
Pat Tillman was an atheist and a liberal who opposed the Iraq invasion from day one. That's from his family. His brother, his mother, his father. All of them.

But sure, maybe you know better. :lmao:

Indeed I do know better....I sat at a table with Tillman and other Cardinal players at a sports bar called "Hightops" in Scottsdale before he joined the Army. He'd have slapped the snot out of you for calling him either an atheist or a liberal.

You're a liar. Plain and simple.

Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers

From his wife, you piece of shit. How dare you impugn the dead.
He's just a Grade A buffoon. A moron. And this has been known for 40 years. Which explains perfectly why you support him, I guess. Reality is beyond your feeble grasp.

He's a multi-billionaire and now the President of the United States...what are you? :badgrin:

I'd much rather be me, with a mere 6-figure net worth, than him. He NEEDS that billion (handed down from his daddy, by the way) in order to look at himself in the mirror every morning. Without that, he would've blown his head off decades ago. Hell, he was bawling like a bitch on the cover of Time Magazine in the early 90s because he couldn't outperform the market.
Trump got 3 million fewer votes. That's documented fact.
Pat Tillman was an atheist and a liberal who opposed the Iraq invasion from day one. That's from his family. His brother, his mother, his father. All of them.

But sure, maybe you know better. :lmao:

Trump received 42% of the vote, so 41% approval looks like it will be the norm during his term

He has done little to convince those that voted against him that he is looking out for their interests

Really? Today!

GREAT AGAIN! February Jobs Gains Rocket to 235,000 as Unemployment Ticked Down
by JOHN CARNEY10 Mar 20172,348
The jobs market is sizzling.
Domestic employers added a jaw-dropping 235,000 new jobs last month, while the unemployment rate ticked down to 4.7 percent, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.

February Jobs Gains Rocket to 235,000 as Unemployment Holds Steady

LOL @ this shit.

3 months ago you clowns were calling these numbers fake. Now they're evidence Trump is presidential.

Wow. You really can't make this shit up.
Trump got 3 million fewer votes. That's documented fact.
Pat Tillman was an atheist and a liberal who opposed the Iraq invasion from day one. That's from his family. His brother, his mother, his father. All of them.

But sure, maybe you know better. :lmao:


Okay, we get it You don't know how to read a map.

Here's the election map with the areas inflated to reflect population size:

You're a liar. Plain and simple.

Military Association of Atheists & Freethinkers

From his wife, you piece of shit. How dare you impugn the dead.

She and his family were USED by the media, you sniveling little creep. You have no more of an idea who Pat Tillman was than any of your fairy friends....

No, they were used by the Bush Administration. Read the book "Where Men Win Glory" by Jon Krakaeur. They intentionally withheld evidence about his cause of death, trying to make him out as a hero who died by enemy fire, instead of a hero killed by his own comrades. You know nothing.

Even the military brass defamed the entire family by telling them they were lesser because they didn't believe in god. They referred to Pat as "worm food".
Those blue areas in your map accounted for more votes than the red areas

Delete the massively failed state of California and, as you well know, PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP won the popular vote too. Not that it matters, he won the Electoral College. Thank God!

ONCE again ignorant people like you simply read a headline... AND NEVER do any further research!
This is one of the below polling group! Rasmussen,Gallup,Economist didn't say how many more Democrats were polled then GOP
Reuters/Ipso did and they counted over 12% MORE Democrats then GOP... and these idiots say well there are MORE Democrats then GOP!
AGAIN... WHY are there more Democrats polled when in reality there are less then 3% difference?
Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows

According to the identification there are less then 3% more Democrats then GOP So why did Ipsos count nearly 4 times as many Dems as GOP?
These are findings from an Ipsos poll conducted for Thomson Reuters March 3-7, 2017 For the survey,
a sample of 1,662 Americans, including
707 Democrats,
627 Republicans,
201 Independents ages 18+ were interviewed online.

