
Those blue areas in your map accounted for more votes than the red areas

Delete the massively failed state of California and, as you well know, PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP won the popular vote too. Not that it matters, he won the Electoral College. Thank God!

People vote...vacant land does not
People live in cities....you know, those blue areas on your map
California has 40 million people, you do not get to just throw them out. Especially when you rely on states like Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota with less than a million residents


Getting testy there snowflake...
I responded to a bogus map trying to show overwhelming Republican support based on empty land

Trump won the electoral vote. That entitled him to be president
It doesn't entitle him or his followers to claim they have the public behind them....They don't
More Americans voted against Trump than for him

Polls show that the level of support Trump has remains in the low 40s
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People vote...vacant land does not
People live in cities....you know, those blue areas on your map
California has 40 million people, you do not get to just throw them out. Especially when you rely on states like Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota with less than a million residents

:itsok: Just to cheer you up, Trump now has slightly less than FOUR YEARS left in the Oval Office....(unless he decides to run for a second term). Feel better?

No shit Sherlock

He also has to try to accomplish his agenda without the majority of the people behind him. Means he does not have the political capital to push through his agenda

How is Trumpcare coming along?
Show us the poll

Harry is gone but as for your beloved Nancy Pelosi.

According to this, Nancy Pelosi’s disapproval rating is six times that of Donald Trump’s. Now, Trump’s isn’t that bad – his approval rating is at 43%. Sure, it’s not great – it’s in the middle. Which I kind of expect, given how the last election went. And even he believes that he could do better. That’s not a slam on Trump – that’s recognizing that there’s room for improvement –

According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, President Trump has a net favorability rating of negative 4 points, while House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has a net rating of negative 25.

The survey, released Sunday, found that 43 percent surveyed view the president positively or somewhat positively, while 47 percent see him in a negative or somewhat negative light.

But for all the posturing from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats that they know so much and that Trump is going to be the death of us all – evidently the American people are tired of that BS. Because Pelosi’s approval rating is 19%, while her disapproval rating is 44% –

However, only 19 percent view Pelosi positively or somewhat positively, while 44 percent view her negatively or somewhat negatively. Pelosi is currently viewed 6 times more negatively than the President.

Nancy Pelosi Is Going To HATE How Her Approval Ratings Compare With Donald Trump's

Pelosi overwhelmingly won the popular vote...Trump did not
She is incredibly popular in her district....what those outside her district think is not relevant
No shit Sherlock

He also has to try to accomplish his agenda without the majority of the people behind him. Means he does not have the political capital to push through his agenda

How is Trumpcare coming along?

You should pay better attention....TrumpCare is doing fine....a lot of folks are trying to get their earmarks sunk into the legislation so there will be the usual back and forth bargaining for the folks back home. It will be done by the end of April. As for having the people behind him.....yesterday Trump told dissidents that he will rent FOOTBALL STADIUMS in their districts in 2018 if they don't get on board...they're all scared to death of him, same as your side. He'll win...he always wins.
No shit Sherlock

He also has to try to accomplish his agenda without the majority of the people behind him. Means he does not have the political capital to push through his agenda

How is Trumpcare coming along?

You should pay better attention....TrumpCare is doing fine....a lot of folks are trying to get their earmarks sunk into the legislation so there will be the usual back and forth bargaining for the folks back home. It will be done by the end of April. As for having the people behind him.....yesterday Trump told dissidents that he will rent FOOTBALL STADIUMS in their districts in 2018 if they don't get on board...they're all scared to death of him, same as your side. He'll win...he always wins.

Trumpcare is an embarrassment being attacked by all sides
Lets see "The Great Dealmaker" get this one through

Rent Football Stadiums?
Is he fucking nuts?

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Snowflakes still haven't gotten over that Obama has the 3rd worst average approval rate among President's - behind Bush - huh?

Trumpcare is an embarrassment being attacked by all sides
Lets see "The Great Dealmaker" get this one through

Rent Football Stadiums?
I he fucking nuts?

