Baptist. We would never proclaim the only true church is the Holy Catholic Church. Evangelical Christians cheer President Trump for remaining silent.
There are few things FoxNews’ Chris Wallace states that I agree with.

This is one of them.

We did not elect Donald J Trump to be a member of The Club. It was The Club that got us into the mess the president is trying very hard to get us out of.

Bingo. Trump is NOT a member of "The Club," or any other club (ie the Swamp) in Washington DC. No matter what else Trump is or has done, the fact that he is a perennial outsider to the business-as-usual there who at great expense to himself ran for office for the sincere desire to see America fixed for the private sector, overrides all other considerations.

He's a one-shot deal. Once he's out of office, we'll likely never see another stand-alone outsider make it to the WH again in our lifetimes. Be sure to understand that the system will make sure no one else like him ever gets the chance. So take anything he can get done in his 4-8 years as a blessing.
Exactly. He was elected because we are tired of “the club” the ruling elites foster upon us.

Except he wasn't "elected". Unlike those other presidents, all of whom won the popular vote at least once, the people clearly and loudly said no to him.

Not that I am going to waste a lot of time on this thread, but the reality is that the surviving ex-presidents, regardless of party, treated the office with dignity. Trump has turned it into a reality TV Clown show.

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