41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’

There are few things FoxNews’ Chris Wallace states that I agree with.

This is one of them.

We did not elect Donald J Trump to be a member of The Club. It was The Club that got us into the mess the president is trying very hard to get us out of.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said on Wednesday that the “chill” that “had descended on that front row” when President Donald Trump arrived at President George H.W. Bush’s funeral made it seem like Trump was not a member of the exclusive “presidents club.”

More of this @ Fox’s Chris Wallace: 41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’ | Breitbart

You voted for Trump because you were duped by a con man.

Trump is an asshole who thinks the only way to make himself look good is to tear down others..

The fast assed orange POS should NEVER been allowed at 41;s funeral.

Trump does not belong in the company of former Presidents. He belongs in the company of Putin, Kin, Duterte, Epstein and MBS
But even Putin and MBS rejected him.....:71:
Exactly. He was elected because we are tired of “the club” the ruling elites foster upon us.

Except he wasn't "elected". Unlike those other presidents, all of whom won the popular vote at least once, the people clearly and loudly said no to him.

Not that I am going to waste a lot of time on this thread, but the reality is that the surviving ex-presidents, regardless of party, treated the office with dignity. Trump has turned it into a reality TV Clown show.
And....that is EXACTLY what deplorable trumpanzees wanted at the head of this country....a reality TV Clown show. That's what they mean by #MAGA....a trailer trash country.
they got a lot of the votes that should have went to Mrs. Clinton, but didn't because some self-righteous twits decided not to decide.
I just love how you twist reality to fit the bubble of your closed mind.

Seriously, what the fuck are you smoking. your boy isn't popular...

He's 306 EC votes popular. He's 30 states popular. He's 74 EC votes more popular than Hillary was. He's in office. He's getting what he set out to do, done. Hillary's sitting on her inflatable banana somewhere twisting. Trump broke up the Obama/DNC cabal from its plans. That and the fact that you are a predictably perennial dope that only gets more stupid everytime you open your mouth is all that matters.
One would imagine that being part of the President’s club, the Friar’s Club or the local Country Club is acting like you belong in the President’s club, the Friar’s Club, or the local Country Club.

Acting like a fucking lunatic as our President seems to enjoy doing leads to him being a social pariah in all walks of life. The KC Honors….they wanted nothing to do with the blob. Can’t blame them.

Today was a very important day. We’re one day closer to the end of this pervert’s presidency and one day closer to becoming a greater nation once he leaves office.
Suffer for 8 years while we celebrate the greatest leader this nation has had.
One would imagine that being part of the President’s club, the Friar’s Club or the local Country Club is acting like you belong in the President’s club, the Friar’s Club, or the local Country Club.

Acting like a fucking lunatic as our President seems to enjoy doing leads to him being a social pariah in all walks of life. The KC Honors….they wanted nothing to do with the blob. Can’t blame them.

Today was a very important day. We’re one day closer to the end of this pervert’s presidency and one day closer to becoming a greater nation once he leaves office.
Suffer for 8 years while we celebrate the greatest leader this nation has had.

Today his two appointees on the supreme court ruled against his government. It was a good day for the left. We won't have many but today's ruling by the court was a sign that there are still some patriots in the nation.

As for the "greatest leader"....if you believe that, you're more crazy than we thought.
Trump will never be viewed as a legitimate President and his demeanor and performance confirm he is not worthy of the title. He will always and forever be the lying buffoon who was despised and mocked as a fake and immature childlike man, a big overgrown baby.
Auditoriums filled to the capacity by adoring, red cap wearing crowds would disagree with your bigoted assessment.
There are few things FoxNews’ Chris Wallace states that I agree with.

This is one of them.

We did not elect Donald J Trump to be a member of The Club. It was The Club that got us into the mess the president is trying very hard to get us out of.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said on Wednesday that the “chill” that “had descended on that front row” when President Donald Trump arrived at President George H.W. Bush’s funeral made it seem like Trump was not a member of the exclusive “presidents club.”

More of this @ Fox’s Chris Wallace: 41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’ | Breitbart

Trump's part of the club. Look how quickly he pushed a tax bill that favored the wealthy over the needy. He's nothing but a stink'n low life republican at heart.
One would imagine that being part of the President’s club, the Friar’s Club or the local Country Club is acting like you belong in the President’s club, the Friar’s Club, or the local Country Club.

Acting like a fucking lunatic as our President seems to enjoy doing leads to him being a social pariah in all walks of life. The KC Honors….they wanted nothing to do with the blob. Can’t blame them.

Today was a very important day. We’re one day closer to the end of this pervert’s presidency and one day closer to becoming a greater nation once he leaves office.
Suffer for 8 years while we celebrate the greatest leader this nation has had.

