
And he's still your president. Polling is cute but no one believes it anymore. they have been shown to use biased methodology to get the results they wanted for too long.

You sure it wasn't 42? I really like the number 42. It's the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, and if we only knew how to decipher the answer we'd understand...



Did you know that the number on Buzz Lightyear's spaceship in his first movie was 42? I know there's significance there!

You sure it wasn't 42? I really like the number 42. It's the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, and if we only knew how to decipher the answer we'd understand...



Did you know that the number on Buzz Lightyear's spaceship in his first movie was 42? I know there's significance there!

Ha ha Damaged Eagle

so Trump is just 1 point shy of
the "answers to life the universe and everything"


Seriously, I realized politics and govt were going downhill and the division was going to blow up in our faces, when Bill Clinton got elected with only 43% of the vote (which is already a low percentage of the actual population eligible to vote).

So for Trump to be est. at 41% with a skewed poll and media against him, that's about what to expect, or maybe better, knowing that the number is deliberately spun as low as they can get away with....

Not bad for someone as hated and targeted as he is. I am guessing he is running closer to 50/50 -- there is as much to hate and distrust with this guy as to love and respect DESPITE his worst faults. At least he is transparent about those where everything is coming out in public. May not be pretty but we have a better chance of accountability with everyone magnifying every word and move with this guy!

The public involvement in govt exponentiated with Obama and now with Trump. So with the growing awareness, response and vigilance by the public, that part in itself is the best thing we can have and do to ensure responsibility for govt.

At least for that!
be patient, his numbers will go down very shortly ..
He can do what's right ... or he can do what's popular.

We prefer he do what's right ...
Weren't there threads claiming he was at 36% last week?

Seems to be going up then. Are we going to see a new poll thread on his popularity every few days for the next 4 years?
And he's still your president. Polling is cute but no one believes it anymore. they have been shown to use biased methodology to get the results they wanted for too long.

Yup. Only numbnuts Shittingbull thinks polling is believable and sets great store by it as long as it shows what SB wants it to show.

If it were 85% favorable to Trump this thread wouldn't be here. SB really should get better meds because the ones being taken ain't working. LOL

Note all of Shittingbulls threads are anti Trump and don't hold you're breath for and anti Dem thread.
I like polls they make dimshits think they don't need to work at hiding how vile and disgusting they are. After all mostly dimshitscum answer polls because the pollsters want a dimshit favoring number.
I wish there was an anonymous poll on congressional republicans' true feelings about their chances for reelection in 2018 if they stick with the orange clown.

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