42% of Democrats are in Favor of Socialism

OP- Can't figure out whether to straighten out the hater dupes on what socialism is (always democratic), or the truth on the Clintons (all RW lies) is more important. Either way, we can't let the bought off, lying, disastrous GOP in again. An absolute disgrace, haters..
You need to realize something OP.. Most democrats think of "socialism" as anything the government does, public schools, etc.. They are not referring to social ownership of production. The definition of socialism appears to have changed, important to know that.
About 70-80 years ago, except in Cold War dinosaur USA.
I see you have never talked to anyone who has fled socialism, because that is exactly what they say is the basic concept of socialism.

NO. damn it.....You are talking about COMMUNISM.....All of Europe has socialist practices...they are NOT fleeing "socialism" and they marvel as to how truly stupid we are for paying 3 or 4 times more for substandard health care and why we are dumb enough to go into hock for life over a college education.
Socialism -
1. a theory or system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government.
2. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

Our Constitution keeps back full socialism, as our government can't own businesses collectively.
But we are going the route of socialism because congress is controlling the production and distribution of goods.
Basically Socialism is redistribution of money.
The very thing our founders were so against.

Take a good look at our neighborhoods where redistribution of the collectives money has done to them.
Actually, fair, well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. Your dictionary definition is a lie as you left out the definition that non-dupes know.
I have nothing against socialism, its great if you live Europe, but here, in the USA we are a country that rewards those that take risks, work hard, and value the can do spirit and freedoms we have been entrusted with. In short if one wishes to live in a socialist country they should move to one.
I see you have never talked to anyone who has fled socialism, because that is exactly what they say is the basic concept of socialism.

NO. damn it.....You are talking about COMMUNISM.....All of Europe has socialist practices...they are NOT fleeing "socialism" and they marvel as to how truly stupid we are for paying 3 or 4 times more for substandard health care and why we are dumb enough to go into hock for life over a college education.

12% of Europeans are smart enough to flee it. That is how many came to America to get away from it last year.
Communism and Socialism do redistribution of money.
, but here, in the USA we are a country that rewards those that take risks

Inane.......We...as taxpayers....had to bail out wall street banks because they gambled (took risks) and lost.

Our current plutocratic system likes capitalism when the getting is good....and loves socialism when the risks turn sour.
Free college education, love that line, nothing is for free unless someone that makes a living and is taxed flip the bill, in hock for life, bull, I paid for my college, graduate school, and payed for my children's education, and still help pay for their college, and graduate school. The difference is that they majored in disciplines that actually provide a means for making a living. They didn't go to college to just go to college, they all spent a year or more between high school working or serving their country developing an idea and understanding as to what they really wanted to do before entering college. The problem is parents today love their toys, fancy cars, things, and forget that its their responsibility as a parent to teach, guide, and help their children live a better life then we did.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
My father railed against socialism until he started getting his SS check.
Had he been allowed to invest it in the stock market the check would be bigger. Much bigger. socialism relies on duping the masses. There's no money in the SS account anyway, we borrow from China to send the checks.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism
Polls like this are useless. Socialism has a very broad defintion. Without narrowing it down, you're just broad brushing this 42%.
State ownership isn't a broad definition. It's been watered down to sell to the masses while capitalism has been demonized.
Despite all the nuttiness in the GOP, this is a big reason why I'm a Republican.

Many Democrats are feeling the love for socialism.

More than four in 10 Democrats say they have a favorable opinion of socialism, according to a survey of 1,000 U.S. adults released in January by data and research firm YouGov; this percentage is nearly identical to what the researchers found in May of last year. Meanwhile, only about one in three say they have an unfavorable opinion of the ideology. ...

On the whole, nearly half of all Americans say they have an unfavorable opinion of socialism, the YouGov survey revealed.​

42% of Democrats are in favor of socialism

I think most people know that a combination of capitalism and socialism is best for society.

And the main reason I'm not a republican is the Fact that the "base" says that anything that helps people is "socialism" and unconstitutional. Even worse is the fact that the radical religious right seem bonded at the hip with xenophobes, bigots and militantly laissez faire capitalists and supply siders.

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