Greatest leader? Maybe dictator? Trump has led shit. He can't even get Congress to do anything.
A true leader leads without being a total assfuck bully. Threaten people.
Trump will never be viewed as a legitimate President and his demeanor and performance confirm he is not worthy of the title. He will always and forever be the lying buffoon who was despised and mocked as a fake and immature childlike man, a big overgrown baby.
Auditoriums filled to the capacity by adoring, red cap wearing crowds would disagree with your bigoted assessment.

A room full of uneducaed white people who thinks Trump will protect them from the brown people.
The people said "NO!" Clearly, loudly. And they said "NO" a little louder in 2018. They'll say it even louder in 2020.

Really, douche nozzle? Is that why so many Obama supporters and democrats switched parties to vote Trump? Is that why the Democrats only did marginally well despite the fact that this midterm should have been traditionally an automatic massive win for them? If "The People" made any resounding cry in 2016, it certainly wasn't for Hillary Clinton, except in a few LA and NYC counties-- -- even hardcore supporters were loathe to hold their noses for her, so I don't know WHERE all their votes went, must have been for crazy socialist Bernie, whom crooked Hillery fixed so that his campaign had NO CHANCE of winning no matter WHAT the People wanted. And here I thought the democrats were the party who thought that every vote counted. At this point, we don't know WHAT the people really wanted because the Democrats were too busy trying to rig the election while claiming they were worried that Russia was.

Who needs Russia when we already have you?

Boy, biggest swing in 50 years?
I missed what you did for 911 families and African kids.
Can you Give us a link to your A rated foundation.?
Amusing how the big red maps are always by acres. Any idea how the actual people are distributed?

Yep. Landowners own vast big territory out where there is space. All of the Democrats are squeezed into tiny little crime ridden inner city rat-infested rental apartments in democratically created cement and asphalt-tombed metropolises where they must worry each time they hear a noise, but are at least close at hard where their democratic owners can keep a close control on their lives.

Love the zero college people always have to include a stupid kindergarten insult. Dead giveaway for zero education and vocabulary

Well said by the perennially-ignorant asshat even as he makes yet another kindergarten insult himself. BTW, college does not necessarily equate to being EDUCATED, merely socially indoctrinated to the purple koolaid. If you are an example of a well-schooled individual, I'd recommend you seek a refund on your money, because while the Right always argues FACTS, the Left merely tries to dismiss all of their opponents based on a hypothesized lack of education upon which they have no clue in the first place.

While the Right chiefly WINS arguments, the Left always tries to claim they are just so far damned ahead of the opposition, they don't even need to try. You know---- just like how Hillary ran her 2016 campaign.

Which was my insult again?
Zero college?
Keep the CAPS, the uneducated can't read regular text.
Last time I looked a college degree made you a few million $ more over a lifetime.
Maybe you should study brain chemistry like my daughter?
There are few things FoxNews’ Chris Wallace states that I agree with.

This is one of them.

We did not elect Donald J Trump to be a member of The Club. It was The Club that got us into the mess the president is trying very hard to get us out of.

Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said on Wednesday that the “chill” that “had descended on that front row” when President Donald Trump arrived at President George H.W. Bush’s funeral made it seem like Trump was not a member of the exclusive “presidents club.”

More of this @ Fox’s Chris Wallace: 41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’ | Breitbart
LOL! what BS!

"41 Funeral Revealed Trump Not Part of ‘Presidents Club’"

That's because he isn't a legitimate president.
He sure has the power of a legit President.
Really? Where's the Wall? Why is Obamacare still around? Why isn't H. Clinton locked up? Why isn't Former President Obama being investigated? Why is ISIS still around?
. Take Ocasio-Cortez's advice and learned about the "three chambers of Congress."".
He was certainly elected. Elected exactly as every President since George Washing has been elected.

You shouldn't mention "reality" and "clown" in a clownish post where you deny reality.

Again, if he were legitimate, the surviving presidents would treat him as one of their own... rather than "Who invited this clown"
He was certainly elected. Elected exactly as every President since George Washing has been elected.

You shouldn't mention "reality" and "clown" in a clownish post where you deny reality.

Again, if he were legitimate, the surviving presidents would treat him as one of their own... rather than "Who invited this clown"
Unless they are the illegitimate ones working for the ruling elite...and they fell threatened by what they consider Trumps class treason.
Presidents leave politics when they leave office. Except the illegimate ones.
Trump can certainly flush them out :)

“My dad made you what you are. You are my brother and he is like a father to you”

GW Bush to Bill Clinton

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