47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

most blacks and all muslims dont believe in gay marraige yet the libs use them for votes; most of your own party libs is against it.
most blacks and all muslims dont believe in gay marraige yet the libs use them for votes; most of your own party libs is against it.
Regarding Muslims they don't care in fact they welcome the sins of the Christian and Jewish devils.... and Blacks want the bling and special favors the left wing promises...
Ulterior motives....
Its not supposed to be "counted on" to make law... its there to defend the US constitution... and that's what this court did....
Maybe its time for state officials to earn their pay and stick their necks out....
Dang straight. If the lazy bastards at state legislatures and at the US Congress had done their damn job, the supreme court would not have gotten involve 50 years ago and sparked this uproar now, freaking out all those concerned about other court decisions that have basically created rights, because the state legislatures and US Congress were too lazy or courting opinion to do their damn jobs.
This is what is prompting the current action in House and Senate to codify gay marriage and probably interracial marriage, before the states can wipe out rights after another Supreme Court flipflop on decisions they should not have had to make, if the legislative bodies had done their damned jobs.
Nobody can blame the activists, taken by surprise, thinking the law of the land was the law of the land and president trumps all. It ain't so. The laws written and pass stand a better chance of trumping all, and now they have been reminded.
The question will be, will the Senate go along and pass it, or will the Republicans maneuver it to fail, throwing a marker down in front of all who think they had rights, and get that party a drubbing at the polls in the upcoming mid term elections.
It is going to be fun to watch.
Its not supposed to be "counted on" to make law... its there to defend the US constitution... and that's what this court did....
Maybe its time for state officials to earn their pay and stick their necks out....
Dang straight. If the lazy bastards at state legislatures and at the US Congress had done their damn job, the supreme court would not have gotten involve 50 years ago and sparked this uproar now, freaking out all those concerned about other court decisions that have basically created rights, because the state legislatures and US Congress were too lazy or courting opinion to do their damn jobs.
This is what is prompting the current action in House and Senate to codify gay marriage and probably interracial marriage, before the states can wipe out rights after another Supreme Court flipflop on decisions they should not have had to make, if the legislative bodies had done their damned jobs.
Nobody can blame the activists, taken by surprise, thinking the law of the land was the law of the land and precedent trumps all. It ain't so. The laws written and pass stand a better chance of trumping all, and now they have been reminded.
The question will be, will the Senate go along and pass it, or will the Republicans maneuver it to fail, throwing a marker down in front of all who think they had rights, and get that party a drubbing at the polls in the upcoming midterm elections.
It is going to be fun to watch.
Irrelevant to those who are educated on our system of government.

Yes, we have a bad system of selecting presidents devised by guys who raped their slaves and shit in chamber pots.

But don't go claiming that you have a mandate to appoint bad judges after the people clearly rejected you.
Hmmmmm.....so you admit they are not illegal.

That only leaves legal, Simp.
How stupid are you? More likely you are just playing a sick game. They are not illegal in that they do not constitute a crime. But they are not leagally reccognised as a marriage either. Hope that helps Erp-Derp
Dang straight. If the lazy bastards at state legislatures and at the US Congress had done their damn job, the supreme court would not have gotten involve 50 years ago and sparked this uproar now, freaking out all those concerned about other court decisions that have basically created rights, because the state legislatures and US Congress were too lazy or courting opinion to do their damn jobs.
This is what is prompting the current action in House and Senate to codify gay marriage and probably interracial marriage, before the states can wipe out rights after another Supreme Court flipflop on decisions they should not have had to make, if the legislative bodies had done their damned jobs.
Nobody can blame the activists, taken by surprise, thinking the law of the land was the law of the land and precedent trumps all. It ain't so. The laws written and pass stand a better chance of trumping all, and now they have been reminded.
The question will be, will the Senate go along and pass it, or will the Republicans maneuver it to fail, throwing a marker down in front of all who think they had rights, and get that party a drubbing at the polls in the upcoming midterm elections.
It is going to be fun to watch.
Pretending that right wing radicals would have codified abortion rights 50 years ago is as dumb as pretending that Republicans today would protect them

That's WHY the Court stepped in

Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base
Let them at it...

71% approval... The GOP are screwing themselves on these issues.. Look at the nut jobs here...

The sane people of America have to wake the fuck up and know that the nut jobs want to take control...

These guys will federally ban abortion, gay marriage and rights, interracial marriage, adultery, woman's dress code....
They would turn US into the White Christian Taliban... They don't care, there preacher told them it was right...

They will have no problem in executing the political opposition, they already call them pedophiles and rapists... They would not be killing other American, just pedophiles and rapists. They are dehumanising all opposition to their way...
Pretending that right wing radicals would have codified abortion rights 50 years ago is as dumb as pretending that Republicans today would protect them

That's WHY the Court stepped in
Remeber Abortion is there as a wedge issue... The Evangelic Churches could care less about abortion from 1973 to 1978. They had there issue at the time, School Segregation... They lost that and needed to move on..

Abortion was considered a 'Catholic Thing'.. But then the Evangelic Churches took it up as an issue, over night they made it there main issue... But not IVF, IVF would alienate their followers... This has got very little to do with God and a lot to do with tribalism..
Pretending that right wing radicals would have codified abortion rights 50 years ago is as dumb as pretending that Republicans today would protect them

That's WHY the Court stepped in
Referring to them, like that (as is your view) simply shows you are a true believer, an absolutist. Too radical a stance for me.
Referring to them, like that (as is your view) simply shows you are a true believer, an absolutist. Too radical a stance for me.
Your issue is the form and not the substance of what I said?

Your issue is the form and not the substance of what I said?

I am not a big follower of the debate, not seeing the harm people in committed relationships have on the community they live in, and believe in the rights of privacy (whether codified in law or not), but knowing it is a religious issue, a popular topic of organized religions. So, I comment on the passing parade.

Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base
I'm not sure this will move a suburban mom who's pissed off over econ. Now a suburban mom with two kids, and who's struggling to feed them and buy gas being told that if she gets pregnant she's a selfish slut who spread her legs without thinking .... THAT may motivate her.

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