

Who else cares about the ratings of The Apprentice?

That show was like one of his kids....and it was nothing without him.....You still don't understand how much pride he takes in what he does....in other words, he's an ordinary guy doing extraordinary things.
Do ordinary guys lie to the american people every single day?
Those jobs are all part time burger flipping jobs
The employment numbers are made up. The real unemployment is around 42%
What has Trump done about the 95 million who are unemployed?
Burger-flipping jobs? funny, I have seen corporations declaring they are bringing back jobs, not 'burger-flipping' jobs. In fact, due to snowflakes demanding $15 an hour to do a mediocre job at 'burger flipping jobs' those employees are starting to be replaced by Kiosks and burger-flipping ROBOTS.

So how did the 'REAL' unemployment suddenly jump up from 4% or something under Obama to 42% under Trump despite a MONSTER job growth month in February - 'best in like 10 years'? You can smell the BULLSHIT oozing from that claim! :p
Do ordinary guys lie to the american people every single day?

Hussein lied through his blue lips to you every day for 8 years and you're lost without him. I truly pity you leftists...the world is about to leave you far behind....(okay, so I relish the state you're in...nobody could be more deserving).
Hussein lied through his blue lips to you every day for 8 years and you're lost without him.
Lost WITHOUT him? They lost WITH him: Over 1,000 political seats / positions over 8 years...2 back-to-back historic, record-setting election ass-kickings....

Trump sucks ass! It is shocking that it isn't half that.

And yet Hillary could not beat him.

Hell, she couldn't even beat Bernie Sanders, a 110 year old Socialist Party Member, without the DNC rigging their Primaries, engaging in voter fraud during their Primaries, and feeding her debate questions in advance.
Those jobs are all part time burger flipping jobs
The employment numbers are made up. The real unemployment is around 42%
What has Trump done about the 95 million who are unemployed?
Burger-flipping jobs? funny, I have seen corporations declaring they are bringing back jobs, not 'burger-flipping' jobs. In fact, due to snowflakes demanding $15 an hour to do a mediocre job at 'burger flipping jobs' those employees are starting to be replaced by Kiosks and burger-flipping ROBOTS.

So how did the 'REAL' unemployment suddenly jump up from 4% or something under Obama to 42% under Trump despite a MONSTER job growth month in February - 'best in like 10 years'? You can smell the BULLSHIT oozing from that claim! :p

Burger flipping jobs

Obama gave Trump an unemployment rate of 4.8%...it is now 42% by Trumps own figures
Because he's supposed to work for ALL the people in this country. Not the other way round.

Yeah, keep calling him a "cheeto" a "clown" "comrade" etc etc etc. and expect him to give a shit about you. I suggest an about-face...praise him when he does something you think might help you. Or how about waiting to see if he comes through on his promises....surely you're not against more jobs are you?

:itsok: Just to cheer you up, Trump now has slightly less than FOUR YEARS left in the Oval Office....(unless he decides to run for a second term). Feel better?

President Donald Trump has already filed the necessary paperwork to run in 2020.
Lets compare Trumps record to Obama's

I'm all in favor of it

Come back in eight years!

However, jobs have skyrocketed already.

Remember on election night when your economic messiah promised you that there would be no recovering from the coming stock market crash due to the election of Donald Trump? How'd that workout?
You got 20 million people using the ACA, it can't be that bad, son

Much to boast about! Imagine that, force someone to buy something, under penalty of law, and some actually BUY IT? In spite of the fact that they cannot use what they bought due to the exorbitant deductibles.

Still, all the ones Obamacare desperately needed to sign up, did NOT. That would be the young and the healthy who opted to pay the fine.
Burger flipping jobs

Obama gave Trump an unemployment rate of 4.8%...it is now 42% by Trumps own figures

More lies and BS by the 50 IQ bullshit pumps. Your president oshitass unemployment rates were actually the highest ever. All the lying left media ever reported was NEW unemployment claim data, that leaves out people who have run out of unemployment, and those no longer looking for a job or never tried to get one. His actual unemployment rate was over 50% and the workforce participation rate which measures actual job to workforce ratio was the worst since WW two during the eight years of oshitass. so find another lie to pump that one don't hold concrete.
Lets compare Trumps record to Obama's

I'm all in favor of it

Come back in eight years!

However, jobs have skyrocketed already.

Remember on election night when your economic messiah promised you that there would be no recovering from the coming stock market crash due to the election of Donald Trump? How'd that workout?
Obama's job report from Feb 2016 was higher than Trumps report in Feb 2017

At the time, Trump called Obama's job report fake and a disaster

Where does that leave Trumps report?
Burger flipping jobs

Obama gave Trump an unemployment rate of 4.8%...it is now 42% by Trumps own figures

More lies and BS by the 50 IQ bullshit pumps. Your president oshitass unemployment rates were actually the highest ever. All the lying left media ever reported was NEW unemployment claim data, that leaves out people who have run out of unemployment, and those no longer looking for a job or never tried to get one. His actual unemployment rate was over 50% and the workforce participation rate which measures actual job to workforce ratio was the worst since WW two during the eight years of oshitass. so find another lie to pump that one don't hold concrete.
Trump is using made up numbers you dumbass

Everyone knows BLS statistics are bullshit.....Trump told us so

Trump is the burger flipper President
Lets compare Trumps record to Obama's

I'm all in favor of it

Come back in eight years!

However, jobs have skyrocketed already.

Remember on election night when your economic messiah promised you that there would be no recovering from the coming stock market crash due to the election of Donald Trump? How'd that workout?
Obama's job report from Feb 2016 was higher than Trumps report in Feb 2017

At the time, Trump called Obama's job report fake and a disaster

Where does that leave Trumps report?
Your burger flipping career is not a career....:lol:
Lets compare Trumps record to Obama's

I'm all in favor of it

Come back in eight years!

However, jobs have skyrocketed already.

Remember on election night when your economic messiah promised you that there would be no recovering from the coming stock market crash due to the election of Donald Trump? How'd that workout?
Obama's job report from Feb 2016 was higher than Trumps report in Feb 2017

At the time, Trump called Obama's job report fake and a disaster

Where does that leave Trumps report?
Your burger flipping career is not a career....:lol:
Trump is the burger flipper President

He wants all Americans to be paid like burger flippers
How low will Trump's ratings go?


The Activist Artists Behind This Viral Trump Poster Refuse To Have Presidential Amnesia

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