Reuters/Ipsos Data: Core Political (3/8/2017) | Ipsos

So how about Quinnipiac University poll???
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or what?
Republican 24%
Democrat 32%
Independent 37%

So again WHY do people believe these SKEWED polls that counted 8% more Democrats when there only 3% more???

Folks... because most of you like this ignorant Lakota CAN"T seem to read beyond the headlines you believe these grossly biased POLLS
Why do these pollsters ALWAYS ask 4 times or more as many Democrats as GOP?
BIASED that's why!
Don't believe a word these pollsters put because they bias the polls with more Democrats!

Screen Shot 2017-03-10 at 10.58.00 AM.png

No, they were used by the Bush Administration. Read the book "Where Men Win Glory" by Jon Krakaeur. They intentionally withheld evidence about his cause of death, trying to make him out as a hero who died by enemy fire, instead of a hero killed by his own comrades. You know nothing.

Even the military brass defamed the entire family by telling them they were lesser because they didn't believe in god. They referred to Pat as "worm food".

I served in a combat theater and I "know nothing"? Listen up, ya little weasel.....Tillman was high-profile and yeah, the brass decided nobody needed to know what happened out in those rocks. Who did it harm? If you'd ever worn the uniform you'd know it happens all the time...something recruits don't need to know about and grieving families don't have to deal with. They found out, felt betrayed. And here you are using his picture to hide behind while you insult everything he stood for...you should be banned for it.
Those blue areas in your map accounted for more votes than the red areas

Delete the massively failed state of California and, as you well know, PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP won the popular vote too. Not that it matters, he won the Electoral College. Thank God!


Delete Texas and Trump lost by even MORE than the 3 million he already lost by WITH Texas.
Those blue areas in your map accounted for more votes than the red areas

Delete the massively failed state of California and, as you well know, PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP won the popular vote too. Not that it matters, he won the Electoral College. Thank God!

People vote...vacant land does not
People live in cities....you know, those blue areas on your map
California has 40 million people, you do not get to just throw them out. Especially when you rely on states like Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota with less than a million residents
Those blue areas in your map accounted for more votes than the red areas

Delete the massively failed state of California and, as you well know, PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP won the popular vote too. Not that it matters, he won the Electoral College. Thank God!

People vote...vacant land does not
People live in cities....you know, those blue areas on your map
California has 40 million people, you do not get to just throw them out. Especially when you rely on states like Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota with less than a million residents

Show us the poll

Harry is gone but as for your beloved Nancy Pelosi.

According to this, Nancy Pelosi’s disapproval rating is six times that of Donald Trump’s. Now, Trump’s isn’t that bad – his approval rating is at 43%. Sure, it’s not great – it’s in the middle. Which I kind of expect, given how the last election went. And even he believes that he could do better. That’s not a slam on Trump – that’s recognizing that there’s room for improvement –

According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, President Trump has a net favorability rating of negative 4 points, while House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has a net rating of negative 25.

The survey, released Sunday, found that 43 percent surveyed view the president positively or somewhat positively, while 47 percent see him in a negative or somewhat negative light.

But for all the posturing from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats that they know so much and that Trump is going to be the death of us all – evidently the American people are tired of that BS. Because Pelosi’s approval rating is 19%, while her disapproval rating is 44% –

However, only 19 percent view Pelosi positively or somewhat positively, while 44 percent view her negatively or somewhat negatively. Pelosi is currently viewed 6 times more negatively than the President.

Nancy Pelosi Is Going To HATE How Her Approval Ratings Compare With Donald Trump's
People vote...vacant land does not
People live in cities....you know, those blue areas on your map
California has 40 million people, you do not get to just throw them out. Especially when you rely on states like Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota with less than a million residents

:itsok: Just to cheer you up, Trump now has slightly less than FOUR YEARS left in the Oval Office....(unless he decides to run for a second term). Feel better?

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