46 Democrat Senators voted against the judicial nomination of Clarence Thomas to the SCOTUS, was it racism?

Yes, Thomas was a sexual predator who should never have been confirmed. I partially blame Biden for that because he never called the remaining women who were waiting to testify against Thomas after Anita Hill. Thomas' "high-tech lynching" comment scared the hell out of Biden. Biden choked. He folded. To this day I consider that one of the worst things Biden has ever done. I watched it all on live TV.

In your opinion he was a sexual predator.
Mostly the S.C. nominations are based on political agenda but democrats always take it to murky realm of racism. FDR nominated a KKK member to the S.C. The longest serving democrat in the senate was a KKK member but for some reason the system is rigged so that only republicans are accused of racism. Democrats hated and feared Thomas because he was educated and qualified and conservative. Biden picked a nominee based on gender and skin color and democrats complain that the process is racist if she appears unqualified.
White liberals can not be racist towards black conservatives only white conservatives can be racist towards black liberals you have to follow the political science on this.
Yes, Thomas was a sexual predator who should never have been confirmed. I partially blame Biden for that because he never called the remaining women who were waiting to testify against Thomas after Anita Hill. Thomas' "high-tech lynching" comment scared the hell out of Biden. Biden choked. He folded. To this day I consider that one of the worst things Biden has ever done. I watched it all on live TV.


And yet nothing since then has ever come out about him.

People who are actual predators don't stop, they keep doing it. I'm sure someone would have talked by now.

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