Of course he's nuts...they're all nuts....you're nuts....I might be nuts but I don't think I'm quite there yet. :nono:
Trumpcare is an embarrassment being attacked by all sides

there is no such thing as 'Trumpcare', numbnuts. There is only Obamacare - the disaster that is sinking faster than the Titanic.

There is legislation being worked on by dumbasses like Ryan, but Trump has not signed into law, yet. Get it tight - if anything, right now it's 'Ryancare'.
People vote...vacant land does not
People live in cities....you know, those blue areas on your map
California has 40 million people, you do not get to just throw them out. Especially when you rely on states like Alaska, Wyoming, North Dakota with less than a million residents

:itsok: Just to cheer you up, Trump now has slightly less than FOUR YEARS left in the Oval Office....(unless he decides to run for a second term). Feel better?

He probably has FAR less than four years left. Even House Republicans are warming up to the idea of impeachment. Hell, he's such a moronic carnival barker they're ready to trade him in for a science-denying bible salesman. THAT'S desperation.
Then do it, pussy. Stop threatening to threaten my life like the coward and liar you are. Go for it. Be a REAL man, and throw an adult tantrum because I revealed you for the liar you are, coupled with your stolen valor and your hatred for the troops and their families.

You're a traitor and a coward.

Why would I do that when it's better to let you continue revealing what a sick little bitch you are? You'd never meet me in person...everybody here knows that. And I have no desire to spend my remaining years in a cement box to rid the world of trash like you...somebody else will if you forget and say what you say here out loud, out in public.

[Dear GaryDog and Tom Horn
This can be resolved by PM, no need to threaten to break rules or break faces, okay?
I will delete references to threats and will PM you asking to work this out within the rules.
Sorry this got so heated.]

[Sorry, No, you didn't threaten anyone
but had to delete all references to the threatening posts as well.
I will PM you both. sorry about the deletions and thanks for getting back on to the OP topic.
Good job with that!]
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Trumpcare is an embarrassment being attacked by all sides

there is no such thing as 'Trumpcare', numbnuts. There is only Obamacare - the disaster that is sinking faster than the Titanic.

There is legislation being worked on by dumbasses like Ryan, but Trump has not signed into law, yet. Get it tight - if anything, right now it's 'Ryancare'.

Trump has enthusiastically endorsed it = TRUMPCARE
Trump has enthusiastically endorsed it = TRUMPCARE

Then "TrumpCare" it shall be for evermore. :lol:

Dear rightwinger and Tom Horn
Why not give taxpayers a free and equal choice to be under either plan? Let us vote with our taxes and where we agree to invest or deduct.

If Protestant and Catholics have a choice what charity programs to fund through which church, why not organize collective health plans such as by party and let members choose?

There isn't one national religion for all the public. Why one health plan when we know people have divergent and dissenting beliefs.
You should have realized by now.. cough, cough Clinton... that oversampled opinion polls are not going to sway the people who put Trump in the White House. I'm surprised and delighted that he is doing so well despite the shit flinging storm the left has brought down. Keep up the good work lefties there are still sane people who live on the Coasts lose those and you truly will be a minority in US politics.
He has done little to convince those that voted against him that he is looking out for their interests

Why should he?....all you do is scream insults at him....Poor little snowflakes think Daddy should give you cookies after you call him Hitler? :lol:

Trump has to run on his own record....he doesn't have Obama to kick around any more

Now, he will have to show that his programs are doing better than Obama's
The public is wise to his lying about his numbers
Ok but you lefties were still screaming BOOOOSH well into the Obama administration so...
Trumpcare is an embarrassment being attacked by all sides

there is no such thing as 'Trumpcare', numbnuts. There is only Obamacare - the disaster that is sinking faster than the Titanic.

There is legislation being worked on by dumbasses like Ryan, but Trump has not signed into law, yet. Get it tight - if anything, right now it's 'Ryancare'.

Trump has enthusiastically endorsed it = TRUMPCARE
When it is signed into law with his name on it then it will be 'Trumpcare'. Until then, Obama still owns the existing POS.

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